It was a shock to study the harm of tasteless food sold by supermarkets. One of the main problems appears to be arsenic, which is found in soils, rocks, and fresh water as the metal adheres to it. Scientists from the United Kingdom were alarmed by the fact that baby food had a higher percentage of arsenic than the recommended standard in drinking water. This has been found to lead to weight loss at birth and childhood diseases.
However, in the US, rice grown in the southern states absorbs arsenic from water and is considered more toxic than rice grown in Asia. This element is carcinogenic and with an increasing number of cases of cancer and other diseases now than 75 years ago, and it caught my attention that this is probably related to nutrition.
Because diseases such as diabetes, liver failure, kidney disease, and cancer are not specific to a particular location, but are found in remote communities in order to be as common as a food link. With this in mind, my thoughts were focused on what has changed in recent years, as well as on GM crops, to make it so.
Chemical weapons for the control of pests, weeds and beetles have been used for centuries, from the earliest date around 700 AD, and arsenic was the main element in them. Agricultural land was specifically infected with it from the use of old chemicals. It was also added to rats and ant poisons, many of which were used in homes. This leads to the fact that many cultures are at risk of infection with seeds.
Although these things are known, we have no reference to how much aerosol sprays apply to chemicals. In my young days, we had DDT sprayers that were thrown into the air along with insect killers, who undoubtedly had a connection with this product. My grandmother died of cancer in 1953, and she was a great user.
Spraying the soil around packaged vegetables and fruits was another thing that used to occur to counteract cockroaches and other insects from warehouses. Whether it is still practiced has not arisen, but supermarkets spray their shops with chemicals in different ways. Arriving at the one that had just opened in the morning caught my breath, and when the worker explained about spraying.
People work in this environment, and fruits and vegetables sit overnight, absorbing the chemical, no matter what it contains. These toxins are then absorbed by the consumer.
These are toxins that produce free radicals and change cells in the body to change. That is, when cancer forms and such things as diabetes, etc. are formed. Without our own research and growing our own products, we cannot say what is in food. As for the quantities, then someone who does not have the ability to do the necessary tests.