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 Growing chrysanthemum for fun and profit -2

Chrysanthemum is one of the most popular cut flowers for most florists and flower arrangers. They are identified through its flower classification ...

1) Single. This refers to varieties that have about five rows or ray flowers and a visible central disk, still visible. 2) Semi-double. It has two or more rows of petals, but with a central disk still prominent. 3) Double. This includes categories such as ...

o In curves. His head is almost spherical, with no visible disc florets. Onion flowers curved up toward the center of the flower. It is the most popular large flower on the market because it is easily processed, as it is not easily developed.

o Reflex. His head is similar to the curves in the contour, but the ray flowers are curved down to the base of the flower.

o Pompon. It has either a spherical or flat head, but the radial flowers are short and firm.

o Decorative. It has a he4ad with many flat loops, and its contour is flat and not spherical.

o Type of novelty. Flowers with tubular archers. The novelty has four types ...

- Spider. Also called Fuji Chrysanthemum, it has hidden disc flowers with long rays of a floral beam attached to the tip.

- Quill. Like the type of spider, but the tip of the onion flowers is not caught.

- A spoon. The end of its tubular onion flowers of the blades and, unlike the types of spiders and loops, its central disk can be excellent.

- Anemone. This type has blooms that are single or double, with a center in the shape of a pillow, as the most prominent part. Onion flowers play only a minor role.

Reducing the production of flowers is a profitable business, especially for some special cases, such as; weddings, birthdays, church decorations, show-shows in large business establishments, shopping centers, offices, residential premises and much more.

You will notice that the demand for cut flowers is growing every day, and the supply is very limited.

Even if you just look around, for example, in your own home, you always want your fresh cut flowers in your dinner table to be fresh to see, right?

For me, I see that my cut flowers in my office are always fresh every day. I must emphasize that my office always looks fresh, decorated with fresh flowers from my garden.

You know?

And you will agree with me - fresh flowers increase your productivity and motivate you to start your task in lively mode.

When I'm not in work mode, I stop fresh flowers in my desk from looking at it and concentrating. When my eyes are focused on colors, my energy becomes active, and as if someone is pushing me to complete the task with ease.

This is how strong flowers I have experienced in my whole life. Therefore, I see that in my garden there are always cut flowers for my office. In order to have a constant supply of cut flowers for home use or for the market, I have identified some steps how to grow them easily.

7 Steps how to grow cut flowers ...

1) Choose a plant that is suitable for your area. You need to see what type of color is suitable for your location. There are some flowers that are specific to the soil. Therefore, it is your wise decision to choose flowers that will give you a good net income and full satisfaction.

2) Build your nursery. The nursery is very important when you are engaged in flower production. Where you will be at home, cut out seedlings for safety reasons from animals and other destructive elements.

3) Flowers of cut plants that are in demand. You have the choice of your choice for the flowers that you want to plant. Study the market, what type of color demand is in demand, and focus on sowing it.

4) Select the high color of the cut flowers. Tall floral flowers will give you an advantage over small tickets, because they are the ones that will save you from your production costs in making them. Despite the fact that you will use only some of them, the return on your investment will be encouraging because of the high price they bring.

5) Master the art of plant propagation methods. Yes, this is the secret of some successful flower gardens. Making your own planting materials will minimize your costs when hiring a plant propagator. Instead of hiring one for your flower garden, you can do it yourself - big savings for you.

6) Provide a continuous source of water. Water is the lifeblood of flowers. Starving them will lead to your failure, because the flowers love water. You must give priority to water supply before starting your business in a flower garden.

7) Secure your garden with a carved flower. Security here, I mean, is something to protect your flower garden from outside intruders. Of course, build a fence around your garden to avoid stray animals and even humans.

If you have the means to build a greenhouse, so much the better, because your flowers are properly protected. But, I do not say, put one. If you do not have the capital to house the greenhouse, use some local materials in your place to secure your flower garden.

Environmental Requirements for Chrysanthemum Growing

The soil. Chrysanthemum grows best in well-drained soil with high humidity. It should have a pH from 5.8 to 6.8, but the ideal should be from 6.0 to 6.5. The percentage of organic matter must be at least 4% or higher.

