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 Many faces of agriculture -2

Agriculture is a very important activity for the survival of human animals on this earth. This is clearly reflected in the very basic fact that agriculture is one of the oldest human activities. The term “agriculture” includes both the cultivation of crops and the domestication of animals.

As the most diverse resource, agriculture provides us with food, clothing and shelter. With the spread of knowledge about the most advanced tools, there is an increase in immunity in the spread of agriculture, as well as in agricultural production. The use of agricultural machinery, scientific farming and crop diversification improved overall crop production worldwide.

The study of agriculture is important because it is classified according to different agricultural types, each of which has its own unique characteristics. These different types are: -

i) Cultivation change. Also known as “slash and burning agriculture”, this farming method is important because it is natural. Agriculture. Practiced mainly by tribal nomads, this farming involves clearing forests for cultivation purposes. As a rule, roots are grown, for example, millet, cassava, yams, rice or corn.

ii) Extensive agriculture is a commercial enterprise. a type of agriculture that is important because of market-oriented agricultural products. A large number of crops grown mainly for sale. Most farms are very mechanized. The main areas of intensive agriculture in the world are: - Steppe lands; Russia, the Prairies. Canada and the United States; Argentina's Pampas and Downs Australia.

(iii) Plantation Agriculture - Monoculture type of farming, this is the practice of specialization & quot; single crop in large estates. The product is processed prior to its sale, and it is quite a profitable venture in the international market. Important crops are cocoa, coffee, tea, rubber, and sugarcane.

iv) Mixed farming. In this, grain crops are grown and cattle are grown, side by side, moderately, large farms. The rest of the crops serve as animal feed, and manure is used to fertilize the soil. The importance of this type of agriculture lies in the fact that the farmer can supplement his income from the sale of various agricultural products.

v) Agricultural production - this agricultural activity involves growing vegetables away from the market. Vegetables are supplied to urban markets in trucks to meet the needs of people living in cities. This is, in fact, an intensive form of farming.

Another important type of agriculture is “Gardening”. This is the growth of fruits and flowers! However, the basis of this type of farming is an efficient transportation system. Although all Mediterranean countries specialize in the cultivation of fruits, the Netherlands is famous for its culture of beautiful tulips!

 Many faces of agriculture -2

 Many faces of agriculture -2

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