Projections for employment in the public sector over the period ending in 2018 show an increase of ten percent. However, this project was based on data compiled in up to two main legislative acts. These laws are regulatory legislation and health care reform packages. A significant increase in the number of agencies is associated with health laws. In the federal government banking sector, additional staff will be needed to manage the allocation of distressed asset assistance (TARP), as well as to manage banks that did not succeed during the recent recession.
Other federal employment growth factors include Freddie Mac, Fanny Mae and General Motors. The student loan program is one hundred percent in public sector management. All these factors will fill the initial growth estimate. In addition, the retirement rate increases as the population grows. The holes that occur will vary depending on the fact that some jobs grow faster than others.
Currently, the largest employer in the United States is the federal government. It grows at a tremendous pace. Over the past two years, federal jobs have increased by ten percent. However, not all federal programs are growing. Changes in public sentiment about the need for state programs and Congress can reduce costs and approve an increase in federal labor.
It is expected that in certain sectors the situation will grow and be especially strong. Some of the specialized workers will hold positions in financial services, law enforcement, research, information security and health care. An increase in the number of aging Americans will lead to an increase in the number of healthcare positions in federal hospitals, clinics and other institutions. Security in cyberspace is another fast-growing area. This concerns national defense.
Because of the need to increase financial security in the banking and financial areas, it is expected that many requirements regulators, investigators, examiners and compliance officers will be hired. Another need that new law enforcement officers plan. Damages Baby Boomers are growing more and more rapidly. Transition to retirement and social security from a regular state salary will open many positions. Some of the discoveries will be redistributed to other types of work, but popular assignments may lead to continued competition between applicants.
The public employment market is linked to changing social needs and economic conditions. The positive appeal of good salaries and benefits attracts many people to work in the public sector. For fairly stable jobs, openness and security are very attractive to employees.