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 Two excellent hospitals in Jinan, China -2

Jinan is the capital of Shandong Province, the second largest and most economically important province of China. Jinan has 6 districts and 6 million people. The city is one of 15 provincial cities in China. It is actually a very old city, occupied about 4000 years. Jinan is handsome, has a high GDP and is the cultural, financial and political center of the region. China’s significant development has had a major impact on its health sector. Today, most major cities, such as Jinan, have a well-developed medical sector with many good hospitals and doctors. This is a review of some of the leading hospitals in Jinan.

Qilu Hospital located on 107 West Road, Jinan City: 250012 and is the leading hospital in Jinan. This giant hospital is run by the Ministry of Health. It is also a well-known medical educational and scientific center. The hospital has 1,800 beds and a modern medical facility that offers the best medical care to 1,974,000 patients per year (this number is taken only from the outpatient department). Qilu Hospital is associated with Shandong University and was founded in 1890 and received its current name in 2000. Qilu Hospital has academic exchange programs and associations with more than 20 restructured medical institutions and universities in different countries. The modern department of surgery at Qilu Hopital has departments in all sectors, including thoracic, pediatric, bone, laparoscopic and hepatobiliary operations. The emergency department of Qilu Hospital is the best in the province and has emergency sorting, medical and surgical departments, as well as an operating room with 100 beds and an emergency pharmacy. Tel: 0531 -82,169,114

Qianfoshan Hospital It is another large hospital located at 66 Jing Shi Road 250014. This general hospital is operated by the Shandong Province Health Department and has been offering modern and effective medical care since 1960. This third-level medical center is connected to Shandong University. The Physical Hospital has an area of ​​105,000 square meters, 1,000 beds and 1,800 employees. He justified several awards, including the “National Model Hospital Award” and the “Civic Division Provincial Award”. The hospital has more than 50 full-fledged medical departments, which cover all major areas of medicine. In addition, dental care centers, liver diseases, consultations and treatment of diseases of bones and joints are held regularly. The 51,000 square meter police complex at Qianfoshan Hospital was built by a world-famous Australian firm and has an international standard. The operations department is well equipped for all types of operations and is especially known by a neurosurgeon, minimally invasive procedures and transplants. The hospital offers 24-hour service in the emergency room and intensive care units.

 Two excellent hospitals in Jinan, China -2

 Two excellent hospitals in Jinan, China -2

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