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 What is your definition of intelligence? The importance of achieving more complex differences in life -2

Every day everyone hears the word "intelligence" used in different situations by different people. For example, you may have heard of an intellectual “writer”, a clever “pupil”, a clever “speaking”, a clever “artist”, PLUS in a less acceptable sense, “clever SILENT”, etc.! :-).

In this article, I advocate the adoption of what I consider ONE to all covered, as well as a relevant in the real world definition of intelligence, which, I believe, will help everyone who uses it to live more successful.

What is intelligence?

The word "intelligence" basically reflects some form of the ability to do things. In common usage, for example, the term usually describes a person’s (academic) ability to use words, numbers, and various forms of computation. Wider use includes body skills (for example, an intelligent football player), acquaintance with specific materials, ability to adapt to new conditions and / or means when solving new problems, etc.

" The brain can develop in the same way that muscles can be developed, if you only get sick, to train the mind to think "- Thomas Alva Edison

Intelligence is also used to describe how a person usually communicates with people, things, ideas and events. Studies have shown that the change in intelligence quotient (IQ), expressed as the ratio of individual mental age to its chronological or real age, is about 20%, due to factors such as the quality of food; health; sleep; an experience; social contact; drugs taken by mother and general education.

It was found that age has little effect on the level of intelligence measured by IQ. In fact, it was found that the maximum mental growth was achieved at 13 years old, stabilizing to about 70. In addition, contrary to social myth, modern brain research now clearly shows that people's mental abilities do not decrease with aging,

Tony Buzan (the inventor of the world-famous mind maps), widely considered the world's authority on brain, memory, creativity and reading speed, reports in his book “Reading Speed” that Dr. Marion Diamond of the University of California confirmed the research results that “there is no evidence of loss brain cells with age in normal, active and healthy brains. "

It was found that if a person actively uses and “trains” his brain (Buzan’s centers and books teach HOW), there is a “biological increase in interconnect complexity, leading to a significant increase in the personality of“ intelligence ”.” This explains why after people in the age of the sixties, seventies, eighties and nineties were “trained in the brain” in the centers of Buzan, measured, statistically significant and constant improvements are achieved by old people in all areas of mental activity! By the way, one (long-open) method learning your brain - frequent reading and thinking - according to geniuses like Thomas Edison and Albert Einstein.

Most likely, the question of how sex and race affect intelligence was discussed. It was once thought (and some still say) that the black race is less intelligent than their white counterparts, and women less than men. However, there is no specific scientific evidence to support these assumptions, especially that the contribution of culture and the environment to the development of fragmented intelligence for the most part is still difficult to quantify.

Definition that I advocate for acceptance (using Academic Results, Investigation into Murder, and Interpersonal Communication as examples)

Over the years, it has been decided that IQ is limited as an IQ - even in an academic dimension. Intellect is increasingly becoming recognized as a result of common life experiences. This means that the results of intelligence tests express how well you have learned how to achieve in areas that are measured by a test. That is why I believe that the definition of father Robert Kiyosaki “Intellect” as “the ability to make more precise distinctions” is most suitable for real use.

1. Training: When Robert Kiyosaki was ten years old, his friend and classmate Andy was announced to the class (after the IQ test, which passed the entire class), as a “genius with a high IQ”. But Robert’s father, in response to his son’s outstanding requests for the definition of intelligence, simply claimed that he referred to “a person’s ability to make more precise distinctions”.

Robert said that he learned from his father’s explanation that Andy, his friend, was smarter than him in class because he could study better there, but that didn’t mean that Andy was smarter than Robert (it was a “more subtle” difference) . This understanding has gone. a long way to get him to finish his studies instead of throwing him out of fear of being called stupid, etc.

" A person does not have to go to college to learn the facts. He can learn them from books. ” The value of education in the field of liberal education is that it teaches the mind to think ... Imagination is more important than knowledge. "- Albert Einstein

2. Homicide investigations: In the society in which I live / work in some types of law enforcement officers, they are renamed due to their aversion to "more subtle differences." For example, when one of them sees a dead body, a knife and a person, seemingly “disturbing” nearby, he immediately decides that a man sticking out MUST kill a dead person - otherwise, what can he do there at this moment in time (God will help us all!).

Therefore, he / she conveniently places the “loiterer” in prison and tells his boss that the suspect has been found. Soon (except for the fact that the poor "slacker" has custody of him), the case was declared as resolved, and the possibility of an innocent person sent to prison for a time! Why do they do it? According to one school, perhaps because this option requires the least thinking — or quickly satisfies people that justice has been accomplished, and frees the agency from having to answer questions about how they went through the investigation and so on.

In other circumstances, the murder investigation should be pursued more thoroughly. As a rule, the lead detective / investigator will go the extra mile to think a little. Often he / she tried to establish a “motive”, and in the process probably found that others had missed and (possibly) eventually discovered the “true” killer. The logic is that, with the exception that a person is recognized as insane or insane, he would have a “convincing reason enough” (motive) for committing a crime.

The researcher must establish what the motive was and obtain concrete evidence to support his conclusions. If he cannot, the law will prevail from him longer than the suspect until a certain time. Therefore, he continues to dig. This method helped to find people "framed" or decided to possess crimes that they did not commit to protect loved ones.

