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 Some facts about cerebral palsy and its causes -2

Cerebral palsy is a lifelong condition without a known cure. The term "cerebral palsy" actually covers a group of neurological conditions - these conditions cause physical disability in an infected person. Unlike other cases of brain removal, it is not a genetic defect, and family history / genealogy is not an indication of this condition. The disease is, in fact, partial muscular paralysis caused by brain damage, which is usually accompanied by loss of sensation in the body and uncontrolled tremors. According to KidsHealth.org, suffering is often accompanied by other health problems, such as vision problems, hearing loss, speech problems and learning deficiencies. WebMD.com quotes that about 43% of those suffering are diagnosed in the first months of life; 70% of cases are diagnosed by the end of the first year of a child's life; milder cases may not diagnose as much as 3 years.

There are three different types:

Spastic - which causes difficulties in stiffness and movement

Athetoid - which leads to forced and uncontrolled movements

Ataxia - causes a disturbed sense of balance and perception of depth

Find out what causes it for awareness and possible prevention.

Womb Risk Factors

According to the American Pregnancy Association, 70 percent of cases are due to an event that occurs in the womb that disrupts normal brain development. Infections in the mother or fetus that cause inflammation in the fetal brain can lead to illness; brain damage from a mother’s injury, such as a car crash or a fall, may increase the risk for unborn children.

At birth

Although many cases produce injuries, brain damage during childbirth, early infancy and childhood can lead to illness. Traumatic labor, car accidents, accidental poisoning and abuse can cause the development of a disease outside the uterus.

Overall impact

Since this is a condition of life, the consequences will affect the child and his family for the rest of their lives. CDC indicates that medical expenses for children with the disease are 10 times higher than the cost of a child without a disease or mental disability; medical expenses for children with disorders and mental disability are 26 times higher than for children without them. Medical bills associated with the disease, can reach 1 million US dollars over the course of a person’s life.

Possible ways to prevent and treat

Pregnant women can work with their doctor to reduce the risk of developing their unborn child, developing cerebral palsy in the womb or during childbirth. Given that researchers and experts are aware of the causes of this disease, caution during pregnancy and proper medical care should be able to prevent many cases of cerebral palsy, although many cases are unpredictable and cannot be preventable. It has been shown that medical interventions significantly reduce the severity of symptoms and help improve the quality of a person’s life. Since cerebral palsy is manifested differently in a bloated man, there is no single treatment plan.

Treatment of CP may include:

Behavioral therapy

Mechanical external or internal and devices / facilities


Speech therapy


 Some facts about cerebral palsy and its causes -2

 Some facts about cerebral palsy and its causes -2

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