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 Camera history -2

The early cameras of the 16th and 17th centuries were able to project images onto paper or glass, but studying the capture, processing, and printing of images took much more years. Until the 17th century, scientists believed that light basically consisted of "white" that is perceived by the human eye. A study conducted by the famous physicist Isaac Newton showed that light actually consists of a spectrum of colors. While he made a great contribution to the study of optics (which underlies the advancement of the camera) with this discovery, Newton actually had nothing to do with the development of the camera itself.

The early camera, which first became a phenomenon, was slightly larger than the camera obscura, and can be traced back to 1558. It was called the Obscura camera. Obscura camera was considered as a drawing tool for a clear and realistic image of objects. It was at the beginning of the 19th century that the invention, called Camera Lucida, was introduced by Cambridge scientist William Hyde Wollaston, which corresponded to an optical device that could help an artist see a remote scene or person or object on a paper surface that he or she uses to paint. In other words, the artist looks at the superimposed image of the object on paper, and this image could be effectively used to try to draw, trace or draw it. Both Camera Obscura and Camera Lucida provided an image that was temporary and could not be recently captured on paper for later use.

However, research continued in the 1800s about how to actually capture the image on the material. It was at this time around 1822 that the French researcher Joseph Nicfir Nipse created the first photograph using paper that was coated with a chemical. The image will not remain on paper and will disappear after a while. Despite this, despite the short-lived nature of the image, the concept of photography was born with this experiment and set the stage for further study and development in this area.

Capturing images to save them longer and for a long time was the next big search for researchers. Another Frenchman, Louis-Jacques-Mande, Daguerre came into contact with Joseph Nikephor Niepsom in 1829 to develop the process of making permanent photographs. Joseph Nieps died in 1833, but Daguerre continued this work and succeeded in 1837 after many years of experimentation. The process of capturing photographic images that did not disappear, introduced by Daguerre, became known as the “daguerreotype”.

The word “photography” was coined by the learned Sir John F. W. Herschel in 1839 and was actually derived from two Greek words, meaning light and a graph. meaning is a draw.

A slightly more advanced version of the daguerreotype, called the Calotype process, which makes several copies possible using the negative and positive methods, became available very soon. In fact, it was in 1840 that photographic images were first used in advertisements, and cameras made their contribution to the power of visual communication. Shortly thereafter, in 1850, photographers began experimenting with underwater photography of seascapes.

Until 1850, the process of capturing images was cumbersome, requiring up to half an hour of lighting. The discovery made in 1851 by Frederick Scott Archer was a blessing, since the new method, called the Collodion process, required only 2-3 seconds of light exposure to capture the image.

Until 1871, photographers went through the development process, where they had to apply the slab with a wet chemical each time and process the image immediately. According to the invention, the crystallization process of silver bromine in gelatin by Richard Lich Maddox, the negatives should not have been developed immediately. This was an important discovery, as long as the captured image should not be processed instantly.

Kodak, created in 1888 by George Eastman, was a modern pioneer of camera photography and photography for the masses. George Eastman and the scientists who worked with him at Kodak developed photographic film in 1889 and made it available in rolls for mass consumer use. An important milestone in our history of entertainment and communication was the development of Eastman transparent roll film. This development led to another key invention - the Thomas Edison movie camera in 1891.

-> Modern times

During the 20th century, the pace of technology development in cameras and photography continued at an accelerated pace, like many other key technologies. Despite the fact that several events took place in the last half of the 19th century, such as car, telephone and gramophone records, in the last 100 years major development work was carried out in many areas of communication technology, as well as in other areas - television, PC, digital technologies , digital cameras, mobile phones, fax machines and the Internet, to name a few.

In the case of a camera, events simplified the whole process of photography, making it accessible to everyone at affordable prices, and residents of the camera industry of our time turned it into a mass phenomenon. The first mass-use camera became available at the turn of the 20th century and can be traced back to 1900. There are hundreds of camera models available today for both amateurs and professionals, and the camera is an important part. Gadgets should be in the repertoire of any family.

-> Chronology of the twentieth century in the history of the camera:

1913: 35 mm fixed camera created

1927: Flash lamp introduced by General Electric Co. (The concept of camera flash has been exhausted much earlier, but was based on the use of flash powder, which was invented by German researchers)

1935-1941: Kodak starts selling Kodachrome film and then launches Kodacolor negative film. Canon launched the Hansa Canon in 1936, the first 35mm camera shutter on the focal plane.

1948: Polaroid camera concept introduced to the market. The American scientist Edwin Lund developed the process of instant photography. Later, the Polaroid Corporation developed a “color color” film around 1963.

1957: Frenchman Jaques Yves Cousteau invented the first waterproof 35 mm camera for underwater photography called the Calypso Phot. The actual camera was developed by the Belgian design engineer Jean de Wouters on the basis of the drawing and the proposals provided to him by Cousteau.

