If you are entering the fantastic world of using internet marketing to create or improve your business, welcome. This is a great place for such a business, BUT, there are things that you need to know before going too far into the unknown.
I started using the internet for marketing my business about 3 years ago, and I have to tell you that I learned a lot during the first year. And it was not all good. I spent hours, days, weeks — even months, hounding the Internet to find out what was wrong.
After reading hundreds, if not thousands of web pages and buying so many e-books, programs, TV seminars, and live seminars, I’m afraid to think how many tens of thousands of pounds I’ve wasted. And I really mean tens of thousands.
Some people said you should do it this way, and some people insured you to learn how to do everything yourself and study their program, and then you got millions of dollars on the day of the sale. system. And yes, I have to admit it, I fell for many of them, because the marketing was good, and they made me cling.
My journey through the internet marketing jungle to become a solo entrepreneur was a challenging expedition. I wanted to give it up so many times, because it was too hard, I was exhausted, working so many hours, trying to learn so much.
Once I said this is enough. I learned more about what NOT to do than most people can imagine, so I started using this valuable information to help other people. Making sure you don’t go on the same trip that may be contaminated by sharks, the snake is loaded and thickly overgrown with vines that can choke you. I may seem harsh, but it was my experience and the experience of my clients that there are so many people selling things to you, and not all of them have your interest in the heart. There are also some wonderful helpful and knowledgeable people with great products that will help you promote your business. Know what you want is a good starting point.
The Internet is a great place to get more business and build your presence and expand your geographic circle, but you must do it wisely and do it step by step. Use it as an extra toolkit for your business or value it without investing too much, although you’ll probably keep your day job until it’s right.
Some people will tell you that you can make millions in a short period of time, and I have no doubt that this is true for a very small number of people. My experience is that you can earn a really good income using many of the online strategies, but most of all you can gain the freedom to work in a way that suits your desired lifestyle.
I think we are? looking for more time with our families, loved ones, doing what we like. Most people who create their own business believe that there will be more flexibility. But if you use this flexibility to associate yourself with a lot of extra work, where is the advantage.
My main reason for using the Internet is to market my business (and I have a few now) because I had more operations, which meant I would wait a while. I have been managing my own business management and executive coaching consulting services for over 15 years, and I have traveled a lot. It left me little time for my life and it was not possible to break out of it to recover from the operation.
We all have our own reasons for getting out of the hamster’s wheel and acting differently. but in fact the main goal is that we have the skill, knowledge, experience that we want to share and add value to the life of another person. If you do not have a passion for what your business offers, you may not go too far.
I wrote a book called “AZ” in Internet marketing terms, and people said that it makes things much clearer for them. This concerns the fact that I want some of them to start with A for Autoresponder.
Start by getting a good cup (tea, coffee, juice, water, or even a good glass of wine) and read about answering machines. I promise that I will not make it technical or clever, I am here to help, and not complicate the situation.
Answering machine
What is an answering machine?
This application is a bit like many other applications that you use to do a specific job for you. on your computer. This is a very universal piece of software that you can buy from a provider or use on a monthly basis from a service provider. He sends emails to one, many, groups or whole lists. Pain can not complete the task of sending scheduled messages or broadcasts.
There are many products available to do this work, but one that I use, and many top marketers use AWEber. In the past, I also used 1 Basket and regular contacts - more on that later. Some of the providers will allow you to try them for free to see the benefits and how easy they will be used before signing up with a small monthly fee. Do not delay on this, it is a very small fee compared to what they offer.
When you sign up for an Autoresponder, you get the ability to automatically send emails at a specific time and to selected people from your distribution list. There are strict rules and protection to stop the use of spam, so your letters should be sent to people who gave you permission to send them.
This is called marketing permission. You may have visited a website where you put your name and email address in the fields in the form of choice, and thus allow you to send an email. After you provide your information, you will receive emails or newsletters (which are an extended email with additional information), updates and tips that should be useful to you. If the information does not matter and you no longer want to receive it, you can click the link to cancel the subscription, which will be at the bottom of each autoresponder message. This is a strict rule that allows people to unsubscribe easily.
Why do I need an answering machine?
Well try to imagine that you have a website that offers great information that you would like to give, or products that you would like to sell. If someone comes to your site and sometimes clicks a link to a contact, sends you an email and asks you to receive additional information or even requests, if they can buy something, you will see this email only the next time you log in. You may be away for a weekend or a two-week vacation when this letter arrives. If you are a Solo Preneur, then you may not have someone who checks your box. This means that the person who raised his hand and said that they are interested will not receive an answer until you are near your computer. Then you will need to enter the answer and send it to them. Wow, that a lot of work, and how scary that you can lose so many interested people.
