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 Symptoms and causes of vaginal itching -2

There are several diseases that can lead to suffering from vaginal itching. Many household chemicals, such as washing powder or liquid and fabric softeners, soap and shower gels, can irritate sensitive skin. Even if you use this product all the time, irritation may occur with the constant use of a product or products containing chemicals that you can respond to.

Dry itchy vagina may appear when you start menopause, with a decrease in fluid in the vagina and the vaginal walls gradually become thinner. If you need to itch during or after sex, this may indicate that you do not produce as much fluid as usual, and this is a completely normal experience of aging, and the use of lubricants facilitates sex.

Alternative diseases include yeast infections, sometimes accompanied by excessive vaginal leakage. Such discharges may be normal, but you should watch for an increase in frequency, amount of discharge, change in color, or any change in smell. These symptoms may indicate yeast infection, as well as other more serious conditions.

Bacterial vaginosis or BV can also cause itching of the vagina. Continuous scratching can damage the affected area and can cause bleeding near the vagina. Treatment can be bought over the counter from a pharmacy and usually in the form of creams and pills.

If you develop any of the symptoms described here, and they do not subside regularly, consult your doctor. Many conditions are treatable, just annoying, although vaginal itching can be a symptom of a serious health problem that can be cured if diagnosed at an early stage, so always seek medical attention from a specialist if you are worried.

There are many things you can do to help stop vaginal itching and deal with episodes of vaginal itch. Use simple soft toilet paper or medical wipes and always wipe back, away from your vagina after passing water or stool, this helps prevent infection of the vagina. Avoid spotty soaps and shower gels and cut out bubble baths, oregano or sprays that are so well suited for women's health.

Wear cotton underwear and quickly go from wet or damp clothes, after swimming or training.

Use a lubricant during sex to prevent cracking, and use condoms to avoid STDs. Thrush can sometimes be the result of a high diet of sugar or wine, beer and spirits, so always try to soften their consumption. Refrain from scratching, as this will only add to any infection and prolong the symptoms.

 Symptoms and causes of vaginal itching -2

 Symptoms and causes of vaginal itching -2

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