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 TeleSeminars Advantage # 3 - Anyone, Anywhere, Anytime with Teleseminars -2

Teleseminars. Anyone can do this. They can do it anywhere, anytime.

I spent the TV workshop from the mountain recovery room. Sinai Hospital the day after the birth of my son. I made them on the freeway, because I was late with returning home where my office is located. I actually held a TV workshop with Jay Conrad Levinson on the freeway side after getting a travel ticket, because I was speeding up trying to get home in time.

I made them from football matches, ballet rehearsals and hotel rooms. One of my students and colleges, Jeff Herring, tells me that he made it from the Kansas Recreation Area in the summer of 2007 because there were no rooms due to flooding.

Virtual Tours

We took Joe Vitale's Attractor Factor to the top of the diagrams — with the help of many others — in a hotel room. We went from the room

five to number one on Amazon in one hour, using teleseminars as a virtual book tour.

Many of you who read this article are authors. You can use teleseminars to promote the sales of your book.

I did teleseminars from boxing matches, airports, trains - wherever you can think about where you can have a phone, I did

their. I connected a teleseminar from my daughter Breanna's dressing room, because the power went out once. I had to get my mobile phone, and I entered Brenna’s room, teaching the course and completed it.

 TeleSeminars Advantage # 3 - Anyone, Anywhere, Anytime with Teleseminars -2

 TeleSeminars Advantage # 3 - Anyone, Anywhere, Anytime with Teleseminars -2

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