“True teachers are those who use themselves as bridges, over which they invite their students to cross them, and then, making it easier for them to cross, they happily collapsed, encouraging them to create their own.” Nick Nikos Kazantzakis
As a recurring experience over several years in language education, effective written instruction for learning English as a second language (ESL) can probably be achieved through the continuous incorporation of knowledge, language and organization (KLO), where information is obtained through oriented reading an enhanced understanding of vocabularies and grammatical points so that they can assimilate and convey authentic ideas. To ensure that this written knowledge is obtained, it is recommended that teachers should systematize the methods of instruction, and not directly and confidently set the task for students to write without prior instructional measures.
This proposed strategy attempts to organize and immerse students in order to gather a sufficient amount of knowledge about what to write, to become familiar with the target language that needs to be manipulated, while it leads to practically systematized letter organizations.
Introductory procedures
In order to ensure a clear interaction of the three indicated elements, a priority reading channel must be prepared. It is recommended to process genuine material that weaves these components before recording. Here, advanced translation students will be involved in any suitable springboard that will be reasonably prepared. To clarify this proposed concept, general and specific procedures with corresponding primordia are also highlighted.
Procedure (1) is fundamentally connected with the preparation of the right reading. The teacher looks for reading material that matches the level of students, checks the ability to integrate the expressions that need to be activated, simplifies or adjusts embedded thoughts to easily understand the knowledge in the material, if necessary, and weighs and considers probabilities of tasks and prescriptive structures for the intended written outputs. It is expected that these four basic steps will be fully embodied in the objectives of each training and are expected to be reflected in the prepared section for the evaluation of written results.
Procedure (2) takes place through an introduction between the teacher and students during reading, learning vocabulary, which requires an illustration of complex words through visual effects, realities, examples, translations using students; native language, if necessary, word relations through hyponyms, word structures, word classification or even through contextual analysis. For understanding, they will be instructed to read the passage, to answer questions of understanding that have been adapted so that the answers are arranged according to how they are found in the text for easy organization of the letter. It is expected that the questions will be formulated in different dimensions or levels in order to be able to substantiate the understanding of the entire passage. As a basic approach to understanding text, vocabularies should be unlocked using any possible methods for terminological difficulties. As a final test of understanding, a scheme is proposed in which students receive completed missing parts; a block diagram can replace it with teachers. your discretion. Other additional related activities for accentuation may be helpful at this stage.
Procedure (3) three constitute the prescribed actions in which the teacher involves processing the target language to be used in the writing exercise. All of these languages, wherever they are content or functional, should be clarified with examples, which, in turn, serve as models or models for in-depth understanding leading to proper management of language foci. In addition, students' answers from questions of understanding should be revised to emphasize the right points that will allow them to make some corrections if some of them were misinterpreted. These are necessary procedural components, as they will help in writing knowledge. As a final step before writing, you should highlight other useful hints, such as capitalization, indents, spelling and logical sequence of events, cohesion and consistency, number of paragraphs, parts of paragraphs (termination of the topic, support for details and conclusion of the statement), introduction and conclusions, among others relevant issues that cover writing organization. They should be managed when they were not taken as previous lessons and should be revised if they were previously submitted to update students.
Procedure (4) four gives students the ability to write using understanding questions and other related exercises as reference books while they manipulate these target languages. Moreover, it combines three components, namely, knowledge, language and organization, following the rudiments of a specific writing guide.
Procedure (5) Five prepares teachers to create an assessment scheme for assessing student performance. It is expected that all procedural content will be openly embodied for the purpose of teaching each person and is expected to be reflected in the prepared heading for writing an assessment for students. written exits.
Emphasis on procedures
To ensure their relevance in accordance with prepared, well-prepared reading materials, it is best to explain these procedures.
Procedure (1) allows teachers to reflect on the following questions aimed at achieving knowledge, language and organization. Does this material include effective reading? Does this correspond to the level of my students? Is the topic interesting for them? Is it possible to integrate transient expressions? Can content words be converted to similar forms to relay a variety of meanings? Can I include other language tricks? Do I need to simplify this material? Can students apply the beginnings of writing that should be prescribed? Can they design paragraphs from the parts present in the selected passage?
