Q. Want to live faster or slower? A: Yes.
Do you want to feed slowly (or fashion) food (or fashion), but quickly increase your career or business? Then, for your work, try the Speed Coaching event. From Hong Kong to Anaheim, this wildly popular format is adopted to quickly serve a diverse crowd. They range from those who get rosy blunders for people with food and drinks, non-profit employees, journalists, executives, students, government employees, indie business owners and, well, even coaches. This could be your next business - or a way to attract customers.
o View the scene. People "lined up outside the exhibition hall at a hotel in Manhattan. The doors open and they rush to the tables set around the room.
When their turn comes, they get five minutes to pry their questions above the noise. A small digital clock on each desk tracks fleeting minutes. “The Speed Dating session can vary from five to 20 or 30 minutes. Maybe stupid (I mean straight).
In a different format, “you and the group are moving one by one through coaching stations.”
Some SpeedCoaching events are free, others include basic materials, workshops and dishes up to $ 350.
o At the Samuel Adams brewery in Boston, sixty microcenters “jumped at the opportunity to turn through 20-minute specialized stations with 26 trainers, many of whom are employees of Sam Adams, to get advice on business consulting, marketing, sales, people management, financing, legal advice and more. ”
“Some brought their food, others came with logos and packaging concepts, and others had a certain business problem that they needed help with,” says marketing expert Reese Sherman, who trained on behalf of her client Sam Adams.
Thinking of hosting speed coaching? Attract sponsors and coaches who serve the same niche
This Speed Coaching event, part of the American Dream program, is intended for food, beverage and business entrepreneurs. Thus, the leading sponsor of The Boston Beer Company collaborated with a non-profit organization that is preparing microcenters - ACCION USA.
To highlight Boston Beer, founder Jim Koch gave a presentation, like the president of another sponsor, Carol Kutriere, with the Massachusetts Food Association. The danger is that the main notes are boring and sour participants of the event. In this case, Coach Sherman, a coach, wrote: “For many, the highlight of the event was listening to their conversations.”
Sherman called this approach Sam Adams "a strategic skill based on volunteering." Another participant, Erika, called him "busy philanthropy." Regardless of what you call these Speed Coaching partner events, they can use value and effectiveness for all participants. This is good in a bad economy. (The format turned out to be so popular that the partners decided to place more in Providence.)
o On the west coast last month, more than 200 entrepreneurs appeared in Anaheim (it was free of charge) for a small business test drive. This is part of a cross-country tour sponsored by SCORE (experienced, often retired businessmen) and American Express. The group is an open forum dedicated to supporting small businesses.
Their format includes not only 30-minute speed coaching sessions, but also the main panel discussions, seminars and a mixer. Topics include strategic business planning, marketing, and business finance.
o The Women's Leadership Exchange encourages its popular speed coaching competition as an opportunity to have private coaching from experts, “many of their coaching services usually work up to $ 500 per hour.” (This can be stretched.)
o Here is another format. "Speed Coaching and Network Lunch." Only 27 dollars. In an effort to ensure that local government leaders in Northern California can connect one to one with senior managers from cities, counties, and special districts this month.
o To help students learn how to imitate themselves (and create appearances for sponsors), Wharton has partnered with its alumni group and other partners in the SF Bay area - Financial Women & Associated Association and Ascend - jointly offer a speed coaching day. Deloitte, Clorox and other supporting organizations hired volunteer trainers.
Considering the role you might want to play in Speed Coaching, consider the benefits for participants at this event. He succeeded:
- Increase the positive, public visibility of all sponsoring organizations.
- Allow students and graduates to get to know each other and in some cases form friendships and mentoring.
- Strengthening links with learners who can pay for future fundraising for other volunteer needs.
“Help the college build local corporate partnerships with organizations that share values such as development and diversity” - and, of course, increase the reliability and trust of the Wharton brand.
- Provide sponsoring companies with a first look at the growth of stars as potential employees.
o The Siveco software company, such a Speed Coaching fan, supports its clients / users by providing them within two hours. Could your company or membership club or association offer it as a service? if you did, your organization can use ...
- Better, happier customer / participant.
- Loyalty to your company or other organization.
- Thanks from the participants, because you contributed to their cooperation with each other after the meeting at the Speed Coaching event.
o What's next? Virtual speech coaching. This seems to dilute the goal of quick but personal advice.
Some tips if you decide to attend a Speed Coaching event:
o Carefully review the list of experts, if they are provided in advance, to select the best of the two best.
o Use 3 × 5 old-fashioned maps to write your questions ahead of time, one for each coach. On the back of the card or in the laptop, take notes on the answers you receive. Diane Kuniff, for example, from The Bone Adventure, a homeless dog kindergarten, wanted to get advice on whether to buy or rent property for second place. Both Monica Herrera and Ronald Brown are starting a biofuel production project, so they want to know how to get government contracts.
o Take a digital recorder, say, Olympus and, with their permission, tape.
o Later, thank each trainer for what you met - preferably by email. This is a polite thing. In addition, your trainer and / or sponsor groups can use your well-thought-out “thanks” as evidence, thereby increasing your visibility.
What if ...
o Was there a Speed Coaching event in your group? Some membership groups, such as the National Association of Tours, are ideally suited for speed competitions at their annual meeting - or as a pre-conference in the afternoon.
After I started talking to NTA, I was fascinated by watching the long rows of tables where local promoters leaned forward over their spiral-filled notebooks, wary and ready for the precious ten-minute show to show every bus tour operator why he should stop at mind to see. Interestingly, in my Sausalito, when I see that the tourist buses are open and the tourists are pouring onto our main street. What was the form that sealed the deal to drop them here?
o Have you organized a Speed Coaching event for your profession or industry - as a service and / or to make money? You know, first-hand, the challenges and opportunities that your peers are experiencing. What experts have the skills, interest and trust in them? How would you make it worthy for yourself to volunteer?
In addition to the obvious joy of sharing knowledge with people who really want it, as a way to design an event, its promotion and online visibility subsequently help them attract customers or enhance their careers in their corporation?
What companies and associations also want to expose this niche? They can be sponsors, attract coaches and other volunteers - or survey participants, where the results will be useful for them, respondents and other people like them.
o Have you offered to hire volunteers to participate in a Speed Coaching event? In addition to private coaching, make sure that other parts of the day have video clips so that training and visibility for all participants continue.
Volunteer citizen reporters can use Flip to video:
1. Sessions: main report (s), panel (s) and workshop (s), if you have them
2. Trainers, as well as those who are in No. 1 in a short two or three minute interview:
"What are two of your top tips for these participants?"
“Which one or two books do you recommend to our visitors and why?”
3. Participants, also in brief interviews, hold an event asking:
“What is your favorite advice so far — from whom?”
“What will you do differently after today?”