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 Gravity hypothesis -2


Gravity has always been a major problem for my brain. I am 100% sure that phenomena exist. Throw any object you like into the air, or drop something from a mountain or building, and it will fall. What goes really must come down! I am also 100% sure that I am not alone in my belief in gravity; At least I hope this statement is true. Thus, this belief in Gravity will serve as a platform for my hypothesis. We know that it exists, just “what” is what is the starting point for the scientific community. I know the popular hypothesis of the existence of Graviton. I can not say that Graviton does not exist, although I personally do not believe in its existence. I speak about this because it is difficult for me to understand how the interaction of a particle with a substance occurs, in such a way that it attracts one object to another. The concept that this particle somehow emanates from one body of matter interacts with the nearest body of matter; and then somehow manages to cause a gravitational effect, it just doesn't fit me. This does not mean that there is no suitable explanation for gravity. "Smoking a gun", so to speak. I believe that a smoking weapon is a force with which we are already familiar, and that gravity is only the perceived effect of this known force. The power I’m talking about is magnetism.

Gravity (magnetic affect)

I would really like to believe in the vision of Einstein's gravity. The sphere that distorts the fabric of space was a brilliant concept and seemed to make sense at the time. As brilliant as a man, “I am standing on his shoulders,” this does not mean that there were no misconceptions that needed to be corrected. One of the main misconceptions was that “Time” was something of a thing, not a tool. Along with this misconception was the "Space" that it was somehow woven together with time to form "Cosmic Time." Good visualization that indicates how clever the human mind can be. George Lucas conceived Star Wars, but I do not hold my breath at the meeting with Luke Skywalker or Han Solo. Space exists, but it is just space. Space; "The area that is either not occupied by the substance." A vacuum is simply a space in which there is nothing. I have to say very little, because there is no such thing as an ideal vacuum. Vacuum will exist where there is no matter. Time is nothing but our concept of movement. It is a tool that we use so that our minds can understand movement in the universe. Events take place, and sometimes we like to measure or predict certain events. Mathematics and the time system are very useful tools that will help us better understand our existence. Unfortunately, space and time are not physical things that can be woven together into a fabric of space / time. A more accurate description of the relationship between space and the "concept of time" is a ball in a room. Imagine this room with nothing but a ball. A room represents space, and the ball represents time. The room contains a ball that is in motion, that movement can be measured ... hence, time in space.

Another interesting concept, but not as accurate as some believe; is that the deformation of the planet of this spatial / temporal tissue is the cause of gravity. The object is approaching the planet, and the path it takes is falling inward, following the curvature caused by the deformation of space / time. This may seem correct with a 3D object sitting on a 2D plane, but if we consider this concept a little closer than we find some problems. If this object continued to fall, due to the deformation of the S / T fabric, then we can visualize it after the curvature of the bowl in the 2D plane. The object will eventually stop around the pole of the planet. The object itself would never have hit the planet, but it would have fallen into the bowl where it stopped. The end result will be a planet with a bunch of space junk sitting above its south pole. Note: I chose the South Pole for the sake of argument. We can orient it the way you like, the final result is very important here. Let's extrapolate this concept further by looking at a 3D object sitting in 3D space. S / T fabric, which is the size of X, Y, Z, with which we are familiar. We still get the same result. Only this time the planet would have objects rotating around it endlessly or remaining motionless when it approaches a position relative to its position on the planet. Over time, this would create a shell of debris around the planet. It is clear that this did not solve the problem of gravity. From experience we know that objects fall into the planets, and also rotate it. We also know that gravity is related to the mass that a celestial body contains. If Einstein’s concept of gravity were true, as I assure you, the planets would never have known the horror of a comet or an asteroid getting stuck. These objects simply should not have reached the surface of the planet, based on the S / T fabric concept. Surely something else must be to blame.

So what is to blame for the object falling to the ground? What is responsible for this action at a distance? Let's see what we know, and then from there from there. We know the following about gravity;

1) Objects on Earth fall at the same speed regardless of mass (we will assume that this is true for all other celestial bodies)

2) Objects, regardless of size, exhibit gravitational force

3) Objects fall and object orbits

4) There is a definite relationship between matter and gravity (more mass = stronger gravity)

5) Antigravity, as is known, does not exist naturally, does not exclude artificially.

