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 Growing Your Business - 7 Tips for Elegantly Managing a Clumsy Stage -2

When you first learn a new skill, what is it? Can you remember? You, like a duck, that on the surface of the water seems imperturbable, but who is raging furiously under water? We will look at this with the help of a “human” example. When you first learn a new dance — or move — your steps seem uncomfortable, as if your brain is not synchronizing with your body. You use too large or too small steps; you feel shy and uncomfortable; and you can even step on other people. This is similar to the fact that you have not yet grown into your big “legs”; you are still tuning in for new dance moves.

Compare your dancing experience with find out in your area of ​​expertise, the target market or the company in which you work. This process usually gives the right to become (more) visible or to assume greater responsibility and, as a prerequisite, to stretch who you are and increase sphere of influence Although this change may expose you to a greater number and / or variety of professional opportunities, it also requires convenient communication with the emotionally vulnerable. And being vulnerable is not easy, is it? However, the stage of awkwardness - uncertainty and vulnerability - must be accepted by all of us before the mastery begins.

How can you effectively grow your business or your desired position so that it is not too tense? Take a look at the below tips and characters of type A, pay special attention.

7 tips to ease the awkwardness:

1. Make a commitment to delve into your area of ​​expertise, target market and relationships with yourself and others.
2. Practice every day in your Zone of Audacity (not Comfort).
3. Be aware that your movements at the beginning will be more uncomfortable than graceful.
4. Develop a sense of urgency with what needs to be done, while ensuring that you focus on your intention and less effort, more easily.
5. Build regular breaks in your schedule so you can maintain your momentum.
6. Ask others to support you and gently with you when you move to your new “place”.
7. Trust that knowledge, wisdom, tools and resources will come to you exactly when you need it, if you ask for inspiration and focus your attention (lightly, so that your energy is still expansive, not compressive) at this request .

Now, turn the tips above into habits and ground them in your everyday reality for at least 30 days in a row. By that time, a new neural path will be created in your brain, and the habit will become automatic - like a skater who makes her figures or a basketball player who shoots hoops every day.

 Growing Your Business - 7 Tips for Elegantly Managing a Clumsy Stage -2

 Growing Your Business - 7 Tips for Elegantly Managing a Clumsy Stage -2

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