I sold containers for several years and I sell them because I like them. I like the aspect of recycling, I like the subsidized cost of them - it is subsidized because of the huge number of containers needed in the shipping industry. And I like the modern shape of the symmetric cube, the container house can be beautiful, but ...
There are a few more serious problems if you intend to use the marine park for any of the many practical applications. Yes, the container provides instant, cheap storage. The transport container can be easily modified as an office, workshop or cabin. According to their limits, they are used as exhibition centers, hotels and, of course, at home. As long as they are primed, painted, sealed and raised, you can contain rust. But this is a lot if you bought a rusty old sea ocean and need a small, uninsulated vault. Usually storage of vehicles, materials or equipment.
So in the old days you either painted it or got a welder at any time of the year or two. Now there are simple fiberglass elastic reinforced polyester adhesives that harden in UV light and are ready for sandblasting, faucet, drilling or paint for an hour. Yes, it's just sunshine! Patches are even connected to rusty surfaces, the stains are waterproof and resistant to extreme temperatures, extreme heat and cold.
If you work with UV Quick patches inside, ultraviolet radiation may be a problem, but ultraviolet lights are available for about $ 20 at home appliance stores. Although for the repair of container containers you are probably working on the outside of the sailor.
Identifying a container leak in my experience is as simple as visiting a container in the daytime, closing doors and searching for light. Once the hole has been identified, locate it on the outside of the can and remove the flexible silver foil patch and apply it to the hole. You can cut and mold a patch into a shape. Tie the patch to steel with pressure. Hold the pressure in the entire patch area for a minute or 2 and do it. I use my thumbs to put pressure on the patch. It is best to apply the patch to a clean, dry area, so take a cloth with you. A wire brush if you have surface rust or a grinder with a wire brush for more serious rust problems.
The patch will be heavy in half an hour on an overcast day. 15 minutes on a sunny day. You have about 3 minutes to place a patch to open a foil bag. After an hour, you can sprinkle with sand and draw a patch. Or drill a hole and hang a shelf. It really is a strong bond.
Currently, I have repaired a dozen or so containers for delivery using this method for the last 6 months, and now the rain and snow have arrived, my container inspections have proven that this product really works well.