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 Penile skin irritation: causes, treatment and risk factors -2

Full scale or just a patch, irritation of the skin on the penis can be a cause for concern and often leads to loss of attention and additional relief from discomfort. It is also not something that a person usually wants to show off while “entertaining”. Here's the good news: most causes of irritated penis can be easily corrected and there is nothing to worry about. Here are five common causes of skin irritation on the penis and how to fix Lila.

1) Genital infections - No one in the world likes to cuddle more than a fungus. Give it a pleasant, warm, wet place to curl up, like the folds of the skin of the penis, and it will hide straight. To keep itching as a joke and other mushroom friends from the area, keep the genital area clean and dry. After the invasion, consult a doctor for antifungal cream to clear up the infection. To prevent fungal fungi in the future, swim regularly, carefully clean and keep the area dry and airy.

2) Too much good - Too much sex or yourself - satisfaction may seem harmless, but it can lead to red, cracking, irritated, genital skin. Without a man loving his fingers and needles on his irritated penis, immediately stop all activities until the skin returns to normal. To return it soft and elastic, use cool compresses to soothe irritation and penis health cream to restore and refresh the skin. When all goes well, make sure that you practice moderation in all things and use good water-based lubricant for particularly energetic sensory machinations.

3) Latex condoms - Something like 15% of all Americans are allergic to latex, so skin irritation on the penis due to latex is not at all uncommon. Now the fix is ​​not stopping the use of condoms (without bone, buddy), but this is a search for alternative condoms such as polyurethane or polyisoprene, which protect against STIs and latex-free pregnancy. To help irritation, follow the same rules as No. 2.

4) Balanitis - Balanitis is a skin infection that affects the head of the penis and the foreskin and is more commonly found by uncircumcised men. This is caused by the accumulation of smegma. Smegma is a stinky mixture of dead skin cells, body oils and bacteria, which are pickled in a special, odorous, off-white paste that chains bacteria to infect the thin skin of the penis. The best way to treat and prevent balanitis is to regularly and thoroughly clean the penis daily with a gentle cleanser. If the problem gets out of control (for example, the foreskin will not be reversed), the doctor will prescribe an antibiotic to eliminate the infection.

5) Sexually transmitted infections (STIs) - Cut and dry, irritated penis can be a symptom of an STI. Several STIs manifest themselves as irritation of the skin on the penis and may be accompanied by rashes, blisters and peeling of the skin. STIs associated with irritated penis include genital herpes, gonorrhea, chlamydia, genital warts, and syphilis. Men who believe they have an STI should immediately see a doctor or clinic for testing and avoid sexual contact until the test results are known. After the diagnosis, the doctor will prescribe a course of treatment.

Prevent irritated penis with these tips.

Good skin hygiene habits and the practice of safe sex can precede large skin irritations on the penis. Care should include cleansing the penis regularly and thoroughly with a mild detergent and a soft cloth. Keep your groin area dry and its air often - many men prefer to sleep in a buff to give the area plenty of oxygen.

The habitual moisturizing of the penis is also a critical step in the health of the penis. Use a specially created penis health cream. (health specialists recommend Man 1 Man Oil, which has been clinically proven safe and gentle to the skin) for a clean, repaired and resilient penis. These creams are rich in nutrients and contain vitamins such as A, C, D and E, which have features that are beneficial to the health and healing of the penis, which is ideal for keeping an irritated penis at bay. The base of the cream should be a natural moisturizer, such as shea butter, which leaves the skin of the penis fully hydrated and smooth.

 Penile skin irritation: causes, treatment and risk factors -2

 Penile skin irritation: causes, treatment and risk factors -2

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