Knowing the above will help us move forward and consider possible culprits for the phenomenon of gravity. Before we do this, I would like to point out that I left the opportunity to fight gravity; because technically it already exists. To achieve a constant field against gravity will require unknown ingenuity. Temporarily achieving anti-gravity occurs every day. Every time the plane takes off, the space shuttle rises, the child jumps on the trampoline, or the NBA star waves a basketball; All these actions give us glimpses of anti-gravity. The key to these events is energy. Any amount of energy that goes into the object, down to the gravitational barrier, leaves us where we are, but as soon as we cross the gravitational barrier, we have reached anti-gravity. The key uses enough energy to overcome gravity on the object. For an airplane, it achieves anti-gravity on lifting. The glider uses air currents when it cuts through the ocean of gases. The prop plan rests on the propellers to pull it through the ocean of gases until it reaches the point where the lift provided by the wings is reached. At that moment, when the supporting plane rises from the ground, the gravitational barrier was broken. Currently, sufficient energy is provided to allow the aircraft to overcome gravity and enter the state of anti-gravity. Yes, gravity is still on the plane, but the fact that it does not fall is anti-gravity. It is an equal and opposite force proportional to the energy applied to an object that challenges gravity. The same goes for the jet engine. With its powerful jet engines provides lift jet aircraft. Energy is applied to the system until the jet takes off. The same can be said about the child jumping on the trampoline, the arrow flying up from the bow, the bullet, you call it. If it rises, it should fall, but while it rises, it defies gravity. Thus, in a sense, anti-gravity is more common than we think. What we really experience when we talk about antigravity is a way to keep antigravity endless. Perhaps one day we will be able to design this feat, but I am sure that we will never find the anti-gravity that exists in the natural world. The very nature of gravity will not allow this. (For more information about AG at the end of this article, see the section “Protection against gravity”)

If a bowling ball and baseball fall out at the same time, they fall at the same speed. This tells us that the mass of these two objects perceives a constant form of gravity. Why is this? It would be nice if we could throw Jupiter and Earth to the bowling ball to see what happens. The fact is that when working with any object falling on a planet, you should look at the size of each object relative to another. The size of a bowling ball relative to baseball is really not very different. Especially when you consider the size of both relative to the planet, they fall. The mass of baseball and bowling ball is insignificant compared to the ground. The same can be said about any object falling on any planet. This tells us that the connection between small amounts of matter and large amounts of matter will always result in the larger body having the last word. Of course, the more you have, the more the last word will be. Earth would have nothing to say against the sun, just as the sun would mock huge black holes by huge gravity. The sun may be bigger, but mass is the key.

Action at a distance is really something mysterious. The idea that two objects can interact with each other without any interaction; it is a euphoric thought, almost like magic. Although I saw David Copperfield putting away the Statue of Liberty, I knew that it was nothing more than finding out how he did it. That's all we are dealing with gravity, find out how it does what it does. One concept I came up with is a backward wave. Perhaps the field comes from each object in all directions as a backward wave. This is a standing wave that moves to the center of the mass of matter. This is a fun concept, but with some serious problems. The big creatures are that, if it were true, we would undoubtedly witness that objects falling on the ground are in a new light. This assumes that the object will ride the wave, and not pass the wave through the object. In this visualization, an object is pushed to the planet by a wave action pulling an object to the planet. Think of a ball on a rigid standing wave, click on the wave, and the ball will move along the wave. This gravitational wave will be responsible for delivering objects to their ultimate resting place. This is an interesting concept, but it is just a concept. I do not believe in this scenario, but when it happened for the first time, I liked it. Of course, the more I thought about it, the more I knew that this could not be true. I could not remember the concept of the reverse wave. Even if the standing wave grows as the mass of a celestial body increases, I still do not see how the reverse wave will not just collapse into itself and disappear together. With this hypothesis, there are too many problems, and I will not further indicate its shortcomings. This serves to show us how the concept may not actually be true.

The smoking gun we need should meet the following criteria. He should be able to explain how gravity is related to mass. It should explain why objects of different masses can fall to the planet at the same speed, this speed changes for planets of different masses. Baseball and a bowling ball will fall at the same speed on Earth and at the same speed on Jupiter, but the same speed differs from the planet on which the experiment takes place. I thought a lot about it, and the only force I know of can explain what we know about gravity is magnetism. My hypothesis is that gravity is actually a manifestation of magnetic force. For this to be true, I believe that one force should be a little more than another. As objects fall to the ground, and not vice versa, I hypothesize that the force of attraction is greater than the force of repulsion.

Objects consist of molecules, which in turn consist of particles. These particles are composed of protons, neutrons and electrons. Neutrons are neutral and therefore do not act under the action of gravity. What is responsible for gravity is protons and electrons. Protons have a positive charge, and electrons have a negative charge. Opposites attract and love charges repel each other. Where the action of gravity comes into play, I call the "Sum of all." Total Total charge simply means accepting each individual proton and each individual electron that is contained in planet Earth and adding them separately. Then consider the same for protons and electrons contained inside a person or a car, a building, etc. It is obvious that protons and electrons contained in the earth are far superior to any of them contained in any object on the surface of the earth. What is the force of gravity, is the influence of all the protons in my body, which feel the influence of all the electrons contained on Earth, as well as all the electrons in my body, which sense the effects of all the protons contained in the earth. Since the force of attraction is slightly stronger than the repulsive force, we perceive it as gravity. All objects on Earth remain on the ground, and any object, regardless of size, will fall to the ground at the same speed. The main rule to keep in mind this hypothesis is that objects with a similar size and mass experience less gravity towards each other. It simply means that objects of protons and electrons of similar mass cancel each other, although not completely. Because the force of attraction is slightly stronger than the repulsive force, since there will always be a small attraction between two similar masses. Objects with very different masses, such as baseball and land; baseball will feel strong attractive power. Earth will attract baseball like a giant magnet and hold it tightly on its surface.

