Square carpets are a great way to enhance your home and complement the rest of your decor. Most commonly used on wooden floors, these large rugs add warmth and color to protect floors. Rugs also have a way to merge a room, making all parties easily get along with each other. While the area rug can certainly improve a room, it can also spoil the look if you do not know which features to consider. Worse, it can be difficult to make the right choice when you are viewing samples at a local home improvement store or online. Fortunately, we have a few tips that will help make the selection process easier.
Choosing a color scheme
Color is one of the most important factors when choosing a rug, as the color should complement the rest of the decor. Think of floors as being at least 30% the color of the room, so choose wisely and choose something that will integrate well with the rest of the room. Neutral colors are often better, for example shades of brown, black or white, depending on the overall color scheme of the room. Of course, if you have a bright colored area, do not be afraid to choose a carpet to the walls and choose bright red or blue. Since an improperly stained carpet can lead to room imbalances, make sure you can return the mat if necessary.
Material selection
There are many different types of materials from which carpets for squares are made, and they can be divided into two categories: natural and artificial. In general, natural carpets are made from wool, although other options include silk, cotton, jute and rayon. These natural choices are definitely more expensive than their artificial alternatives, but they are also more aesthetic and have a longer lifespan. Their strong qualities and differences in texture make them stand out from other carpets and will certainly attract the attention of visitors.
It cannot be said that artificial materials are not worthy of attention. Coming at more affordable prices, these choices include nylon and polypropylene. They are easy to maintain and have many colors, textures and patterns, making it easy to choose a mat that is suitable for counting. Some people claim that artificial fibers do not compare in terms of warmth and comfort with natural fibers, but artificial area rugs remain a popular choice, especially in children. rooms and basements.
Quality Definition
When it comes to flooring, you always want to choose a quality in front of a value. After all, floors are always used and endure frequent wear and tear. Investing in the beginning will save you from having to replace your floor or carpets in this case in a few years. However, not all mats are the same. Some of them are manual, while others are mechanical. Some use high-quality materials, while others use plastic fibers. So, how do you know a quality rug when you see it?
First, look at the density of the area of the rug. The more yarn that was used to make your carpet, the longer it will last. The fibers should be high and soft, which you can feel just by passing your hand along the carpet. Secondly, the fibers should be dense, and you should not see any visible frames or bulk materials. In addition, when stroking the rug, you should not feel light support. Instead, the material should be soft and plush, which provides a comfortable barrier between you and the floor.