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 Proven Pressure Washing Techniques -2

X-Jet is named because it is an “external” injection system, injecting the cleaner into the water after all the hoses and fittings. Using X-Jet extends the life of all your garments, such as hoses and quick connections.

Always soap from the bottom up and rinse from top to bottom. You can apply a strong restroom on the surface of the house and let it sit for about ten minutes before rinsing it.

You can do this work with many different ingredients, but degreasers and sodium hypochlorite are the main ingredients that most professionals rely on. Our experience has led us to choose butyl-based degreaser for its amazing results in hydrocarbons, which cause atmospheric dirt to adhere to the surface of the house.

When washing with X-Jet, you automatically dilute the vacuum cleaner at a certain ratio. If you need to dilute a product before launching it through your X-Jet, the math can become quite confusing. Let's start with the basics of x-jets and move on to combinational relations.

X-Jet is simply a chemical delivery system disguised as a pressure washer. Not allowing you to take down stairs for household utensils, it delivers any chemical to places up to 40 feet high in the air, without requiring the chemical to pass through a pump, hoses, fittings, etc. The term we came up with for this is "External injection". Instead of replacing brass QC fittings in just three months, or replacing hoses as often as once a year (as happens with strong cleaners down), this wearing can last for years when they all ever touch water. In the end, the owners of X-Jets are more often left behind the stairs, saving a lot of money on spare parts and saving time and labor money.

We even demonstrated the X-Jet for our Work Comp operator and won an award for an award because she indicated that we would not normally use the ladder for working at home.

However, there are two inherent difficulties that can be overcome when you start using this tool. One of these problems is the mathematics of double dilution. The other is mobility when working in large areas (for example, in washing houses).

The problem with double wiring arises when you must first dilute the concentrated cleaner before putting it through the X-Jet (which dilutes the product a second time). Some of us have a hard time with ratios and proportions and proper dilutions, and double dilutions are doubly difficult to think about.

When you use X-Jet (and you use detergent concentrates for their cleaning power and low cost), this can all be too much math. Many contractors simply experiment, until they find a mixture that works, but there is a better, more accurate way to look at these complex dilutions.

Suppose you want to use the Power House siding cleaner (which is so concentrated that the label advises you not to use it on painted surfaces when diluting less than 15: 1). This means that 15 parts water per part detergent. With X-Jet and this powerful cleaning device, you have several options for getting the results you want.

We will think about how to use a 4 GPM puck. (The proportions of the X-Jet vary according to the equipment's GPM.) Not too worried about being accurate. If we strive for 15: 1 and can easily get to 16: 1, then we just bought to take 16: 1 as “close enough.”

Under column 4 GPM in the X-Jet directions, we see the following:

No dispenser: 1.6: 1

Gray 2.5: 1

Black 5: 1

Beige 10: 1

Red 16: 1

... and so on.

What options do we have? Well, we could dilute the 10: 1 product, then run it through the X-Jet without the dispenser and get 16: 1. Or we could just throw the X-Jet hose directly into the jug of the cleaner and use the red dispenser, which provides 16: 1. These two are light.

If the only dispenser that could find this day was gray, mathematics would be a little more difficult. To finish with 16: 1 as my breeding, I would have to dilute the cleaner to a certain level. Math is not complicated, just unfamiliar. In this case, I know that I want to deliver 15 gallons of the mixture to every gallon of concentrated cleaner I use. If I use a gray dispenser (2.5: 1), then I divide the 15 gallons I want to get by a factor of 2.5 of my dispenser. This tells me that I have to start with 6 gallons of diluted cleaning agent - made from one gallon of my focused House of Power. Adding 5 gallons of water to one gallon of Power House will give me 6 gallons of purifier, which X-Jet will additionally dilute to 15 gallons of purifier with a 2.5: 1 sulfur dispenser.

How many gallons of cleaner should you plan for any job? The universal number to use high-quality concentrated cleaners is that they will cover about 150 square feet per gallon for their final dilution. If the surface to be cleaned is about 3000 square feet, you will need about 20 gallons of cleaner (3000/150). So, if the house we wash has about 2400 square feet of surface area (a good typical size), we will need (2400/150 =) about 16 gallons of cleaner.

Suppose also that the recipe we are going to use is as follows: 1 Part Power House

+ 2 parts of 12.5% ​​Bleach

+ 7 parts water

= 10 parts cleaner

Used without a dispenser in our X-Jet, which means that we dilute it to 1.6: 1, 10 parts of the cleaning mixture with which we start, turn into 16 parts of the cleaning agent applied to the surface. This is the correct amount for the 2400 square feet of the house we used as our example.

This recipe leads to the fact that the Power House ends up diluted to 15: 1 (15 parts of water and bleach to 1 part Power House). It also ends in bleach with a concentration of 1.8% (14 parts of water and Power House up to 2 parts of 12.5% ​​bleach), which is strong enough for most situations.

Obviously, if you have a power puck that produces only 3 GPM, your odds change (and therefore your recipe). You still need the same number of gallons (16) to clean the surface. X-Jet (without any dispenser) on a 3 GPM washer will dilute the cleaner with a ratio of 1.2: 1 (as opposed to 1.6: 1). That means we need 13 gallons of cleaner to do the same job. (16 / 1.2 = 13).