1972: An electronic camera that does not require a film was created and patented by Texas Instruments. This, however, is not the same as a digital camera, although you also do not need a film in digital cameras. The launch of a digital camera for many years.

1975: Kodak’s digital imaging experiments began in the mid-1970s, but it will take another 20 years before the digital camera begins for the domestic consumer market.

1978 - 1980: Asian players, such as Konica and Sony, begin to make their mark. Point and shooting camera autofocus starts Konica, and Sony starts talking about the camcorder and demonstrates a prototype.

1981: Sony launches commercially available electronic camera. As in 1972 by Texas Instruments, the Sony electronic camera came with a mini-disc on which images were recorded and stored. Recorded images can be later printed out or viewed on a monitor using a reader.

1985 Digital processing technology makes its entrance. Pixar uses digital imaging and processing.

1986: The camera industry becomes even more consumer-oriented and draws attention to the entertainment and travel associated with the use of the camera, with the launch of the concept of disposable disposable cameras. Fuji is credited with developing this concept.

Also in 1986-1987, Kodak began giant strides in the field of digital development. Digital means, a photographic image is divided into small units of dots or squares, called pixels. Pixels are programmable image units that can be processed by computers. Each image could be millions of pixels. The use of pixels in digital technology allows you to store large volumes of pixels to ensure high-quality print quality.

1990: Kodak introduces Photo CD. This is a system for storing photographic images on a CD and then viewing them on a computer. With this development, a user-friendly approach to the camera industry has been applied.

1991: Kodak introduces a digital camera targeted at professionals and journalists. Kodak is credited with the invention of the technology of pixel cameras, known to us as a digital camera. Digital cameras do not use film similar to their predecessors, but the storage method is completely different, and the final photo has a much higher resolution. In a digital photograph, photographs are recorded and stored in digital form. These digital data can be transferred to a computer and processed for printing. Kodak and Canon are renowned manufacturers of digital cameras, and there are several other key brands.

1994: Apple QuickTake camera, home digital camera, launches. This was followed by launches of serial digital cameras Casio, Kodak and others in quick succession in 1995 - 96.

-> Digital era:

The development of digital camera technology is believed to be associated with the development of television and video technology. The principles of transmitting and recording audiovisual images using digital electrical pulses are also used to process images in cameras.

In the 1990s, development continued in the camera technology, now the focus is now shifting to the field of digital imaging, where the future lies. User-friendly features, such as software that can download digital images directly from the camera to home computers for storage and sharing on the Internet, are new to the market.

The camera, the computer, the software industry and the worldwide network are today irrevocably linked to enable the user to fully take advantage of the camera. The innovation, which caused many inventions in the camera industry, was also reflected in the digital world and continued among manufacturers of digital cameras. During 2001, Kodak and Microsoft partnerships ensured that digital camera manufacturers can use the Image Transfer Protocol (PTP) standard through Windows. Digital photography experience is a key visual driver in the Internet age. Many Kodak digital camera models with EasyShare capabilities are compatible with Windows XP. Kodak EasyShare software allows users to transfer images from a digital camera directly from the camera to their computers, and then print photos or even send them by email.

Manufacturers in the industry, such as printing, have adapted their products to synchronize with images created by digital cameras. Cell phone manufacturers have contacted digital camera manufacturers to develop new handsets for phones in recent years. These cameras can capture images and share images through a cell phone.

Among the 21st century, digital developments are advanced offers from manufacturers of digital cameras, and they will definitely occupy an important place in the subsequent history of the camera. For example, the Kodak Professional DCS Pro SLR / c is a high-quality digital camera, and the Kodak website calls the DCS Pro SLR models. The most featured digital cameras on the market. It has an image sensor that can handle 13.89 million pixels, and this makes it an affordable digital camera with the highest resolution. High resolution determines the clarity or level of detail in photographic images. This is just a problem of the possibilities that digital technologies place in the hands of the user. Digital camera sales for 2003 show that two key players, Kodak and Canon, recorded impressive growth.

-> What makes the future for camera users?

The features offered by digital cameras can be quite overwhelming for the average user and quite interesting for most professionals. Four key current camera developments that are likely to further improve the shooting process:

1. Greater resolution of even the simplest models of inexpensive cameras

2. Use in any lighting conditions,

3. Compatibility for a variety of software, hardware and graphics types

4. Rich colors and tone

While the higher-end digital evolution continues, the prices for a simple camera have dropped to such an extent that even children and teenagers are proud of the owners of uncomplicated cameras. Interest in the camera and photography begins young, and this creates a truly large audience for the camera industry.

And thanks to the story, it is obvious that the efforts of researchers and developers were to make the camera accessible to a wide section of society. Without camera technology and photography, other key events in film and television would be delayed and in what a boring place the world would have been without television and films !!

 Camera history -2

 Camera history -2

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