Climate. The chrysanthemum, which is an open plant, grows well in areas with lots of sunshine, but should be cool during the night. They grow well and carry productive flowers in a cool place.

Too much precipitation is not conducive to chrysanthemum, because the attack of some pests and diseases is common during this period. But it can be fixed by providing protective structures for growing plants. If you have financial capabilities, building a greenhouse is the ideal solution for protecting your flowers from serious damage.

Water. Adequate water supply is vital during the growth period of this plant. Never try to plant your flower plant if you think that there is no water source.

You will be disappointed if you limit the flow of water to your chrysanthemums, because they love water during their growth period.

Easy. Although chrysanthemum is best suited for sunlight, they are also portable on artificial light bulbs. This is true if grown in a greenhouse where sunlight is limited. You can put artificial light for months when sunlight is critical. In the face of the Philippines, it is from July to March, where light is critical.

The best place for chrysanthemum

You should consider a good place, especially if you are for commercial production. The following 7 considerations should be your best choice for site placement ...

1) Access to a good road. Good road is an important area of ​​concern if you fall into commercial production. Naturally, customers want a good road network to have easy access to your garden.

2) Relatively flat or slightly mobile land with a suitable windbreak. Your area should be a little flat, but rolls slowly and, of course, with reasonable wind protection to protect plants from strong winds during a storm or typhoon.

3) A place free of chemicals. Your site should be far from possible sources of harmful chemicals such as factories, refineries and other hazardous facilities.

4) Source of organic fertilizer. If possible, locate your garden near a source of organic materials such as poultry farms, pigsty, barns, etc.

5) The source of electricity. As mentioned earlier, chrysanthemum is a sun-loving plant. In the absence of sunlight, artificial light can be added. Therefore, it is important to find your garden near a source of electricity for emergency purposes.

6) Proximity to the market. Near the market advantage in your part, because you can save on shipping costs when transporting your flowers.

7) Demand on the market. Examine the market and see which cut flowers are in demand. Knowledge of market demand will give you an idea and, in turn, minimizes your loss in production costs, because you know what flowers will give you the best return on your investment.

Initial preparation of your site

Before you start working with actual cut flowers, you must provide the following infrastructures ...

1) Root areas or beds. You need to build your own root crops of about 50 square meters for each hectare of effective land area that will be planned.

2) Kindergarten. Your nursery is the place where you will stock up your plants in front of the market. This is also the place where you marry and do some final touches before delivering them to the market or garden shows.

3) Electrical and fogging devices. Electric lamps are connected to fog lamps for automatic supply of water mist to plants. The irrigation system requires water to the nursery. This may include the installation of water tanks, lighting timer and other necessary objects.

4) Packing area. The packaging area is your place to prepare the plants for marketing. This is also your recreational area for agricultural workers and utilities.

5) Pantry. Your storage room serves as a place to store your agricultural tools, chemicals, and other agricultural supplies.

6) Farm block. If you have enough space in your garden, you should block your area in blocks. One quarter of the area always blooms, and the rest are at different stages of the operation, one quarter is relocated or at the seedling stage, and the other quarter is close to flowering.

In this way, you will continuously supply the flower year round.

How to prepare the land

After major agricultural operations, such as cleaning, leveling, terracing, plowing and harrowing, the construction of raised beds continues. You must build raised beds ranging in size from 1.5 to 1 meters in width with a length from 25 to 50 meters.

After bed linen, you get to organic fertilizers, such as chicken, pigs, horse or bat, which is available in your country. These manure should be spread over a layer at a depth of about 2 to 4 inches, and then into the soil 1 to 1.5 months before transplantation.

If you can get old fertilizer, it is much better because the decomposition process is much faster and can be used by plants earlier.

Together with manure, you should apply basal phosphate fertilizer, which usually consists of one superphosphate (20 P2O5) at a rate of 0.1-0.2 kg / sq. and calcareous material to adjust soil pH and ensure that calcium is sufficient in soil.

