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 How to promote your child's good eating habits -2

We cannot make our children eat, but we can become a role model as to what and when

One of the most powerful ways to teach a child something is to customize their behavior patterns. If you want your children to become adults who enjoy a variety of nutritious foods, make sure they see how you eat foods that you like. If healthy eating is a lifestyle in your home, it’s likely that they will grow to be the same. In addition, if they grow up having a regular mealtime, there is a good chance that they will do the same. Children's impulse to follow is strong: the best step you can take to run your child on the right diet should be a role model. When your baby asks you to try what you eat, make sure that your plate is always filled with healthy secretions.

If you ask your child to eat vegetables and fish, and you pass potato chips and soda, your actions will cancel your good intentions. Remember that a parental example will help you set boundaries and simplify their implementation; something as simple as this could be your best way. Children often grow up imitating their environment.

Service sizes

How many servings of vegetables do babies need? Although children should be offered three to five servings of vegetables per day, for children under the age of five, each serving should only be a tablespoon for each year. Yes, it's that easy! In other words, a two-year-old child should ideally consume two tablespoons of vegetables three to five times a day. So, if you are not the proud parent of a vegetarian lover, try a few of our fun, anti-food activities!

How much a child should be complete can really only be defined by a child. At an early stage, it is important to recognize and respect the signs of hunger and satiety of the child, so that the child can learn to trust these instincts and eat accordingly. That is why it is so cruel to parents to understand that their role is to offer a variety of foods with meals and snacks, and it is their child who must decide how much they will eat.

Sometimes parents have expectations that their children should eat, is too high, and this is due to our distorted vision of what the size of the serving.

Note. Parents should be familiar with parts of the size of the child. A useful rule of thumb is 1 tbsp. L. In a year with age = 1. Example: 1 tablespoon of peas will serve for one year.

Healthy Guide - Examples of Servings and Menus


• 1/2 - 1 slice of bread

• 1/2 - 3/4 cup cereal

• 1/2 - 1 small bun

• 1/2 cup rice or pasta

Vegetables and fruits

• 1/2 - 1 medium vegetable or fruit

• 1/4 - 1/2 cup frozen, canned or fresh fruit or vegetables

• 1/2 - 1 cup salad

• 1/4 - 1/2 cup of juice


• 1-2 oz. cheese

• 1/2 - 3/4 cup yogurt

• 1/2 cup of milk.

Meat and spare parts

• 1-2 oz. meat, fish or poultry

• 1 egg

• 1/4 - 1/2 cup beans

• 1/4 - 1/3 cups tofu

• 1-2 tbsp. nut butter

Sample menu (full meal day for a 3 year old child)


1/2 cup cereal with 1/2 glass of milk

1/2 cup juice

Morning snack

1/2 cup yogurt

1/4 cup berries


1/4 grilled cheese sandwich

2-3 carrot coins with failure

1/2 cup milk

Afternoon tea

1/2 piece of toast with 1 tbsp. peanut butter

1/2 cup milk or soy drink

1/2 apple or banana


1/2 cup noodle with 2 tablespoons pasta sauce

1/4 cup frozen peas

1/2 meatball


1/2 cup yogurt

1/2 apple


1/2 cup milk

2 crackers

Remember to respect the tiny suspenders and tongues: Keep portions of food small. I wonder how much you can offer? There is a rule - or rather, a hand. The stomach of a small child is approximately equal to the size of their fist; apply small portions first and fill up the plate when your child asks for more.

This more or less nutritional plan is not only more successful with picky eaters: it also has the added advantage of stabilizing blood sugar levels, which in turn minimizes mood swings.

The touch and texture round off the taste. Spicy foods are “hot” and stimulate the painful fibers in the mouth, which makes most children, and do not take. Some children are very sensitive to certain textures of food, which can often be the reason that they do not like it, and not the taste.

 How to promote your child's good eating habits -2

 How to promote your child's good eating habits -2

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