The last thing to consider is how objects rotate around each other without uniting. Examples include planets in our solar system, or all solar systems and stars in our galaxy. It is easy to imagine the solar system in its earliest beginnings. Areas of greater mass will begin to form as a disk of material that will enter our solar system. The greatest mass concentration was that our sun was forming with thinner and less dense areas to the outer disk. Inside this disc, matter came together to form areas of greater mass. Over time, these regions of greater mass were shrouded in its material, which remained until the formation of our planets. An easy way to present this process is to take every planet in our solar system and lure them into a ring around the sun. This region would represent the region of greatest gravity. The empty space between the rings was where the loose substance had once been, but was rolled into each ring to form planets. This course was not the same as it literally did, but it helps us imagine how gravity worked to form the solar system in which we live today. All the planets revolving around the sun tugging at each other. All these objects are similar in gravitational influence to each other relative to baseball and land. This means that although the planets feel each other, they maintain their orbits around the sun. The sun contains the largest mass relative to the planets, but the planets are far enough away that they do not fall into the sun.


Gravity just has to be one of the forces we already know. I cannot imagine that gravity is a particle that can somehow cause gravity. Action at a distance is a difficult task to understand, and the only force we know is capable of it is magnetism. We know how magnetism works, so there is no mystery. Why spend all our time on gravity graviton gravity when the answer can be much easier? Laws at the atomic level determine how molecules interact depending on the charge. I believe that planets, galaxies, black holes, you name it; also dictated by my same forces. The only difference is that things on a planetary scale are a bit more complicated. The reason is that we are not trying to figure out the interaction of useful protons and electrons. Now we are trying to figure out the interaction between a planet full of protons and electrons, relative to another object with protons and electrons. How these interactions work on a planetary scale must be clarified. Perhaps this is already there. We have mathematical relationships for gravity, so now it may be a matter of filling the gaps. Гравитация - не что иное, как проявление магнетизма в планетарном масштабе. Не путать с нашим планетарным магнитным полем. Это обусловлено тем, что расплавленный внешний сердечник вращается вокруг сплошного металлического никелевого сердечника. Это общее убежденное убеждение и тот, на который я подписался. Наша земля состоит из протонов и электронов, которые ответственны за ее гравитацию. То же самое относится ко всем другим объектам в нашей известной вселенной.

О Anti Gravity (AG)

Это скорее осознание, которое я сделал при написании моей гипотезы о гравитации. Anti Gravity является более распространенным, чем в настоящее время считается. Постоянное поле против гравитации - это то, что наука действительно после, и этого можно добиться. Просто используйте ядерный реактор или какой-то другой источник энергии, который может поставить машину AG на пару тысяч лет энергии. Это примерно так же близко к постоянному полю AG, которое мы когда-либо создадим. Ключом к AG является энергия! Если мы не найдем естественного AG на другой планете (мы не будем), я очень сомневаюсь, что постоянное поле будет найдено за пределами искусственно созданного. Что касается AG в нашей повседневной жизни, мне пришло в голову, что каждый раз, когда я поднимаю чашу или любой другой предмет в небо, это антигравитация. Моя рука питает энергию, моя рука получает эту энергию от пищи, которую я съел, позволяя мне передать эту энергию моим мышцам и поднять объект. Я называю это механическим AG. Энергия не применяется непосредственно к объекту, который поднимается, а моя рука получает энергию, чтобы позволить мне механически поднять объект в небо. Между моей рукой и объектом есть передача энергии, но это не связано с самим событием AG. Applied Energy AG включает в себя самолеты, вертолеты, ракеты и космический челнок. Топливо обеспечивает энергию для достижения подъема (в случае плоскостей и измельчителей), или энергия подается для достижения тяги в случае ракет и космического челнока.

Гравитация - это сила, которая крепко удерживает нас на земле. Энергия применяется к системе AG до тех пор, пока порог гравитации не будет нарушен, и объект достигнет AG или (Flight). Порог гравитации - это просто точка, в которой доступно достаточно энергии, чтобы позволить объекту преодолеть силу тяжести. Самолеты и вертолеты оказывают помощь в виде лифта, и это двухступенчатая форма AG. Первый метод, энергия применяется и метод два, подъем достигается. Процесс - Ускорение -> Подъем -> Антигравитация. Некоторые отметили, что вертолет не нуждается в ускорении, это неверно. Ускорение происходит от действия подачи энергии на лопасти измельчителя. После того, как лезвия достигнут скорости (ускорение), подъем достигается. Presto, Anti Gravity.