Agatha Christie - detective stories filled with expectations - a great example of how deep thinking (and should be) applied by investigating officials in the resolution of crimes. The lead character, Inspector Hercule Poirot, solves the case by applying deductive reasoning and making more precise distinctions.

Morality here: In fact, it comes from the study of the methodology used by researchers. They receive information and then subject it to logical reasoning against the background of previous information and on the basis of this they make discounts, which then direct them to decide what actions to take - lead to the following, etc. They need people who do many deep reflections and strive to make more accurate differences (to avoid jumping with the wrong conclusions) to work like that.

" Sometimes the obvious thing is not always the right thing or the most important thing. "- Tayo K. Solagbade

3. Interpersonal communication: Successful communication occurred when the words that I write / speak with another person (persons) are obtained and understood by my target audience exactly as I intended. However, there are two sides to the communication process: “communicator” and “communication”. If the former does a good job of communicating its ideas, there is no need to ensure that the latter receives (or “acknowledges” the receipt) the intended message!

This may be so for two main reasons. Firstly, communication can unconsciously have “noises” (such as prejudices, prejudices, past experiences, etc.) interfering with the interpretation of the message. Secondly, he may simply consciously pretend to be a misunderstanding in order to make a point. Both cases happen all the time. Sometimes it is said that people will only hear what they want to hear - no matter how many times you tell them what you really mean. (Re: Inter-tribal, ethnic or racial conflicts). This almost hopelessly sweet situation trap that anyone who needs to communicate with other individuals, I believe, has led Dan Kennedy to refer to what he called "Minefield Communications."

For a sincere listener to really understand the message, he / she must be objective, listen actively (and not pretend) and be able to make these more subtle differences, i.e. apply intelligence. But then not everyone knows how to do the last part, that is. To make distinctions. And this is why I am writing this article (to convince the reader it is NECESSARY that he / she starts doing it from now on). That is why we have to thank Robert Kiyosaki for what he told about his father.

Once a reporter asked Albert Einstein: “What is the speed of sound?”, To which the genius replied: “I don’t know ,

THE NOTE: I firmly believe that the children had to cultivate their understanding of what it means to be smart, what Albert Einstein meant, as evidenced by his answer to the aforementioned reporter.

Always weigh “Proof” or “Information” or “News” about a person / problems against your personal observations BEFORE BUSINESS!

Let me say it like that. The police investigator who arrests is imprisoned and sentenced to an innocent person for a crime that the latter has not committed, most likely being called his “boss” or “unreasonable” if / when his mistake is revealed.

Thus, to look smart, you must not only strive to use objective, deductive reasoning and thinking, but you must also have the courage to follow your resulting insights / beliefs to the end so that your actions are suitable and justified. Let's meet him, hardly anyone who does not want to be called smart!

Therefore, when someone approaches you, for example, with some “gossip” or negative information about another person, you may want (and I mean “literally”!) Take a teaspoon of salt and put it in your mouth to push your feelings and help you remember “to make more precise differences” in the assessment of the person about whom you were told. I have seen many highly educated and at the same time extremely intelligent people, so read the conclusions about who they have NEVER met with, based on the negative information conveyed to them by another person.

My opinion is that the evidence of the true intellect and education of a person can be easily seen in how information about weight gain about a person or about a problem against actual observations that he can make through deliberate personal efforts. Many times, those who don’t look below the surface fall prey to the deliberate manipulation of people by people against their supposed rivals or opponents that I don’t like and will never try to use anyone against another.

However, society, as a rule, does not have enough people who can resort to slander campaigns to discredit someone they dislike, and this works very well when those who feed bad information cannot “use their powers and differentiation ”, checking to confirm that what they were told is a true and accurate representation of a person or a problem in a dispute.

Result: Reputation is destroyed; characters are killed, and life / career is destroyed. If not for anything else, I urge you - for the sake of your own good name - to start making more subtle differences today when deciding how to use the information you meet or associate with the transition to you. The chances are great that over time you will not only find those around you, cannot depend on a word, but you also cannot be called one of those responsible for spreading lies about others.

Final words: “Some people” keep them from learning!

And this is because they contain erroneous definitions of the intellect in their minds. They believe that sensible means seem “cool, calm and collected”; never to be wrong, not to be wrong, but to be always right (in fact, they RESPECT it, doing everything possible to hide ANY and EVERY evidence of their failures or mistakes, so no one will ever know!). But this does not work in the end, as the limited and mediocre, which they fix in their lives, very often show that they were not sincere in their past actions!

Learning is an endless journey. But after one small achievement, some people “hang up their gloves” and continue to live on this “old glory” until they die. Worse, they seem to be able to find others who praise them for it! The opposite gets where there is a deep-rooted culture of continuous persecution for supremacy. In such successful societies, people have the habit of “making more subtle differences” - and therefore never agree to averaging, as they always understand that they can do better if they try harder.

To reach our full potential as individuals and as a nation, we must accept the correct definition of intelligence and begin to make more subtle differences in our daily activities in order to make steady progress.

 What is your definition of intelligence? The importance of achieving more complex differences in life -2

 What is your definition of intelligence? The importance of achieving more complex differences in life -2

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