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 As for real estate on leased land -2

1. Why are there so many properties on leased land?

There are several situations here. Commercial and commercial land is often rented worldwide. In New York, Tokyo and other larger, older cities; landowners often rent land located under these skyscrapers, and in some cases even park land is leased to landowners.

In Lewis, all lands east of Lewis and the Rehoboth Canal, known as Lewis Beach; rented land. Land leased there, as a rule, belongs to the city of Lewis and is usually 99 years old and renewed. However, some of the properties on Lewis Beach are rented for shorter periods in the city, but, as a rule, they all automatically renew. When you buy a property on Lewes Beach, you pay a commission for the redistribution of leased land. This charge is for property on the bay, in the Delaware Bay; may be more than half a million dollars, depending on the size of the lot; and the cost of home and improvements is added to the value of the assignment of the lease. In other words, although it is leased land on Lewis Beach; the price is commensurate with the purchase of land. This land has always been leased land, as prescribed by England, during our American colonial period and that the style of ownership remains.

In the areas of Rehoboth and Dewey Beach - this is the area of ​​Rehoboth by sea, a large number of lots owned by the family company Rehoboth By The Sea Realty. The current treasurer of Rehoboth By The Sea Realty is Jack Redefer; 302-227-4277. The land is leased to tenant owners for a shorter time; some leases have only 20 years on lease. These leases may or may not be renewed, and the value of the land, if a resident can buy it later, may be significant. As a result, these properties on leased land go for much less money than the lots that belong. Some of the lots were acquired from the Rehoboth By The Sea Realty Company in the past and belong to the residents - most of them were not purchased. Rehoboth By The Sea Realty Company is unlikely to renew some of the lease agreements, some of them may, it depends on them. On lots that they do not extend the lease, residents are obliged to remove the improvements and leave the original ground level and unimproved state at the end of the lease. The good news is that you can save half a million dollars when you buy a house on some of these lots. The bad news, of course, is that you may have to remove the house and release the lot after a couple of decades or so.

The long neck and other areas where there are trailers, houses, one-sided or double-sided, also consist mainly of rented land. There are several leased land along Rt. First, where is the trailer park now sometimes contains larger and more conventional homes. These land leases are much cheaper to acquire. The value acquisition is small or absent, or in some cases the value of property acquired in these communities with leased land may depreciate much less than the purchase price. There is also a monthly or annual rent for the use of land.

2. Why does anyone buy a mobile home or produce a home on leased land?

There are many realtors who wonder why anyone in the world ever buys a so-called mobile home on rented land. In fact, many of the people who live in rented land communities are good to do, even the rich in some cases, many of them are realtors themselves.

Safety and security is one of the reasons. Many of the people in land leases, which some may call trailer parks, are retired or part-time residents. Many prefer security services that are only available in manufactured home communities. Most of these communities have community centers, district hours, security patrols, and warning neighbors, who pay far more attention to the community than the police can in a city or town.

Low maintenance is another reason why people, in fact most people, live in land lease communities. Lots are usually quite small, and often the owner of the park holds each lot. When an individual needs to maintain his individual batch, the cost of reducing grass is minimal. The fee for cutting grass, pruning and pruning can be as little as $ 8 each time, as a grass cutter can often take a lot of time in less than ten minutes, and if he has several lots in the same community, he can do 5 or 6 lots per hour using a pushing mower and a weed cracker. Some people do incredible landscaping work on their land lease plots. In fact, in some communities annual or seasonal competitions are held for the best preserved, the most beautiful or the most improved yard. Many of these lots are only 50 feet per 100 feet, and sometimes less - so a lot of decoration can be made with limited costs compared to much larger lots that should be in an unprofitable community.

3. Houses on leased land a good investment?

Very rarely a home on leased land is a good financial investment. There are exceptions. Homes on rented land on Lewis Beach are as good as financial investments, like houses on what is called a pledge or land leased in the city of Lewis itself. In fact, since Lewis Beach is more desirable for more people - the prices are higher, and the percentage of assessment on Lewis Beach is better in the long run than that of Lewis. The city of Lewis, besides the beach, looks more like Williamsburg style in architecture, atmosphere and character. On the other hand, Lewes Beach is less traditional in its architectural character. Lewis is a very walking and shopping city with shops, boutiques and small shops along Market Street, Second Street and Pilottown Road, especially. The beach has very little commercial activity and is a much more beach-like community, where the focus is, of course, the beach, the canal and the bay.

Houses made by houses or houses built on decks, in other communities, land leases are not often a good financial investment. However, they may be the best investment in lifestyle. Many people own other real estate, other investments, and do not need the value of the house they own in the land tenancy community. And the houses in the land plots for rent constitute a small part of the purchase price, which they would, if the land had been mortgaged, be locked up.

For example, the waterfront house in Rehoboth Bay in the Rehoboth Bay Mobile Home Community; now known simply as Rehoboth Bay Community; can cost only 115,000 US dollars, for a beautiful, double wide, full time, modern house. The cost of renting land will range from $ 400 per month on the lagoon to $ 500, up to $ 750 per month or more at the largest and best floodplains. Compared with the house on the mortgaged land of the same size as the savings of more than a million dollars !!! Thus, as an investment in lifestyle, phenomenal and insightful buyers rarely allow these homes to sit on the market.

In other areas, for example, in the Angola area, there are resale homes from 10,000 US dollars for small fasteners to a small lot, rented at 270 dollars a month, for new homes on larger sites, larger houses, for 70,000 USD 90 000 on lots that usually rent less than $ 300 per month. One double bed the size of the rent for $ 400 per month and can have a lot of bedrooms at home from the deck, verandas, a garage and another room left. Angola Beach Estates and Angola Beach and Angola Estates are well-established communities with swimming pools, security, basic community management, and more. They have community centers, boat docks, launch ramps, boat storage areas and a list of amenities not available in many other communities.

What a range of values: resale from $ 10,000 to $ 80,000 and new homes from $ 40,000 to $ 80,000 or $ 90,000 for a real show that stops extravagance. Now you know why people are so willing to buy and live in communities of land rent !!! You get a wonderful lifestyle much less than you can buy anything, even remotely similar, where you don’t rent or rent land.

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 As for real estate on leased land -2

 As for real estate on leased land -2

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