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 Evolution of computer networks -2

Network computers combine several independent characteristics of science and technology, such as telecommunications, computer science, information technology, and / or computer engineering. Computers are connected to each other, mainly through telecommunications. Telecommunications, in turn, can be run using computers in both wired and wireless modes. To achieve complex technological requirements for devices, including computers used in the creation of efficient computer networks, information technology and computer science have become a booster.

Chronology of the evolution of computer networks

Even before the nineteenth century AD, visual signs are believed to be used on the web. Communication between computers was carried out by transferring instructions manually. The development of modern computer networks can be traced to the middle of the last century. In chronological order, it can be described as follows:

September 1940 - Using George Stibitz's teletype machine to send instructions for a task from his model at Dartmouth College in New Hampshire to his comprehensive calculator of numbers in New York and get the results of the return.

August 1962 - JCR Licklider of Bolt Programming Scientist, Beranek and Newman Company developed and published the concept of linking output systems, such as teletypes, to computers, to build the Intergalactic Computer Network.

October 1963 - The Advanced Research Agency (ARPA) hired JCR Licklider to develop and develop a network of Advanced Research Project Agencies (ARPANET) in the interests of the United States Department of Defense to share resources and information.

1964 - Researchers have developed a Dartmouth time distribution system for discrete computer systems in Dartmouth. In the same year, a group of researchers at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology managed to organize and manage the telephone using computers. This project was supported by General Electric and Bell Labs.

1965 - Lawrence G. Roberts and Thomas Merrill managed to create the first global network (WAN). In the same year, Western Electric was introduced as the first widely used PSTN (Public Switched Telephone Network) switch. This was important because he used real computer control to create networks for the first time in history.

November 1969 - The first permanent ARPANET connection was established between the Messaging Processor (IMP) at the University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA) and the IMP at the Stanford Research Institute.

December 1969 - A four-node network was connected to the University of California, Santa Barbara, the University of California, the Institute of Computer Science at the University of New York, and the University of Utah.

1972 - Commercial services using X.25 were deployed and then used as the basic infrastructure for extending the Internet Protocol / Transfer Protocol network.

1989 - The World Wide Web was invented by Timothy Berners-Lee at the European Particle Physics Laboratory in Geneva, Switzerland.

The constant desire to connect through computer networks, as well as the connection between them, the technology develops by increasing computer hardware, software and peripherals. As a result, the volume of communication develops in various ways. Such a development would be impossible without advances in the computer network.

 Evolution of computer networks -2

 Evolution of computer networks -2

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