In this situation, creating a recipe is simple. The recipe above results in 10 gallons of cleaner with ingredients in the right ratio. We need to put 13 gallons of purifier, so we must use 1.3 times more of each ingredient to get the right result. Here is a simple conversion:

1.3 Gallon Power House

+ 2.6 gallons of 12.5% ​​bleach

+ 9.1 gallons of water

= 13 gallons of cleaner

After you have nailed your laundry to your home, you are ready to begin work. Here the “mobility problem” becomes a problem. Most contractors start with X-Jet and without accessories, because they are not familiar with the product and potential. We see people concentrating on getting the lowest price on the Internet for this tool, but not talking to someone who has come across how to use this tool at full capacity. Dealers who never went in wet boots just do not understand how important these accessories are.

The top item in the list is a closed slave system. This is a 5 gallon bucket that is completely closed and cannot be spilled (even if it is tipped over). You simply disconnect the mushroom filter from the X-Jet siphon hose and attach this siphon hose directly to the pipe coming out of the waterproof jug. The tube slips to the bottom of a 5 gallon container, so you always keep it clean from the bottom of the bucket. The container, when filled, weighs about 40 pounds, which is fairly easy to transfer from one side of the building to the other. It will carry enough soap so that you probably only refill it once to complete the regular wash at home (especially if you use one of the dispensers). If you accidentally pull the hose and tilt the jug, your cleaner will remain in the jug, and your X-Jet will continue to deflate the cleaner at the right ratio.

The manufacturer used packaging for a backpack, but there were always problems using the backpack. I know, thanks to a very personal experience, that backpacks develop leaks over time. You do not want something that will clean the house that flows into your personal areas. A new bucket with a closed system is about half the cost of an old backpack system and is much safer to use.

If you have questions about how to use X-Jet or where to buy it, call us or check out Sun Brite Supply online store.

By the way, consider adding additional items, such as 4 ounces of wet wax, to make your wash mix in the house. for your customers. Wet Wax adds a soft sheen to aluminum or vinyl siding that will look great for a few weeks. This will help you get more jobs in the neighborhood. Since you do not pay extra for adding wax, people are pleasantly surprised by the pleasant appearance that it leaves in ordinary homes. Four ounces of Moist Wax can cost you only 60 cents. Another great adder for customizing your mix is ​​to add 4 oz of SoSoft Rinse Aid. This allows windows to rinse with little or no stains - a great “sale”. We commissioned customers when we added a rinse to the final rinse at home, but I know a few contractors who just drop it as part of their care. This is what costs only 40 cents per house, so you can economically include it in your mix without additional charge.

Finally, consider cleaning the outside of the gutters as a service at an additional cost. Gutter Zap and your X-Jet make an unrivaled team for this job. Expect to be able to remove about 90% of those annoying black bars without even hitting the stairs!

In general, washing a house with the X-Jet is economical in terms of labor / time — most jobs take only an hour (or up to two hours for very large houses). A cleaner mixture is also inexpensive.


Example 1: For our illustration, we will use Power House Concentrate to clean the house. On the label of this cleaning agent it is recommended to dilute the product at least 15: 1 before applying it on a painted surface. To use Power House directly from the jug (fully), you can simply use the XJet with the red dispenser and get the app @ 16: 1 (this is normal).

Example 2: If you lose a red dispenser, you can add 1 gallon of water to 1 gallon of Power House, and then use your beige dispenser. Since you cut the 1: 1 cleaner before it went through the X-Jet at 10: 1, you would actually end up using the final 20: 1 ratio (this is normal).

Example 3: If you did not have a dispenser, you can “cut out” the product by mixing 9 gallons of water with 1 gallon of Power House. By the time he missed X-Jet @ 1.6: 1, your final application level is actually 16: 1.

The mathematics here can be complicated and confusing at first, but look at it that way. If you add up the total number of gallons as a result of the first cut, then multiply that number by the proportionality factor of the selected X-Jet dispenser, you will find the total dilution rate. In Example 2, the first incision gives 2 gallons of the diluted wiper. Running these two gallons through a 10: 1 ratio gives you a 20: 1 ratio. In Example 3, which is a little harder to understand, you need to make sure that you have 10 gallons of diluted detergent that you then go through your X-jet to 1 , 6: 1, which gives you the final 16: 1 ratio.

Therefore, let us use this higher mathematics for practical use:

For discussion, assume that you will use about 10 gallons of this cleaning mix to thoroughly clean the house from a 3-4 bedroom ranch (2,400 sq. Ft). You can easily clean 5 or more of these houses with one Power House jug.

To make a KILLER STRONG home product using Power House and 12% bleach, mix 1 gallon of Power House with 5 gallons of water and 4 gallons of 12% bleach. This gives you 10 gallons cleaner, while the Power House is diluted to 10: 1, and the bleach is reduced to 4.8%. Doing this through the X-Jet without dispenser (1.6: 1) gives the final dilution at Power House 16: 1 and reduces the bleach to 3%. This is the strongest bleach solution you have ever used to clean up the dirtiest, most lightning-fast house.

To make a NORMAL product for household utensils that still foams and cleans well, make a mixture of 1 gallon of Power House, 7 gallons of water and 2 gallons of 12% bleach. As soon as you put this mix through an X-Jet without a dispenser, you get a Power House in a 16: 1 ratio, which is great. Bleach will reach 1.5%, which is also ideal.

 Proven Pressure Washing Techniques -2

 Proven Pressure Washing Techniques -2

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