Our annoying neighbors, raccoons, love summer just as we do. Nevertheless, we are worried about fresh fruits and vegetables, grilled hot dogs and juicy hamburger. Long after we cleared the backyard barbecue when the raccoons begin to prepare for them. They insist on running in and collecting through our garbage, and as soon as they finish, they leave their mess in the yard. To ban the rodent after the party, here are five tips to keep raccoons from rummaging through your basket.
1. Keep the trashcan inside. Regardless of whether your car can be in a garage or in another closed room, a heavy door, as the only option for reception and departure will help with undisturbed garbage. Fortunately, raccoons can not get to the door handles!
2 Install a 100-watt motion detector If your trash can is outside, a light that detects movement facing the area where your garbage may be located will help frighten rockets and other pests during the night. A flash of bright light scares them from continuing the raid.
3 Sprinkle hot pepper or cayenne pepper around garbage. While some stores have raccoon repellents, if you prefer to use a more natural method, hot peppers and cayenne peppers will have the same effect. A thin layer of seasoning will release a strong odor that raccoons will avoid.
4. Place a rag dipped in ammonia on the bottom of the basket. It was discovered that the smell of ammonia prevents the appearance of raccoons, so keeping the smell around your garbage is always necessary to help with the problem. Another option is to fill the spray bottle with ammonia and spray around the perimeter of your yard so that they do not enter completely.
5. Use a bungee cord to secure the dustbin lid. If pests cannot enter, there will be no disturbances. Using a bungee cord or rope with one handle on the side of the can, through the handle on the lid, on the handle on the other side of the can, keep the lid in place and unwanted visitors.
It is also important to remember that you always keep trash in garbage bags and keep a lid on the can at all times. Using these tips should help with the appearance of any unwanted guests at your party for a few hours and deterring them from the trash.