Hunting can be a great source of fun and adventure, but one of them can go not just with simple mistakes. So, regardless of whether you are a professional or a beginner, there are a number of recommendations or rules that must be followed if you want to have unhindered experience. Safety must always come first, because otherwise it would be pointless to go hunting, only to go south. In this excerpt, we will talk about ideas that will help you in your hunting activity, especially if you are new. Basically, I'll give you ideas and explain to you a bit.
1. Start with a safety course.
Take this course on your own. You can choose a physical presence in the institution, or you can decide to do it online, but please make sure that you take the test, even if it is not necessary, just to be sure that you understand everything. After that you can visit the day of the hunting field, where you will meet the hunters in real time on the field and who will practically show you everything related to the hunt.
2. Find an experienced hunter and go with them.
This may be one of the best ways to quickly learn all you need is to remain silent, watch and learn. Do not ask a lot of questions, but use your eyes when the hunter gives you some secrets of great hunting methods. You can go with him to the area, and then return to the same place where you will get to know the landscape, which is a good start to the hunt.
3. Get some gear
Getting quality gear is important because it is equipment that will ensure your safety as well as your survival in equal measure. Study all the necessary devices needed for hunting, write down the list, ask if you can, but in the end, make sure you know everything that is needed. Be sure to invest in quality products, as this can be disastrous if your equipment is not working at the time when it is most needed.
4. First go to the hunting ground.
Countless roads are blocked these days to limit the reception of cars, allowing only those who are on foot or on horseback. Hunters usually park at the entrance at dawn and cover the rest of the area on foot. Quickly and be there by midnight. This ensures that you get the best hunting ground in front of the others, and you can also choose a higher place that gives you a clear idea of the game, and you will have enough time to clear your shot line from branches and any other distractions.
5. Eat Anything
After the next thing I told you, you are sure that you have already committed your first murder. Regardless of the fact that you landed on porcupines, rabbits, raccoons and beavers, they can be an outstanding headache to deal with, especially when you have no experience in preparing them. Do not forget to get rid of any fat and musk glands and cut the meat into portions. Marinate in soft saline for 12 hours and boil it slowly with sufficient spices and vegetables, if available. Let it boil until the meat drops from the bones. You may be surprised by the final taste, regardless of your experience in cooking.
6. Go slowly and stop when there is noise.
When still hunting, most of us never stay in place, and we are always impatient, this is one of the biggest mistakes, since a little waiting would bring you a big catch. Always decide which period you will stay for five minutes. You can never be too careful when you can interfere with something that will lead to sound, if it happens, if you stop until it happens, if you cannot find out if you are all there or not.
7. Choose landmarks
When you follow an animal, making a large circle and behind it, you can easily be confused with your location. Choose a unique object on the horizon that you can know from afar, like a huge rock that will help you guide you to the right place. In addition, try to anticipate where the animal will be after the completion of your track. Before you begin, review the area long enough to determine the route and speed of the trip and select your destination accordingly.
8. Clear trajectories of shooting.
When you first get to your position, examine shooting positions from all points from which you expect an animal to appear in sight. After that, get rid of the branches and other distractions in the line of fire, if you can get to them and stay in a place that has little or no movement, so that you can turn in any direction. Make sure the safety belt is secure and allows you to move freely.
9. After the track
One thing you have to do is move as quietly as you follow. Always be vigilant, and if you have other hunters with whom you communicate using manual signals. Mark every spot of blood with a pin or mark, but make sure you remove them if you don’t need them anymore. Do not give up after a long search if it takes you longer than you expected to start looking for small stains of blood. Go to your feet and knees, if needed, to help you better view the trail.
10. Preparing for the game
Skin rabbits and squirrels as soon as you can, as the skin is easily removed when it heats up. Also, if you get rid of the skin quickly, the fleas present in their skins will not be able to migrate. When you deal with birds like turkey, you hold the wings, meat and legs of the breast when they make the best soup. Cook them in a pot until it is soft and tender, and put the bone, sliced meat into a pot with broth or stewed ingredients.
Hunting is not as difficult as it seems. Follow my advice, but also add your knowledge, by doing some research more, and you will make a hobby of hunting. If you do this for the first time along with an experienced hunter who will provide you with the necessary knowledge and secrets for a great hunt that will provide you with the best hunting experience. Remember that your safety is paramount and should always be first, make sure that you have all the necessary and required mechanisms and make sure that they are in good working condition. Have fun with the next hunt.