The answering machine, after its creation, will send an email to the person who entered their data. It may be a welcome letter from you telling them what will happen next, or it may be thanks for your order or even a letter with a link to another web page where they can download something that you have offered for free.
You can set up your answering machine (and, as a rule, very simple) to send emails to people from your list at different intervals. Perhaps you send a welcome email and a free report or e-book or newsletter, then after a few days you can send a small note thanking them for registering and providing more valuable information. Make sure that you always offer something that has value, and it’s not just sales, sales, sales, because people get tired of selling bombing.
After a few days, you can send another email with additional tips or pieces of information and so on. You can do the so-called sequence & # 39; email to exit at various times when your person has been included on your list.
You may have different e-mails for different people, for example, people who have bought from you may receive different information and offers to those who have just signed up. There are so many ways to add value to your business by adding value, and this is a great way to pull it out for people.
Autoresponder providers such as Aweber will let you choose the day and time when you want them to send automatic emails. If you have a special announcement that you want everyone to receive at the same time, you can send a broadcast, which is an email or newsletter that will go to everyone on your chosen list, and they will all receive it at the same time. Great for special notifications about a single offer or specific time information.
Your product may be a daily or weekly training program that you can send on scheduled dates. It can be a curriculum, or it can be a link to a web page where the curriculum is located, or it can be a link to a page where you can get a digital download. This means that you are not working out who got what is on dates and who is going to get more information today. All this is done automatically. In addition, if someone decides that they no longer want to receive your information, and they press the cancel button, it is automatically removed from your list, you do not need to do anything manually.
If you have a newsletter that you want to distribute every week, two weeks or a month, it’s easy to set up and schedule, then all you have to do is add content.
And all the time your potential customers receive emails and newsletters, you can sleep in the pool, supermarket, beach or cut the grass! Like this for Freedom.
Most autoresponders are located in the United States, but the cost is so low, starting at about $ 19 a month, and more than $ 100 a month, depending on what volumes you need and what additional services.
When you use a good quality answering machine, you will be able to send your emails / newsletters / broadcasts using a template to make it more professional, there are many options that are easy to set up. Perhaps your webmaster or graphic designer has created your own template that includes your own branding, and it's all that easy to do.
You will also receive reports showing how many people open their emails and if they can bounce, you can delete emails that constantly bounce. You can check your email with a spam check to see if it will be classified as spam to use certain wording (if you put FREE in the subject line, it automatically collects spam rating). Your reports will show you valuable information, and you can also get tracking to find out where users came from web pages, where they are selected, etc. This is very useful information for future campaigns.
You can get very creative with autoresponders, and if you really don’t want to do anything with the setup, there are people you can pay a small amount of money to do for you, check out Google's virtual assistants.
I can not imagine who wants to promote their business, value their customers or follow the sales process without an answering machine.
Look around at different sites to find out which ones have a choice in the field where you provide your name and email address. The reason for collecting their name is that you can personalize your emails, so it is much better to receive an email that says Hi Linda than “Dear Subscriber”. And you can personalize the topic and write your letters with your own passion and talent.
Remember, when you communicate in a way that gives value, you build relationships that will last for a long time. You will find many ways to give a rating, and now you know about answering machines, you have the tools to deliver on many parameters, information about quality, products, advice and general communication, directly to your customers or potential clients / clients.
Check out some voice mail service providers.
There are other, more advanced experts, such as InfusionSoft and ListMailPro - go to Google and dial answering machines. and you can learn about many types of providers.
The only thing I ask you to do is NOT to subscribe to them until you are ready to do it, and you feel familiar with your requirements. In my experience, I took too much too early on board. I paid $ 99 a month for a service that I hadn’t used until now (which was 2 years ago) because she had all the whistles and calls. I needed to have a trading account, and then an Internet gateway and all sorts of things that cost a lot of time and money, and I learned my value, which I do not need.
This is just a brief overview, and it is intended for review. There is a step-by-step approach to your online marketing, but autoresponders are just the beginning, and, like everyone, you need to know what you will use to start or start from the basic and move up when the time comes.
Keep in mind that regardless of your business, you need to communicate with your customers, past, present, and future. You want to remind them who you are and what you can offer them, so you do not lose sight of when it comes time to buy a product or service like yours. Offering great value, customer service and high-quality products are essential, get it right and you will definitely increase your profits.
This is a very effective way to communicate and virtual costs compared to leaflets, mailings or advertising. Do not let the goose, which lays golden eggs, flies away.
Thank you so much for reading, I hope that you have some information that matters, and this prompted you to think and explore more.