How to distribute chrysanthemum

Most often, chrysanthemum multiplies cutting stock, if you fall into commercial production. For home gardens or small village businesses, you can use suckers, stem cuttings and seeds. As a rule, you can get your cuttings from your plant / mom, which you should constantly keep in a vegetative state, providing additional coverage.

No more than 5 - 6 washes of the chip pump should be obtained, after which the spare plants will be replaced with new ones.

That's what you do ...

1) Build root layers using sand or volcanic sand as the root medium of a carrier about 1 foot thick.
2) Cut the stem tip at least 2-3 in length or regardless of length, at least 2 to 3 fully developed leaves are required.
3) Soak the cuttings in the hormone roots to accelerate the development of the roots.
4) Set the cuttings in the foggy roots, located at a distance of 1 inch.
5) Root beds should be fogged to ensure high survival rate of cuttings.
6) Cuttings treated with hormone hormone, ready to transplant in 10-14 days.
7) You can plant root cuttings when the roots reach a length of 1.5 - 1 ".
8) If the cuttings are ready for planting, but the area is not ready yet, you can dry and store them in a refrigerated storage at 0 ° C for 3 weeks, longer if you haven't skated.

How to transplant chrysanthemum

In the prepared raised beds transplant root cuttings with a density of 16-24 plants per square meter, depending on the variety and quality of the desired flowers. If you want to improve flower quality and more varied varieties, you can install them at lower plant densities.

As soon as the cuttings produce roots, they react to the photoperiod, so your root layers should be illuminated.

Light should also be installed in the field of flower production before transplantation.

During the first 3 to 5 days after transplantation, you must maintain a fog to avoid wilting. Or you can use irrigation sprinklers. But you should stop this as soon as the plants are already created to minimize leaf disease.

Maintain your plants. sanitation by removing some weeds before flowering. Remember! Weeds are number one competitors for plant nutrients. Always keep the soil moist at all times, but not too much water accumulation.

How to start applying fertilizer

Despite the fact that your plots were mainly applied with phosphate fertilizers, you should use additional fertilizer after the 4th week after transplantation. Dissolve the fertilizer in water at a rate of lb lb per gallon of water.

An area of ​​one square meter requires at least 0.05 kg / sq. Meter of nitrogen and potassium. This amount can be applied in three equal parts or weekly as follows ...

1) Before pinching (about 2 weeks after transplantation).

2) Before the start of the short day or go out.

3) Soon after the appearance of the color of the petals.

Weekly fertilizer application should begin approximately one week after transplantation.

How to pinch, trim and open

Pinching is the removal of terminal firing to break free from auxiliary kidneys.

Consequently, several lateral stems are produced per plant. To have quality flowers, it is not recommended to increase these lateral stems.

The ideal number should be 3 to 4 side stalks per plant. In these numbers you will have several quality flowers - the case when the flowers you get a good price.

When reducing the number of stems, you should choose those dummy side parts that are spaced from each other, preferably in a more basal place.

By cutting off unnecessary side parts, you minimize the glut and competition between the sides, which will absolutely affect the quality of the colors.

The greater the number of lateral sides, the greater the competition for products produced by the leaves.

You should pinch the plants about two weeks after transplanting. You have to pinch about 5 - 1 inch from the terminal either by cutting off the shear, or simply holding it between your fingers.

Using finger nails is preferable to minimize the transmission of diseases through an infected cutting tool.

However, you should wash your hands properly with ethyl alcohol or, if possible, with fresh milk, before performing the operation to make sure your hands are clean.

Your inconvenient operations should begin as soon as the terminal flower buds appear and reach a larger size and are easy to handle.

Usually about 4-5 buds appear on the terminal. The standard recommendation is that only one kidney can mature. The rest must be removed by failure.

The ideal size of the buds to be removed should be the size of a mango seed. If debauchery is done earlier than at the scheduled time, the remaining bud can be injured and affect the quality of the flower. On the other hand, if you lose a kidney, if the buds are too large, the likelihood that a large scar will remain too big and unsightly affects the quality of the flower.

Large wounds also take longer to heal, and they can also serve as a starting point for microbial diseases.

