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 The most powerful telescope will go into your pocket. -2

Telescope cut - “Over the past 50 years, astronomers have made wonderful discoveries, expanded our understanding of the universe, and opened human vision beyond the visible part of the electromagnetic spectrum. Exponentially grown in only one human life. Despite these great successes, fundamental questions remain that remain largely unanswered. To further understand how our present universe formed after the Big Bang, we need a new type of observatory with the capabilities currently available in existing terrestrial or space telescopes. ”

The larger the concept, the better embodied in our consciousness, then only the idea of ​​a more compact telescope seems to defy all the laws of science. However, science always supports miniature telescopes. This, however, is a lock on the understanding of the fundamental principle of the focus that has deprived us for centuries. Research in this area has provided a thorough understanding of the science of the optical telescope, which has contributed to the design of next-generation telescopes. The size of the introduction of a miniature telescope will be the size of the viewfinder, which is now used on real telescopes. Nevertheless, this new generation of telescopes will allow to resolve a more powerful than even the largest known telescope.

The technology of making lenses and mirrors has improved significantly over the centuries. With the help of computers, lasers and robotics technology, optics can be made with high accuracy. Sometimes the size of telescopes will decrease to a wear-resistant tool, the same as that of a pair of glasses, in the near future. Telescopes will soon consist of very small (several centimeters in length) tubes installed in a hat. They will have the advantage of the exact movement and cushioning that the human head provides. Wide field of view, similar to the naked eye, impressive focus, infinite magnification (limited only by light pollution and disturbance), as well as brightness, allowing you to take pictures with pictures and live video. Headgear will be comfortable, efficient and versatile. The design reserves the right to rise and tune. After nearly 400 years of development of telescopes, we finally got a revolutionary breakthrough, which is now able to rebuild the science of telescopes and create revolutionary optical devices for smoothing football-sized telescopes using a viewfinder and, ultimately, a couple of glasses. Welcome to the new age of the telescope.

Possible impossible “As our technological advances shape the future, we find ways to make the impossible possible.” We are constantly improving existing technologies, making them more compact and efficient. In many cases, smaller, more integrated projects increase the broad efficiency category. Now we can produce instruments on a microscopic scale, with the exception of an optical telescope. An optical telescope is the only instrument that actually grows in size, rather than shrinking. As research and development of these devices develops, they grow in size with each new generation. Every astronomer wants to have access to a high resolution telescope, but is small enough to be portable.

However, it’s built into our minds that we cannot increase resolution with a reduced size in a single design. In this regard, engineers continue to create more and more tools, creating monsters and giants. The reason for the miniature telescope is considered impossible, because not only with optical science, but also with an unclear understanding of the principle of light. Until now, we still do not understand the complex interaction with both viewing and capturing images. It is for this uncertainty, why we still use two different theories of light. Light is considered as a particle that accelerates from point A to point B, and light is also considered as waves that are transmitted using wave motion. Where one theory does not make sense, another applies. The miniature size telescope is based on the "Unified Theory of Light."

The science - Our eyes are very unique: a young man's pupil stretches between 2 and 7 millimeters, but the eye has the ability to view images with a diameter of several thousand meters. Our wide field of view provides compelling evidence that we are considering the converging rays of an image, rather than parallel rays. The transformation of the image rays is subject to the law of the square law of electromagnetic radiation. Converging rays describe rays that are converted to a point. Therefore, the image carried by these rays reduces their cross-sectional area with distance. The images collected by the largest aperture of the telescope are actually included in a few millimeters of our eyes. A small angle of view (true field) in seconds of a degree so small that it is difficult for the brain to isolate the details that they contain for recognition when they are counted in our full field of view. These small angles of information are compressed in our large field of view and appear to be just a small spot or become invisible.

However, magnification provides the means by which small viewing angles are converted to larger ones. Refractor telescope with a diaphragm of 30 millimeters and a focal length of 120 millimeters (f / 4 focal ratio), providing a magnification of 5 times and having an exit pupil of 5 millimeters. This is a very bright telescope that allows you to close a maximum of 7 millimeters of the opening of the pupil. If a second telescope was built, having the same aperture size of 30 millimeters, but with a focal length of 1200 millimeters (f / 40). Increasing power will be 50 times. Instead of a 5 mm exit pupil, such a telescope will now have an exit pupil of just 0.5 millimeter. From the same formula for obtaining a 50-fold magnifying power and an exit pupil of 5 millimeters an aperture of 300 millimeters is required.

Refractor telescopes cannot get a 7 mm pupil without the influence of aberrations. To overcome this, telescope designers try to balance the balance between magnification and brightness. The decisive force describes this balance. Compromise will reduce the brightness, but will increase the power of increase and clarity of the image in the same proportion. Eyepiece plays an important role in completing the image of the field of clothing. They are able to influence the field of view, increase and exit of the pupil (brightness). A short focal length of the eye will provide a large magnifying force, a small field of view and a short exit pupil; while the long focal length of the eye will provide a small magnifying force, a large field of view and a long exit pupil. This example shows that the increase is inversely proportional to the diameter of the exit pupil, and the exit pupil is directly proportional to the brightness.