Существует только одна естественная форма механического AG. Просто взгляните на небо или на дерево, когда в следующий раз вы окажетесь снаружи. Если вы заметите птицу, у вас она есть. Птицы берут энергию в виде пищи, а затем используют эту энергию для достижения подъема через взмах крыльев. Другие организации летают, конечно, такие как летучие мыши и насекомые. Я почти забыл упомянуть об этом. Еще один важный момент, который следует учитывать, заключается в том, что наша атмосфера помогает нам достичь подъема в сценарии применения энергии. Мы можем не видеть воздух, но мы знаем, что он есть. Наша атмосфера может считаться еще одним океаном. Вместо воды заполняется газом. Исправленные и движущиеся крылья позволяют нам летать, используя это воздушное пространство вокруг нас. Без атмосферы птицы тоже никуда не денутся. Наша атмосфера играет ключевую роль, когда речь идет о самолетах, вертолетах и ​​птицах, которые достигают полета. Это не так для ракетной пропаганды. Энергия используется для индукции движения в точном направлении. Лифт не задействован. Вот почему наши космические челноки и ракеты могут достичь движения в космосе. Прикрепите опорный самолет в космосе или вертолете и проведите их пропеллеры с любой скоростью. Вы никуда не пойдете. Это связано с тем, что в проходе пропеллера нет ничего в пространстве. Другим хорошим примером механической энергии, помогающей достичь антигравитации, является пловец. Возьмите корабль в середине Атлантики и перепрыгните через борт. Если вы плаваете или протираете воду, тогда вы используете энергию ваших тел для достижения механического AG. Прекратите плавать, и вы будете плавать благодаря воздуху в ваших легких, но вы не останетесь на плаву навсегда. По сути, вы летите, когда плаваете. Вы на сотни или тысячи футов над землей. Вместо того, чтобы быть приостановленным в море газа, вы подвешиваете в море воды. Если ваши легкие заполняются водой, тогда гравитация возьмет верх, и вы упадете на землю или в этом случае на океанский пол.

Прежде чем закончить это, мне нужно обратиться к воздушным шарам и воздушным шарам. Здесь же применяется такая же концепция. Теплый воздух поднимается, и это все касается воздушных шаров. Энергия применяется к воздуху в виде огня, а теплый воздух захватывается воздушным шаром. Поскольку теплый воздух легче, чем более холодный воздух, воздушный шар поднимается. Это не будет продолжаться вечно, хотя, оно просто движется вверх над более прохладным воздухом. Это не ускользнет от земной гравитации. Гравитация - не единственная сила здесь. Важно иметь в виду взаимодействие энергии и газов, содержащихся в нашей атмосфере. Гелий будет поднимать баллон, потому что гелий - более легкий газ. Если бы не отклонения в температуре, наша атмосфера по существу сглаживалась бы более плотными газами на дне и более светлыми. Поскольку наша атмосфера постоянно ощущается потеплением и охлаждением, она остается смешанной для нас.

Итак, оказывается, что Anti Gravity - это гораздо более простая концепция, чем считалось ранее. Оказывается, что большинство из нас либо испытывали анти-гравитацию, либо ежедневно вызывали анти-гравитацию. То, что некоторые ученые надеются достичь, никогда не будет достигнуто. Никакая машина никогда не будет создана, которая сможет выдержать постоянный АГ без того, чтобы кто-то убедился, что источник топлива постоянно пополняется. Я не могу сказать, что не может быть никакого способа синтезировать материал, который позволил бы нам достичь антигравитации просто на основе природы синтетического материала. Факт остается фактом: для достижения AG на неопределенный срок нам придется его разрабатывать.

Обновление: надеюсь, что эта статья была приятной, однако, важно признать, что собственная гипотеза может быть неточной. Насколько я наслаждался мыслью о электрическом поле (части электромагнитной силы), несущей ответственность за существование гравитации, это не может быть правдой. Я пришел к такому пониманию, когда понял, что нейтронные звезды имеют гравитацию и состоят почти полностью из нейтральных частиц. Никакая электрическая сила не имеет силы тяжести, и это просто не так. Без каких-либо свободных протонов и электронов все еще может ощущаться протон и электрон, содержащиеся в нейтроне, я просто не вижу, как моя гипотеза может работать. С тех пор я начал работу над новой гипотезой, которая войдет в книгу, которую я сейчас пишу. Я скоро приведу статью, ссылающуюся на мою новую гипотезу о гравитации на ezine.

 Gravity hypothesis -2

 Gravity hypothesis -2

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