It is said that Mongolian carpets were first made in Mongolia in about 4000 BC before 2000 BC, when nomadic tribes used them to decorate their tents and to protect them from extreme temperatures and cold in the desert. Originally Mongolian carpets were used on floors, tables, and as sheds. The rugs were usually made of wool and made cotton. Mongolian wool is coarse and has short fibers that make it suitable for making carpets and rugs.
Mongolian rugs are available in several fixed sizes and countless designs. Mongolian woolen carpets are plush and soft. Mongolian carpets made today have a sophisticated design and add elegance to the home. Mongolian rugs can decorate your home and give it a rich look. So many people are engaged in these types of floor mats.
Wool was the preferred material for Mongolian carpets, as it was elastic and easy to clean and more affordable than silk. Traditionally, Mongolian woolen carpets were usually stained only with the help of certain organic flowers derived from indigo, saffron, sumak, turmeric and pomegranate. Nowadays, carpets have both bold and soft colors, such as ivory, royal blue and the like.
Mongolian woolen carpets made by hand or made by hand. Machine-made carpets are cheap, but they compromise on quality. They are thinner and smaller than handmade carpets. On the other hand, handmade carpets are much more expensive, but more durable and environmentally friendly. Manual Mongolian carpets are woven exclusively, which makes them exquisite, precious and expensive.
Mongolian wool carpets are made using traditional weaving and knitting techniques. Although carpets are made today using weaving machines, the basic method has remained the same. A rug is formed by tying piles. A pile can also be tied in a certain way, so that it acquires a right or left slope.
Mongolian woolen carpets can cost you anything: from $ 150 depending on the size of the carpet. Mongolian carpets made of wool and silk are quite expensive, but add personality, comfort and beauty to the décor of the place where they are used.