In this article, we will look at how different tattoo removal options are used to help people of all ages remove tattoos from their bodies, which they no longer appreciate. One of the many reasons why people remove tattoos is getting rid of something they don’t want to remember, such as the name of a person when love is over.
What is a tattoo? The tattoo is made on the body by dumping colored pigments inside the skin surface. Since it is embedded in the dermal layers, the tattoo cannot be easily destroyed even with a severe burn. Tattoos are designed to last forever. Removing them is very difficult and expansive. So, how to remove a tattoo and what are the available tattoo removal options?
Here are some common tattoo removal methods:
1. Remove the tattoo using micro dermabrasion: The microdermal dermabrasion method of the skin is a sandblasting process that sprays fine abrasive oxide on tattoo sites to remove the outer and middle layers of skin that hold tattoo pigments. The body will replace the damaged surface of the skin with new and healthy cells. Some dermabrasion tools in the form of grinding wheels to “polish” the skin layers of the tattoo. Pain during this procedure is within acceptable limits.
2. Remove the tattoo using the freezing method (cryosurgery): Localized frostbite is created on tattoo sites by freezing the surface of the skin by spraying liquid nitrogen. Frostbite with pigmentation of the tattoo peels off within the next 3-4 weeks after treatment. With this method, scars can develop.
3. Remove the tattoo with a chemical peel: A chemical solution, and sometimes an acid, is used to gradually remove the outer layers of the skin until it reaches the skin layer with tattoo pigmentation.
4. Remove the tattoo with removal: Exceptional surgery is only suitable for small tattoos. For large tattoos, several procedures are usually required along with a skin graft to cover the skin. Excision involves local anesthetic to numb the tattoo area, and skin layers with tattoo pigments are cut from the skin. This method leaves a scar behind.
5. Removal of laser tattoo: Laser surgery is the most effective way to remove tattoos and has the least damage to the skin. The laser beam can be selectively adjusted to remove tattoo pigmentation without harming the environment. The duration of healing is much shorter with laser surgery, except that the cost of treatment is very high.