One of the simplest materials for cleaning floors is porcelain tile. This type of tile can be easily carried or you can clean the vacuum cleaner or twice a week. You could also clean it with a damp sponge or cloth. To clean the tile, you can apply a solution of white vinegar to 1/4 cup in two gala water and let them dry.
Despite the fact that porcelain tiles, by definition, is imperfect, however, it is likely that their surface will be damaged. You can choose a cleanser specially prepared for porcelain tiles. But, colorless surfaces can sometimes take on the color of the detergent solution. For this and some other critical conditions, below are tips for cleaning various types of ceramic tile surfaces.
Unglazed porcelain tile
The following are simple tips for cleaning porcelain unglazed / unpolished ceramic tiles.
Clean the dust or wipe the stain off the floor.
Fill the floors with hot water and cleaning agents, mix and allow them to remain on the floor for five to ten minutes. Do not allow tile cleaners to dry on the floor. Likewise, for this process, you must do it in small areas at once.
For harder stains, clean the tile cleaner with a floor machine equipped with a stiff nylon bristle brush or abrasive pad. For small areas and residential tools, use a cleaning brush.
Wipe off the dirty detergent and rinse the surface of the porcelain tile with clean, clean water with a wet vacuum cleaner or mop.
You may need to practice rougher cleaning if unglazed porcelain tile is largely noticed.
Polished floor tiles
In the case of glazed or polished ceramic tiles for flooring, the following guidelines should be observed for routine cleaning:
Dust removal or stain is a bright spot and debris from the floor. Use unpainted dry mop, not fog.
Bend the floors with a mild detergent. The concentration of the detergent should be fifty percent less than the amount applied to the unglazed porcelain plate.
Rinse the entire ceramic hotplate with clean, clear water.
Dry it gently to activate the glow and prevent water spots.
Security Measures and Warnings
Do not remove the porcelain plate for the floor with cleaning products or ammonia, which hold the blanching agent and / or chemicals for cleaning the carpet. Ammonia and acidic or chemical cleaning agents may change the color of the solution.
Do not use wax cleaners. sealants or oil-based cleaning detergents
Do not apply cleaning products that contain any color or colourant on unpolished porcelain tile.
Place the carpets outside on outside entrances to prevent sand from falling onto the slab.
Do not use steel wool pads to clean the tiles, as light steel can put rust stains into the mortar.