Procedure (2) two transactions with exercises to emphasize knowledge. Here students are invited to read the text. In the process of reading, teachers monitor and eliminate vocative difficulties observed in students. It is assumed that they simplify this part with visualization, realities, examples, translations using students. common language, word relationships through hyponyms, word structures, word classification, or even context analysis. In addition, understanding dictionaries using the above statements to illustrate values based on passage should be another priority.
Students are assigned to read and identify words that have the closest meanings for basic words. To receive favorable feedback, it is necessary to identify students. answers. The sentences given here are intended to provide a complete understanding of the dictionaries, along with additional words that relate to them. It is also proposed that teachers explain the relationship of each basic term, which gives similar meanings in various ways, such as some of the examples below.
1. University
This is called a university because it is a higher education institution.
Higher education includes colleges and universities.
In higher education, students receive a secondary education to receive a diploma.
As a rule, the degree of three to four years.
The university offers many degrees for student learning.
2. Established
It is an established institution of higher education.
It is a well-known university for which many students receive degrees.
He is recognized by government training groups.
Numerous people know about this university because of the course offered.
Many students excel in many areas of study.
He has a good reputation when it comes to teaching and learning.
He has demonstrated his ability to produce the best, if not the best graduates.
This university has issued successful diplomas.
3. Law
It is an established and recognized institution by decision of the government.
An act is a government decree.
The decision is also an order of the government.
The decision is an order or mandate from the government.
The mandate is the same as the decree.
4. Recognized
The university is recognized and honored to offer courses in the country.
Many parents send their children to university.
Admitted the same as recognized.
The government accepts this university to offer a variety of courses.
If the government agrees, it is a recognized institution of higher education.
5. Diverse
He has different courses for students.
Courses have a different specialization.
Various, diverse and many of them have the same meaning.
Many specializations mean a lot of skills.
Specializations are diverse - these are areas of knowledge, skills or tricks to a certain extent.
6. career
When you enroll in this university, you will soon land at work.
Your future occupation is film editing, because you are a film editor.
Your future livelihood will be film editing.
Your future position will be the film editor.
Career is your profession.
Work is like a profession.
7. Options
He offers different courses; You will have many options.
Perhaps your solution is film editing, not film production.
You can choose your preference from any specialization.
Preference is what you like or what you choose from specializations.
8. Leading
It is the best university when it comes to medicine.
This is an institution of higher education for medical courses.
If this is a higher school, then it should be a large school of varying degrees.
This is the leading school of medicine.
9. Programs
The courses offered by this university are its programs.
As a student, you can enroll in any of your programs.
You can choose one of many specializations in this program.
The medical program has a different specialization.
One specialization is general medicine.
Specialization means an area of concentration.
The program contains what you are going to study.
The program is the most curriculum.
There are other proposed alternatives for processing numerous dictionaries in the text for reading. First, it is a voluntary development through the relationship of role-playing actions, of which students will correspond to the skills or work performed in accordance with these statements. In addition, we can use vocabulary understanding by transforming words. Here students prepare to write subjects of the degree of the assigned work. In addition, we can inspire insight into vocabularies at the conclusion of a paragraph. Students are asked to complete a paragraph using the above dictionaries through these words so that they can select the answers.
In the process of reading, understanding the ideas is also important. Some of them can be distinguished using a variety of methods, such as question levels. Students are invited to answer a variety of questions in full. They must be answered to help with writing activities, and an understanding of the completion of the profiles is proposed, which allows students to fill in the gaps in the profiles found in Profile A and Profile B. The answers are based on information obtained from the reading passage.
Procedure (3) reviews the review and discussion of linguistic points and organizational elements that usually occur after absorbing the details from the reading readings through understanding and learning vocabulary. All reading paths have different language tricks. This will depend on the curriculum in which students learn with their language instructors. Some of these languages are similar to the ones below.
