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 Why does the straight line OPGW replace the data cable? -2

The main reason that the initial expansion of data cables lasted several decades is explained by the cost and the multitude of external factors that telecommunications companies faced with difficulties. These problems arise because they were forced to bury all data cables. Over the past decade, OPGW (Optical Fiber Composite Ground Wire) has been growing. This new design allowed the use of a compact and silent signal when using power lines instead of being buried. For decades, power supply networks have connected localities and currently provide an alternative telecommunications route.

Conflicts without right

One of the most difficult problems that telecommunications companies faced when trying to bury their data cables was legal conflicts. The first issue was the construction work, which had to approve the cable route before digging. This was done to ensure that the dumping process does not damage existing underground power lines or public works infrastructure, such as the plumbing and sewage systems. The second problem was to compete with other telecommunications companies and related enterprises for specific land-related rights. As a result, in many small communities there was only one or two telecommunication companies. The OPGW direct line allows telecommunications companies to quickly add and connect data cables through existing transmission line infrastructure, which bypasses all conflicts in the right-hand direction.

Without the threat of injury or accidental damage

Maintaining and replacing a hidden data cable can quickly become a costly proposition. There are many potential problems that could seriously damage an individual or data cable when buried underground. The most common problem is in residential areas when a landlord digs in his yard and accidentally damages the data cable. To minimize the likelihood that this will happen, telecommunications companies will use cables and additional materials for additional protection, which would lead to higher installation costs. Using the direct line OPGW, the telecommunications company relies on long-established warranties built into the infrastructure under the open sky.

More economical than stone cables

The great advantages to installing an OPGW real-time line are cost-effectiveness. There are many different ways to use the live OPGW line, which is more cost-effective than cable capping. The first area of ​​cost savings is the elimination of the process of digging and refueling, as well as the outer pipe required when digging in the cable. The second area of ​​cost effectiveness is how straight lines OPGW are established. Instead of buying or renting heavy equipment, telecommunications companies use a variety of smaller tools, such as a platen roller, a mobile unit, a recuperator, a tension wire, and a multitude of rods to draw a direct OPGW line. This process is significantly accelerated, which reduces the number of working hours needed to complete the project.

No need to disable the service

A final reason why OPGW straight lines are popular is the ability to maintain service. If the lines are already connected to the existing telecommunications data infrastructure, then maintenance does not need to be stopped in order to dial lines. The entire installation process can occur without interrupting the service of its customers.

 Why does the straight line OPGW replace the data cable? -2

 Why does the straight line OPGW replace the data cable? -2

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