An irrigation structure can add about seven percent value to your property, and possibly more. Although this increases the attractiveness of the house, as green grass and blooming flowers are always a big sale, figuring out which type of planting can be difficult. Not all irrigation systems are the same, and a qualified sprinkler company can help you determine which one is best.
Automatic devices
Most homeowners are familiar with traditional automatic spray devices. These are round objects that appear out of the ground. Their spraying radius can be set to a full, half or fourth circle. Despite the fact that they are the most common devices, they are also somewhat inefficient for watering the various types of plants that you may have in your yard. However, they are an excellent tool in combination with other types of irrigation.
Rotor heads
The rotor devices work similarly to automatic parameters. Instead of just spraying in one direction, this head moves in a spin. This method of irrigation keeps one part of the yard from watering. New designs have made this device able to fit strange or small areas.
Vessel hose
Any good sprinkler company will want to develop an irrigation method that will adequately water all types of plants that you have in your yard. Thus, they may suggest using a hose hose in certain areas in combination with an automatic or rotor head device. As most gardeners know, some plants do not need a lot of water. The soaking hose sweats with water along its surface, which is then absorbed into the surrounding land. This is great for dense planting areas or for plants that do not do well with excessive watering.
Drip system
Another item recommended as part of your overall irrigation system is a drip irrigation system. If your yard has a large amount of clay in the soil, the droplets system directs the water directly to the soil at the base of the plant. This method requires the least amount of water and directs it to where the plants are most needed. Water moves slowly and there is no anxiety.
Of course, the best irrigation plan will have several types. Your company sprinkler system will work with you to best choose which combination will work for your yard. It may take a day or two to fully install a new system. You will, of course, control how much water is used to make your lawn look best.
These systems can be installed without the help of a trained company on a sprinkler system. Some even offer training to those who want to experience it on their own.