Simple times can include simple past, present, future, and even the past. Transition words, such as, moreover, in addition, additionally add, in addition, additionally, in the same way, equally, among others, have meaning for underscore. In addition, the binding rules of the verb agreement must be amended as they are necessary for listing skills. Singular and plural nouns are related to the subject-verb agreement, and they should be reconsidered. Transformed words dictionaries should be assigned to actions. Discussion priorities include capitalization, indents, spelling, logical sequence of events, cohesion and consistency, parts of paragraphs (termination of the topic, supporting details and final statements), introductory body and conclusions. First of all, it is recommended to consider issues of understanding. answers to the accent of knowledge caused by the passage. When these signals are well respected, they can give a written result endowed with explicit knowledge, language and principles of organization.
Procedure (4) includes the actual written record, loaded with a targeted grammatical and structural accent, which is modeled from the selected passage. He should have specific writing guidelines, such as the following example.
1. Write, counting your college degree, as your title.
2. Write a profile of this university, focusing on the proposals of courses. Write, assuming that you are a student at this university. Attach the very best to convince fresh graduates to take part in any specialization.
3. Think about the following points to develop your paragraph content.
3.1 What would be (2) two important things to consider when preparing for college.
3.2 What is your advice to these beginner college graduates?
3.3. Why do you recommend university? List the reasons for each paragraph.
3.4 What professions will these graduates have?
3.5 What skills do graduates acquire after completing specialization?
3.6 What are some degree success stories you can share?
4. Use the completed questions and insights to guide you through the sequence of your content.
5. Your composition should contain at least 400 words with an introduction and (5) five paragraphs for the body.
6. Concluded.
6.1. Provide thematic suggestions supporting the details.
6.2. Relate the topic of the sentence and supporting data in each paragraph.
7. Use transient expressions.
8. Use the subject-verb agreement.
9. Use appropriate verb terms.
10. Transformation and use of dictionaries to clarify ideas.
11. Use the correct capital letter and punctuation.
Procedure (5) symbolizes the beginnings for performance evaluation indicators. Below are some suggested criteria for evaluating written work that may constitute the main components of a rubric to be distributed into numerical equivalents.
A. knowledge
1. Did the author read the content following the instructions?
2. Did the writer have enough knowledge about the passage?
3. Did the writer use knowledge sharing exercises?
4. Is the exercise meaningful to the writer in that he uses knowledge?
5. Did a specific writing guide help you to assimilate knowledge?
B. language
1. Did the writer correctly use the target language reoriented by the teacher?
2. Did the writer use the right times?
3. Did the authors use transitive expressions?
4. Was the -verb convention used correctly?
5. Did the writer use cohesive devices?
6. Did the writer pay more attention to functional words?
7. Can a writer convert words to express the difference between positions and specializations?
8. Can a writer skillfully capitalize and focus attention?
9. Did the exercises help the writers? composition?
10. Has a specific manual helped to use the language?
C. Organization
1. Did the writer answer to write about career choices?
2. Was the writer's compositional address for fellow students?
3. Was the writer an agent for spreading the ideas of what was written?
4. Was the writer's formal or formal form?
5. Was the composition cohesive in the sentences found in each paragraph?
6. Were the points agreed in the discussion of the topic?
7. Were the paragraphs informative sentences with relevant supporting data?
8. Did the number of paragraphs follow?
9. Did the author observe correct indents?
10. Did a specific writing guide help?
Writing instructions & # 39; behavioral goals are desirable to accomplish when knowledge, language and organizations (KLO) are clearly under the students. written work as the results of cautious and determined teachers. . упрощения, Эти три фактора являются основными причинами, по которым написание четко отражает идеи. До тех пор, пока преподаватель имеет дело с учениками ESL с меньшим фоном или воздействием на язык, рекомендуется обрабатывать студентов. с разработанными процедурами. Благодаря концепции усиления письменных инструкций посредством любых текстовых упражнений по пониманию мы понимаем, что письмо подкрепляется чтением и погружением в другие фоновые сведения, интенсифицирующие проектные действия. Другими словами, соответствующий проход для чтения облегчает студентам накопление достаточного информационного фона и знание целевого языка / ов перед введением письменных рудиментов. Для достижения этой цели подходящий выбранный текст должен служить трамплином для подключения всех идентифицированных учебных процедур, подчеркнутых в результате взаимодействия между учителями и учениками.