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 How to Bake - Grilled Bread -2

We know that one of the most cunning tricks is baking bread on the grill. Once you are familiar with the grill, you can easily bake your favorite recipe in the oven.

We can think of any reasons for using the grill. You can enjoy freshly baked bread while camping or in the cabin or at the next family reunion. Sometimes it's just nice to leave the kitchen, enjoy the spring air and bake outside. (Watch the neighbors turn their noses in the wind as the smell of fresh bread gushes over the fence.) And in summertime you don't need to heat the kitchen to bake. Finally, if in an emergency when power is turned off, you can only have fresh bread in the city.

You can bake almost everything with an indoor grill. (If your grill does not have a cover, improvise with a large upside-down pot.) The heat rises and circulates in a closed area just like in your oven. The heat source can be charcoal, gas or even wood. We prefer gas because it is easier to control and does not leave a smoked taste for bread. Since it is close to the flame, lift the bread, even if you need to improvise. In our grill there is a secondary shelf for baking potatoes, etc.

For this demonstration we used Old-Fashioned White Bread blends, although any blend or recipe will do. We mixed in accordance with the packing instructions. After he rose, we formed one batch into oval loaves of the country, one into buns with hamburgers and another into duck buns.

The bread making trick perfectly controls temperature and time. If your grill is equipped with a thermometer, you have made it (although outside temperatures and winds may affect how well your grill retains heat). If you have a thermometer, simply heat it to the temperature indicated on the package or in the recipe. If not, guess. After a few breads, you will have the perfect result, and we bet that the first batch of grills will be beautiful.

Bottles and buns are likely to bake in 15-20 minutes, and bread will be from 20 to 30 minutes depending on the size and temperature. A casual look at how your bread makes as you get closer to completion is fine.

We made twelve giant hamburger buns, just a ticket for this quarter-pound. Form the buns when you cook the dinners, then click them a few times until they look like the picture on the left. (The dusting that you can see on the pan is cornmeal.) Cover and go up.

Shortly before baking, they washed the egg whites with the egg whites (one egg white plus one tablespoon of water). Then we sprinkled with sesame seeds. On our grill, we baked them with heat, about two-thirds open for about 18 minutes.

For lunch rolls, we used an 8 1/2 x 15 inch pallet and made 20 rolls of 2.5 ounces each.

We prepared two country style bays from the same mixture. If you look closely, you will see that we forgot to cut the peaks to free the steam, and inevitably ended in a split on the side of the loaf. Don't do what we did — put two or three-quarters of an inch of deep slashes to the top of the loaf as soon as you start baking.

Here are some more tips to help you with this:

Bake the bread in front of the burgers. The bread can cool as you cook the rest of the meal. The burning fat content at the bottom of the grill makes it difficult to control the temperature, and soot can stain the bread.

o If you allow your bread to rise outside, where the temperature may be less than indoors, or where the breezes can spin around the bread, consider using a large plastic bag of food grade as a greenhouse. Just push the dough out of the dough and everything is inside the bag, slowly inflate it and close. If the day is cool, set the bag and bread in a sunny, warm place to capture some solar energy.

o Grills tend not to circulate in the hot or in the oven. To keep the bottom of the bread from burning, place one pan in the other and a wire rack between the pots to create an isolation space.

o If your bread is baked faster on one side than the other, turn the pan 180 degrees through the baking path.

o The tendency is to burn the bottom of the bread. Place the bread as far away from the flame as possible, even if it means raising the bread.

We hope you will have fun baking bread for this summer. We know that you will envy your surroundings, tent park or RV park.

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 How to Bake - Grilled Bread -2

 How to Bake - Grilled Bread -2

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