Sunny sunny day catfish in the pond - the dream of many people. On a sunny Sunday, sitting, well asleep, on the shore of the picturesque pond - a picture, often furnished by Hollywood filmmakers. Well, if you have this dream, you can make it a reality and follow it with great fish to cook and eat.
In the ponds there are usually three types of catfish. The smallest and most likely to be found cellular channel, Flatheads and Blue - the other two, and these two are much larger.
Soma is not difficult to catch in the ponds, if you use the technique for the correction. The simplest is the canal, but it is the smallest, but probably the best tasting. Of the two large “Flathead,” it is easier to trap because of his voracious appetite. However, Blue is a much more complex proposition.
To catch a catfish even a canal, you must first discover where they are likely to be in the pond. The place is very important, especially on the day when the catfish will be in the cover "looking" at the food. They will lie in holes in the bank, around fallen trees, hidden behind rocks or other obstacles in the water. You should try all these places to never stay in one place that does not produce fish, but always be patient and leave your bait for another twenty to thirty minutes before moving on.
If you feel lazy, you can attract fish to one area of the pond. On the previous day, drop dog food, sweet corn, or break the corn flakes into your proposed fishing, which will attract catfish to your place and make them easier to catch.
Then you must decide on the bait that you will use. Catfish, which are omnivores and scavengers, eats a very varied diet. They will pick up insects from the surface of the water, and also eat carrion. The catfish has good eyesight, despite rumors of the opposite, amazing rumors, as well as feelings of smell and taste. They use it all to find their food and warn of danger. (This amazing array of sensations and their negligence with regard to any particular diet means that the catfish survived and thrived for thousands of years.) This means that you have to arm yourself with various baits and try different baits until you succeed.
Last but not least, consider how to use. First decide what kind of fish you use as a tackle, which you should use in ponds, will depend on what kind of fish you want to catch. Large grades, Flathead and Blue Catfish, will require a medium action rod with a rotating or emery core. With smaller fish, usually Canal straw, you should use a very light rod and reel.
It is recommended to use triple hooks for all catfish, because they can easily suck the bait from a single point hook. The design of the triple hook is such that it is impossible, and as soon as the hook is in the mouth, they are hooked.
The remaining resistance is disconnected from the free drum, allowing the fish to swim with the bait hooking in the process. When the fish begins to draw a line from your drum, tighten the drag until you feel the pressure, and then give a bold silence. If you maintain pressure on the line, the fish will remain hooked.
Now, if you are really serious about catching these big catfish. The fish at night will give you more chances, as the larger catfish will walk at night to find their food. You also increase your chances using larger baits.