Microsoft Office is described as an office suite of several applications, services, and servers that was developed by Microsoft. The Office product was first announced in 1988 not only by Bill Gates at COMDEX (Computer Dealer & Exhibition), which was held in Las Vegas. The office suite was originally a marketing term for an application suite. The original version of Microsoft Office included Word, Excel and PowerPoint. Over the years, the Microsoft Office application has been gradually changing to better meet the needs of users. Changes include common features such as OLE data integration, spell checking, and Visual Basic (VB) for applications with script. Due to the popularity and effectiveness of the MS Office application, the number of users has been steadily increasing, and Softpedia announced in July 2012 that there are currently over a billion users worldwide.
Microsoft Office Versions
The desktop version of MS Office is available for all Windows-based platforms, as well as for MAC OS X. MS also introduced a touch-optimized version that is pre-installed on Windows RT so that mobile users can use Microsoft services through Office Mobile, which is available free on iOS, Android and, of course, Windows Phone. Office Online is a web version, and Microsoft has already announced plans to create other versions for other well-known platforms.
MS Office is quite simple to use and understand. However, it can be difficult for newbies to maneuver through the app, so here are some tips on how to easily use apps.
Microsoft Word
MS Word is basically a word processor and was originally considered the main program in the Office application. Now there are more than 10 versions of MS Word, and more than half are considered obsolete or irrelevant. The most widely used versions of MS Word are Word 2003, Word 2007, Word 2010 and Word 2013. The following are helpful tips on how to navigate easily through MS Word and other versions.
Word 2003
This version of MS Word is the perfect tool for creating stunning documents; from formatting, pagination, indexing and even more options to choose from. This version of MS Word has several tricks up its sleeve that can help anyone master the creation of documents. One of the best features of MS Word 2003 is that it automatically saves your work every few minutes. This means that you will still have your own document, even if you are faced with a computer shutdown. You can also automatically save your documents by following these steps:
Open "Tools", then "Options" and open the "Save" tab. Make sure the Save Auto Recovery option is checked, then enter the preferred backup interval in the Minutes field and click OK.
Word 2007
MS Word 2007 is basically the same as the other versions, but added a few features that can help you easily create documents. Word 2007 offers editing and formatting keyboard shortcuts that are already well known to countless Windows users. It also contains the usual and not so common keyboard commands, such as pressing Ctrl + Shift + G to display the number of words.
Word 2010
There are several new changes in Word 2010, but the basic shortcut keys are the same. Formatting and other shortcut keys are basically the same as the previous ones. One cheat sheet, which we would like to share, builds your texts using Word 2010 to make it much easier if you use tabs instead of spaces.
Word 2013
Word 2013 can have complex ribbon with tabs and other useful icons. However, the complexity is temporary, since the shortcut keys and basic commands are the same as other versions of MS Word. One good tip when using Word 2013 is to press Shift + Enter to introduce a soft reset, which can be very practical when you need to break a line of text, like in an address or in a document name.
Microsoft Excel
There are more than 10 versions of Microsoft Excel, but the more popular versions are Excel 2007, Excel 2010 and Excel 2013. Some Excel functions apply to several subject areas, while most of the functions are actually common and can be used for all needs. Excel functions are basically the same regardless of versions such as SUM, AVERAGE, COUNT, INT and ROUND, to name a few. The order of operations when using Excel begins with brackets, exponents, multiplication and division, as well as addition and subtraction.
Microsoft PowerPoint
MS PowerPoint is a slide show presentation program that was launched back in 1990. There are more than 10 versions for MS PowerPoint and more commonly used versions of 2003, 2007, 2010 and 2013. Commands and functions of different versions are actually the same. However, users must learn the basic formatting labels to ensure that their presentation is outstanding.