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 Feng shui and health: can the sun be a natural fountain of youth? -2

Traditional feng shui learns to live in harmony with our natural environment. Feng Shui pays close attention to the solar and lunar cycles, our first calendars - and how the sun and the moon affect us. The Chinese take the sun to Yang's masculine activity, and we know that vitamin D, the solar vitamin, is produced on the skin and is processed in the body like a steroid hormone, increasing muscle strength and energy. Both athletes and body builders know and use this knowledge. We rise when the sun rises, is stimulated by its light. We absorb stimulating positive ions from the sun and also absorb healing negative ions from the earth when we go barefoot. The sun is a vital source of life and works with the earth for our natural well-being. As a Feng Shui consultant and licensed aesthetic, I was particularly interested in the results of this sun study and its effect on our health.

Our bodies have evolved over thousands of years to adapt and benefit from our natural environment. Plants have learned to make their own food from sunlight. As humans, our bodies also produce the necessary nutrients in our skin, such as vitamin D, D3-sulphate (anti-inflammatory) and nitrous oxide (lowers blood pressure), which help us stay vital and healthy. Light for the eyes, especially the blue wavelength, is important for maintaining normal sleep (circadian) cycles. Bright morning light is particularly useful and, as has been shown, is effective against insomnia, PMS and depression.

Even when the sun activates us, prolonged exposure to UV radiation can cause problems with the health of the skin, eyes and immune system. But little quantity UVB The rays are completely safe and essential for optimal health. Without the benefits of vitamin D, our bones become soft, and this is well known. Vitamin D acts as a hormone in the body, increasing endorphins, serotonin, (mood enhancer), melatonin and, naturally, relieves depression.

But today there is a shortage of epidemics in vitamin D levels, and this is a global health problem. What is not so well known is that vitamin D deficiency is indicated in many diseases. and the list is staggering: heart disease, hypertension, stroke, soft tissue cancer such as breast, ovary, colon and prostate, headaches, poor concentration, insomnia, low thyroid function, autism, PMS, night sweats, leg cramps, irritability, nervousness, asthma, psoriasis, eczema, jaundice, autoimmune disorders, flu, fibromyalgia, fatigue, convulsions, anemia, irritable bowels, infection, muscle weakness, obesity, resistance to obesity, diabetes, joint pain, rickets, osteoporosis, arthritis , odagra, infertility, weak libido, erectile dysfunction, periodontal disease, tooth decay, psoriasis, Alzheimer's disease, dementia, Parkinson's disease, bladder problems, multiple sclerosis, and even schizophrenia.

There are at least 3,000 different genes that control every tissue in the body, and they all have vitamin D cell receptors. It has been shown that almost all the main diseases are deficient in vitamin D (Dr. Mercola). Blood tests can show normal levels of vitamin D, but blood changes daily and your body may still suffer from a deficiency.

Recovery can be immediate if defects are eliminated, and the skin is very effective at fast manufacturing, which is necessary for proper exposure. One seat can produce from 10,000 to 25,000 units in an adult man. An overdose on oral supplements of vitamin D can occur as it is an oil soluble vitamin, but an overdose of vitamin D is almost impossible when it is done with natural exposure to the sun. UVA rays will interfere with certain foods, and the body can store any excess amount in the liver. The body knows how to naturally regulate its output.

The skin makes only vitamin D with UVB rays, and these rays are only available from 10:00 to 14:00. Oil is also needed. over the skin , (Adele Davis), although this information is rarely published and proven by clinical trials. Americans tend to take a shower every day and make love with soap, removing the skin from natural oils. Our skins are too dry for the production of vitamin D, which we need. Then he also takes the body 24-48 hours. at re-soak Vitamin D, which he produced. Shower after you washed away these precious nutrients. Skin cancer was very rare 100 years ago and is still rare among some populations. There is almost no skin cancer in Africa. If you think it's only their darker skin that protects them, think about it - African Americans who live in the United States have very high rates of skin cancer!

Important to go outside to get your rays, because the sunlight through the window does not work, because the glass absorbs the UVB rays, but allows the UVA rays to pass through. The researchers suggested that moderate exposure (without sunscreen) is very helpful, on average, 5-30 minutes twice a week for optimal effect. Exposure is required at least 40%. oily skin to produce all the natural vitamin D that your body needs. Because an additional amount is stored in the liver, so cod liver oil or oily fish is one of the best sources of this vitamin. There are several foods that provide this basic nutrient, making the sun our main source.

The level of safe sun exposure is still hotly debated. UVA is associated with wrinkles and cancer and penetrates deeper into the skin, potentially destroying DNA. UVB is a burning beam, but in very moderate doses it is also a beam that produces hormone vitamin D. There are studies that UVA rays actually destroy vitamin D, so you want to minimize this effect in order to limit the amount D of the body does. Modern researchers change their mind about the dangers of UVA rays, not UVB. WHO, the world health organization, believes that both beams are potentially dangerous, but only with overexposure.