For mom's spray, throwing is usually not required. However, removal of the central terminal crown bud usually ensures a more even development of the remaining lower buds.

Note that long, straight stems are among the desirable traits of a high-quality chrysanthemum flower.

Therefore, you should support the growing enterprise. You can use any support, say, nylon cords or whatever.

Первый слой следует размещать, когда растения имеют высоту около 1 фута, а следующий слой - около 2 футов или первый слой может быть поднят до примерно 1,5 футов, когда растения имеют высоту около 2 футов.

Как контролировать вредители и болезни

Наиболее распространенными насекомыми-вредителями хризантемы являются ...

1) нематоды
2) листовой валик
3) клещи
4) Трипс
5) тлей.

Они не являются серьезными типами вредителей. Фактически, их можно легко контролировать с помощью компаньона с другими ароматическими травами и другими методами биологического контроля. Если заражение не поддается контролю, вы можете использовать химические инсектициды в качестве последнего обращения, но вы должны следовать рекомендациям производителя, чтобы полностью их искоренить.

Но моя позиция по-прежнему относится к методам естественного контроля. Если вы можете избежать этого, никогда не используйте какое-либо химическое вещество для борьбы с вредителями и болезнями. С другой стороны, некоторые из распространенных заболеваний хризантемы следующие ...

1) пятно листа Cercospora
2) Гниль стебля Fusarium
3) Порошкообразная плесень
4) Неопознанные бактерии

Эти болезни можно легко контролировать с помощью следующих фунгицидов, следуя рекомендациям производителей ...

1) Дифолатан
2) Даконил
3) Дитан
4) M45
5) Манеб
6) Неизвестный исполнитель

Как я уже говорил, и это будет моя позиция, во что бы то ни стало ...

Если вы можете избежать этого, никогда не используйте какое-либо химическое вещество для борьбы с вредителями и болезнями. Существует так много методов естественного контроля, которые вы можете применить. Посмотрите вокруг, можете найти их.

Как собрать качественные цветы

Цветы хризантем - это те, которые продаются на рынок. Перед этим необходимо, чтобы правильная сборка была сделана с осторожностью, чтобы получить привлекательный и красивый цветочный вид.

Вот несколько рекомендаций, которые вы должны соблюдать ...

1) Цветы должны быть почти полностью открыты при сборке.

2) Тип спрея должен быть разрезан, когда центральный цветок открыт, а окружающие цветы хорошо развиты.

3) Для сортов, которые плохо проливают пыльцу, нужно срезать, прежде чем они станут неприглядными.

4) Стандарты должны быть разрезаны до того, как центровые цветочки будут полностью развиты.

5) Стебли должны быть достаточно мягкими, если разрез сделан, поскольку очень твердые древесные ткани не могут поглощать воду. Тем не менее, вход воды в твердый древесный шток может быть облегчен путем незначительного измельчения кончика.

6) Нижнюю часть 1/3 листвой на стебле следует удалить, чтобы листья не загрязняли воду или не удерживали раствор.

7) Для стандартов, которые должны быть открыты искусственно, цветы должны быть разрезаны на стадии зародыша (размером с четверть монеты).

Как сделать после сбора урожая цветов хризантемы

Чтобы продлить срок службы ваших цветов, следует строго следовать следующим шагам ...

1) Вскоре после сбора урожая их следует держать в воде при 5 ° С.

2) Срок уборки урожая может быть увеличен за счет сухого хранения при 0-1 ° C в течение 3 недель.

3) Когда цветы должны храниться, они должны, однако, быть обусловлены возвратом конца стебля, а затем впитать их стебли в теплой воде (около 37 - 42 ° C), чтобы облегчить быстрое обезвоживание.

4) Раствор для открывания, который может использоваться, состоит из 5-10% сахарозы + 200 м.д. 8-гидроксихинолина цитрата или сульфата (200 м.д. Physan 20 или Likosan, который может заменить 8-гидроксихинолин). Цветы открылись через 7 - 9 дней, а максимальный диаметр цветка для Albatros при полном открытии - 12,5 см.

 Growing chrysanthemum for fun and profit -2

 Growing chrysanthemum for fun and profit -2

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