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 Methods of oil and gas exploration -2

The study of oil and gas, or commonly referred to as the search for hydrocarbons, is the term geologists use to search for oil and natural gas. The study allows oil and mining companies to collect natural gas and hydrocarbons from different parts of the Earth. Drilling is expensive, and, as hydrocarbon studies do, to identify possible areas that contain these deposits, while at the same time limiting costs and reducing its environmental impact.

Hydrocarbon research

Before determining the location of drilling, geologists must assess the area and ensure that there are five factors: the source rock, reservoir, migration, trap and compaction or cap. Since surveys are expensive and costly, these factors must be present before any drilling. Once factors are taken into account, geologists use several methods to ensure the success of drilling. The first methodology includes geophysical surveys or seismic exploration. This process includes the measurement of electrical currents, heat flux, changes in density, gravity and magnetic inhomogeneities and geochemical reactions.

Seismic exploration is one of the popular methods used by geologists in determining the presence of hydrocarbons, especially in deep water observation. The method uses sound to determine the level of mountain formations in deep water. Many companies use vibratory trucks or small charges of explosives on land and record the sound using a geophone.

In addition to seismic surveys, geologists can also use offshore surveys, which include the use of compressed air to create large bubbles that will burst upon reaching surface area. The sound waves from the burst then pass below and reach the rocks, where the vibrations are then recorded by hydroponics. Since each stone produces different sound waves, geologists can also identify the type of rock that exists in depth.

In some studies, magnetometers and gravimeters can also be used to measure the earth’s ground force, while geochemical exploration includes the measurement of natural gases using high-tech instruments.

Remote sensing is also one of those methods that geologists have used to determine the structure of the exploration site. The aerial photograph was taken to compare the surface area of ​​the proposed site, revealing important details such as soil type, vegetation, minerals and other features.

In some cases, when data are limited, some oil and gas companies also do a good job with a feral cat, especially in areas that have not been studied before. These wells provide information about the producing companies at the site and whether oil or natural gas is available.

 Methods of oil and gas exploration -2

 Methods of oil and gas exploration -2

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