The farther north you go, the less UVB that is available all year round, so do your homework! In Los Angeles (latitude 34 degrees), there is a year-round UVB, but with a severe range of hours in the winter. If you live above 34º (far from the equator), there is no UVB during the winter months. The presence of UVB also depends on the beam angle (50º), height, the presence of snow or water, smog, ozone concentration and cloud cover, so it is variable.

With all the bad press about the effects of the sun, when you stop thinking about it, the idea that the sun is completely bad for us just doesn't make sense! Our species evolved under the sun, in the tropics and without houses or clothes that covered us from head to toe. A damaged ozone layer and increased skin cancer rates in Australia may be related, for example, but we are not completely sure of this. Skin cancer rates in Norway increased by 350% for men and 440% for women during 1955-1984, but the ozone layer did not change during this period (Prof. Johan Moan, British Journal of Cancer).

Skin cancer is more common in people who work indoors than outdoors, and it often forms on the body that receives the least effect on the sun. Few studies have shown that sunscreen actually dominates melanoma. Melanomas are highest in those parts of the world where sunscreen is the highest. A recent study found that 97% of all Americans are contaminated with benzoprene, an ultraviolet absorber commonly used in sunscreens. It is a powerful free radical generator (Center for Disease Control).

We need sunlight on our skins to stay healthy, and there is a safe way to absorb the sun's rays. Cancer is harder than assuming that only the sun does damage. Cancer usually grows in people with low liver and immune function. Toxins and chemicals that spread in our modern way of life, attack and suppress our bodies. Vitamin D can boost our immune system and improve liver function, using Kupffer's liver cells to devour free radicals or rogue cells. The UVB rays even showed that they help protect against melanoma for this reason.

Allow your skin to produce melanin, which is required at first slowly, and protect yourself from excessive exposure. The goal is not to burn, and you do not need to sunbathe to get vitamin D. If you have a beautiful complexion, limit your initial exposure for a few minutes, especially near noon or in the middle of summer. If it is sooner or later in the season, and you have a dark complexion, you can safely spend 20 minutes at the first exposure. The darker the skin, the longer it takes to produce vitamin D. Old skin also loses some of its ability to produce D. If you are tanning at all, it means that you absorb UVA rays that darken the skin. UVB tightens melanin, but does not catch fire.

The skin around the face, eyes and hands is much thinner than in other areas of your body, and is a relatively small surface area, so it will not make a big contribution to the production of vitamin D. Protect these specific areas of the body, as they are at a significantly higher risk of premature wrinkles You can use sunscreen in these areas or wear a hat that sets off your face and eyes. Pay attention to how your body feels. It usually feels great in the first 10 minutes, when the tension melts and you feel a point of relaxation and deep release. As soon as you feel too hot or uncomfortable, change the position or stop. If you are deeply pigmented, you may not even have to worry about the timing of your exposure. But the goal do not burn the skin since this damage is cumulative. If you make a burn, use aloe vera, as it is loaded with glyconutrients that speed healing. To provide the necessary oil, use natural coconut or olive oil to moisturize your skin, as this also benefits you. These oils have an SPF of about 7 or 8. The rest of the day you can spend in the shade, wear clothes and, if you still want to be in the open sun, use a non-toxic SPF-15 lotion for uncovered skin (Dr. Mercola).

Coconut oil works by preventing the reactions of free radicals that cause all overexposure problems. As you “season” your skin gradually, it will adapt to the sun with coconut oil as a protector. Most vegetable oils protect against UVB, a burning ray, but still allow the skin to make vitamin D. Just get the necessary minutes, since there is no protection against UVA with natural oils.

Native islands have consumed coconut oil for thousands of years and believe that coconut oil on the skin is a nutrient. Coconut oil is antimicrobial, antibacterial, antifungal and detoxifies the outer layers of your skin. It is a powerful antioxidant. As a sunscreen, it blocks about 20% of the burning UVB rays when applied and protects the skin in many other ways. Use it as a natural moisturizer and regularly exfoliate. Eating virgin coconut oil is also great for health in many ways (Jenni Madison). Vitamin D can only be absorbed by the blood in the presence of fat, so low-fat diets reduce the availability of vitamin D. Unpasteurized whole milk provides vitamin D in a natural way. Pasteurized milk will often contain vitamin D.

I checked this information, taking a beach blanket to the park once a week for 10-15 minutes of sun, in front and behind (maximum 30 minutes). Within 6 weeks. In that short period of time, my muscular strength doubled, my chronic neck and shoulder pain almost disappeared, and my energy level soared! If you have not yet been in the sun and have any physical problems listed above, try this test for yourself and see how you feel. Stay on top of the amazing free benefits that a small amount of sunshine can do for your body and soul!

* As in all health regimens, if you have skin cancer or are sensitive to the sun, it is advisable to consult with your personal physician. But it is also important to ask the necessary questions and take more responsibility for your own health. Many doctors have no nutritional education or alternatives to natural health.

 Feng shui and health: can the sun be a natural fountain of youth? -2

 Feng shui and health: can the sun be a natural fountain of youth? -2

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