From the larger best formula we know that by increasing the aperture of the lens, we can increase the exit pupil and, therefore, the brightness of the image. There are several optical aberrations that limit the modern design of the telescope. When designing optical systems, an optical engineer must make compromises in managing aberrations to achieve the desired result. Aberrations are any errors that lead to image imperfection. Such errors may occur as a result of design or manufacturing or both.

Achromatic lenses are designed to reduce color aberration, created whenever white light refracts, but even with better designs, color aberration cannot be completely eliminated. Color aberration also consists of a secondary effect, called the secondary spectrum. The longer the focal ratio, the weaker the secondary spectrum becomes. Color aberration limits most refractors to a f / 15 focal ratio. Reflectors that are less susceptible to color aberration have a f / 5 focal ratio for commercial design and f / 2.5 for professional designs. As part of the well-known telescope design, the various conditions necessary for perfecting the image are integrated, so they force engineers to compromise in order to get a close balance that will make the best possible image.

What if you can increase the selection, focus and brightness? A new formula for telescopes of body dimension isolates each of these factors and allows each to independently adjust for maximum efficiency.

Desire to increase R- “An unusually large telescope (owl) is a terrific project requiring international efforts. The main mirror of the main telescope will have a diameter of more than 100 meters and will have a resolution 40 times better than the Hubble Space Telescope. This is a telescope with a primary mirrored size field of the foot ball. ”

The need for more power has increased with Galilean design. Studies and experiments to improve the magnification of a telescope show that increasing the power of the increase is directly proportional to the difference in focal length of the lens and the eyepiece (eyepiece), where the focal length of the eyes is less than these two. The race to create the most powerful telescope began at an early age in the development of the telescope. The greatest minds at that time are competing for dominance in the formation of this new technology.

In this era, telescopic tubes were made for a very long time. From time to time, these tubes reach lengths, which makes them unstable. In some cases, pipes have been removed from the device. Tubeless telescopes were called air telescopes. As telescope engineers compete to develop more powerful telescopes, they unknowingly face a secondary problem that limits the length and magnification of these early refractors. telescope design. They notice that the images become dark with increasing magnification. Some, like, magnification reduced the amount of light entering and exiting the telescope lenses. The explanation for this phenomenon was that a sufficient amount of light did not leave the eyepiece of the telescope, because there was not enough light collected on the object. Increasing the size of the aperture increases the exit pupil, and the problem of a dark image with an increase was solved.

At this stage of development of the telescope, only Kepler and Galileo reflectors were invented telescopes. The manufacture of lenses was at an early stage, and it was difficult to manufacture quality lenses. Large aperture lenses were even more challenging. The telescope of the refractor will soon reach its own, but now that the second section of the high-resolution formula is known, a reflector telescope has appeared with many variations.

Today, almost 400 years later, the same formula is still used. Modem enhancements simply improve the quality of the optics used, where modification minimizes aberrations. Now we can build large telescopes with resolution and brightness that can never be possible in the time of Galileo, but the formula used in the development of these modern modems, the same as the earliest designs, is better. The more, the better the formula is not without limitations. For example, color aberration limits the brightness of a refracting telescope, which requires a f / I 5 focal ratio for filtering the aberration of the secondary spectrum. The required focal factor limits the ability to collect light refractors. Reflectors do not affect the effect of the secondary spectrum. The focal ratio in the ff2.5 range is reasonable if the outgoing puppy is required to be closer to 7 millimeters. However, any attempt to increase the magnification in these reflective telescopes while maintaining brightness will require an increase in aperture and focal length in the same proportion. It is these design features that make the phrase âEUR ~ bigger, therefore convincing.

Previous restrictions - Understanding the principle of light rewarded us with the development of modern optical technology. This article is written to introduce a breakthrough in research and development of small powerful telescopes. Most large telescope manufacturers tell you that the increase is not significant; and this brightness is a more pronounced problem that the buyer must have when buying a telescope. Magnification and brightness are equally important for viewing and capturing distant images, but the most important factor when rendering details in an image is focus. Of all the basic principles associated with image capture, the focus becomes less clear. Awareness of the focus of the image and how to achieve the focal image can be easily calculated, but the fact that the electrodynamic interactions that make up the focal image are still unanswered.

All optical instruments have a design around the focus; therefore, it will always be a top priority in shaping a clear image. Increase and brightness are of secondary importance, they are the result after reaching the goal. This is the critical focusing distance, which determines the maximum magnification and brightness at which the image will be clearly visible. Magnification describes the effect of converting smaller viewing angles (true field) into larger ones (visible field), which provides a change in the angle at which the image rays are received, thus deceiving the brain, believing that the object is either closer or more, this is true. If it were not for the need for focusing, then one convex lens âEUR "magnifying glass" would be a telescope capable of infinitely increasing the scale, through the action of simply changing the distance that it keeps from the eye. This is the critical distance at which images focus through a single lens or even a lens system.

What is the focus? Webster dictionary: Fo cli ; it is the clarity or clarity with which the optical system renders the image.

Four hundred years history - The discovery of a remote increase happened by chance. An early lens maker, Jan Lappershi, experimented with two different lenses when he discovered the effect of distant magnification. He found that by holding the negative lens close to the eye, holding the positive lens in line with the first, away from the eye, these distant objects are much closer than they would be with the naked eye. Since then, research to understand and explain the science underlying these magical devices is still being undertaken. Even with today's technology, telescope designers still face serious limitations and design problems that create a trade-off between telescope size, brightness, and image clarity. Scientists have always been puzzled by the nature of light. Sir Isaac Newton regards light as a stream of small particles moving in a straight line. Dutch scientist Christian Huygens, on the other hand, believed that light is recognized by waves in a substance called ether, which he provided to the filling space, including vacuum. The concept of Huygens was the best theory of the two. Today, however, scientists believe that light consists of a stream of tiny wave pockets of energy called photons.

The Bigger - The Best Formula - “With a telescope that collects the area of ​​every telescope 10 times built.

The formula that formed the famous telescopes over the course of centuries of development is fairly simple, well known and proven - better. This is the same as saying that a larger aperture provides a brighter image, while a longer focal length provides greater magnification. However, this formula is written in stone? We put the formula on the test. Is it possible to get a big zoom without a lens with a long focal length? The answer is yes. Microscopes provide a very large magnification with a relatively small focal length. Is it possible to collect light without a large aperture? Again, the answer is yes. The microscope also demonstrates this. Then why do microscopes provide significant magnification with sufficient brightness at a reliably small size, while telescopes cannot? This shows that this is not a law of magnification or brightness, but these are limitations of the design of the instrument, which insist that the concept is larger. The main Keplerian design telescope works like a microscope when viewed through the other end of the tube. From the fact that telescopes are basically an inverted microscope, one can see a close connection between them.

An international standard full-size student microscope provides up to 400 times the magnifying power, but such a microscope consists of a tube less than 20 centimeters long. Достаточный свет отражается от его гладкое о-выпуклое зеркало диаметром менее 7 сантиметров. Чтобы получить идентичную яркость и увеличивающую силу в телескопе, фокусное соотношение f / 2.5 рекомендуется для выходного зрачка, близкого к 7 миллиметрам. Для такого телескопа требуется диафрагма 320 см (3,2 метра) и фокусное расстояние 800 см (8 метров), рассчитанная примерно на 20 миллиметров окуляра. Это увеличение почти в 50 раз. Это показывает, что яркость не ограничивается большой апертурой, а также увеличением, ограниченным длинным фокусным расстоянием. Однако, чем больше, тем лучше. Формула - это ограничение конструкции, которое только в отдаленном увеличении. Фокусировка удаленных изображений более сложна, чем фокусировка изображений крупным планом. Мы можем доказать это с помощью одной увеличительной линзы, которая удерживается близко к глазу. Объекты затем 2/3 фокусное расстояние объектива будет не в фокусе.

Все оптические системы ориентированы на фокус. Чтобы изменить масштаб и яркость, фокус должен быть постоянным. Мы можем скомпрометировать увеличение яркости и визового режима, но мы никогда не сможем скомпрометировать фокус. Следовательно, вместо того, чтобы говорить, что увеличение M обратно пропорционально яркости, также можно с уверенностью сказать, что увеличение M равно фокусу, разделенному на яркость B, где фокус является константой D.

M = D / B

Мощность увеличения (M) = постоянная фокусировки (D) / Яркость (B) В пределах конструкции оптического телескопа все три фактора интегрированы. Фокус был основным фактором для рендеринга четкого изображения, в то время как увеличение и яркость являются второстепенным фактором появления сфокусированного изображения. Для известных оптических систем фокусировка, яркость и увеличение неотделимы. Разрешающая способность используется для подведения итогов работы телескопа. Это обусловлено способностью телескопа отпечатывать детали внутри изображения. Изображение - это отпечаток отдельных точек, которые объединяются, чтобы сформировать полную картину. Увеличение изображения связано с растягиванием этих точек. Масштабирование света сильно отличается от увеличения изображения и увеличивается при изменении угла приема полученного изображения.

Но есть решающий вопрос: что, если эти три важных фактора могут быть изолированы и индивидуально настроены? Hm мм. Телескопическая инженерия не будет прежней, и наука об астрономии будет взрываться.

 The most powerful telescope will go into your pocket. -2

 The most powerful telescope will go into your pocket. -2

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