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 Prince Harry - Numerology, Astrology Profile -2

Prince Harry is the youngest son of Charles and the late Diana, Princess of Wales, second lieutenant in the blues and royal courts of the cavalry cavalry regiment, tank commander and state adviser.

Date of birth: September 15, 1984

Numerology: 37/10 - the way of life 1

Path of Life 1: He has always been associated with male (yan) energies and is a powerful force of elemental fire. The person who chose this life path came into this life to learn individuality, self-confidence and the correct expression of will. They may be desperately independent and must be left alone to complete tasks.

Although they are popular in colleges, they are not players in a team and they hardly accept orders. They often end up at a responsible and influential level. Ambition is the primary force in the One ... it often forces them to start a new project before the completion of another.

The young and early adult years can be an intestinal struggle for independence and self-identification.

Prince Harry has Harmonious characteristics

Strong will and ambition, taking into account other, courageous, organizer-leader-pioneer, individual, original thinker ... they express themselves confidently. However, since he has two numbers 1 on his schedule, he needs not to worry about not going over to the persistent characteristics of his number life path:

Persistent characteristics

Intentional, domineering, selfish, arrogant; puts their own needs before others, regardless of the consequences; boastful, impulsive, hyperactive.

He also has a definition line in his chart:

Stable and focused on the task, they are permanent people who have recovered from their failures and are struggling to cope with problems by pursuing their goals.

Life path 37/10: A person with this combination will have the number of life paths 3 and 7, components 10, sensitive, have a private location with a delicate energy field and must overcome a deep lack of uncertainty.

A sense of trust is important for everyone, but it becomes a touchstone of life for 37/10. Due to the lack of self-confidence, most seek knowledge outside themselves, and do not trust their intuitive depths.

Most 37/10 prefer to listen than speak, because they are afraid that they are not saying that. They prefer confidentiality for the company, but they feel the need to connect someone. Because of insecurity, however, 37/10 often expect great love, not giving back much, and they may be inclined to rely on other people for strength. They may depend on the helper, so that he feels complete or work to fulfill them, relying on external influences. They have mixed feelings about relationships with others; This ambivalence reflects their own relationships with themselves.

Most 37 / 10s begin as naively trusting, and then are derived from others due to insecurity and fear of embarrassment. Without revealing their feelings, they find or perceive that people misunderstand them or even mistrust them. Working in negative, they can spread dreams that reveal the shadow side of their fear and feel repressed bitterness about relationships. They may suffer from physical diseases if they struggle with blocked creative energies.

This is a sensitive, highly artistic pattern. Almost all 37 / 10s find emotional healing through music. They demonstrate an excellent ability to express themselves through art, acting, poetry, dance, photography, design, and many forms of creative expression. All 10th, whether it is 19/10, 28/10 or 37/10, possess a special inner gift of additional abilities of intuition, hypersensitivity and expressiveness, as well as double strength.

37/10 tend to trust their minds to their hearts, because the heart and feelings are associated with pain and distrust due to perceived betrayals. Positively, these people have a deep connection with the love and wisdom of the heart, but they need to trust their feelings, even if these feelings are sometimes associated with pain.

The extent to which 37/10 subconsciously expects betrayal, is faced with treason in others and in the world. When they learn to value their role in creating these dramas, they can understand the role that others play in their long-term evolution. Then they no longer face treachery in the outside world, because they have learned to trust the greater process of their life.



Taking on the analytic quality of Mercury, the minds of Virgo are always busy; analyzing information, carefully analyzing it to make sense and order.

Virgo sets high standards and, not always trusting others to apply the same criteria, often prefers to work alone to achieve something.

The sign of Virgo is associated with work and health; Many of the concerns that tend to concern them may lead to indigestion and related disorders. If they are not worried about something external, they will focus on the questions within themselves.

The only thing that Virgo should avoid at all costs is a medical dictionary! Another quality associated with the Virgin is a youthful appearance, and if they are not disturbed by their premature aging, their appearance often causes envy among their peers.

In love

Virgo is known as shy - hiding in the corner at parties or deep in conversation about her work. This sign can be incredibly serious, real anxiety and very special to almost everyone.

In their relationship, Virgos can be a little restrained and certainly disgusted about who they choose for their partner. They tend to be less inclined to show their feelings than other signs, and need sufficient confidence before they even think about long-term commitments.

Ruled by Mercury means they can be good friends with a lover. Once in a well-established relationship Virgos show sincerity and reliability. They are very concerned about the happiness of their partners in caring and practical ways.

Virgin lives to serve! Yes, here is a group of people born to serve others. Moreover, they are meticulous. Virgos are amazingly effective and able to create order from the most spectacular chaos. Like Gemini, Virgo is suitable for a career in the media or in the media. This analytical mind transcends journalistic investigative activity, as a critic, or any area in which the gift of words of Mercury and talent for writing can be used.

When they fall in love, they will put you on a pedestal; but they can also be terribly important! Under the cool manner - a passionate heart, and he needs only one who wants to ignite the fire of the Virgin and create a true mixture of minds.

They never like to be embarrassed in public - it can be bad enough alone! You will also need to closely monitor the criticism - Virgo is the master of this, but they can be extremely unsafe under the surface. As Mercury, the communication planet, rules the Maiden, this sign is always looking for a real meeting of minds.

Virgin men are secretly afraid of deep, meaningful relationships - mostly because they fear that they might not last. They warn of persistent mental problems and stimulation; but internally they understand that their own critical and analytical characteristics can distract lovers! Do your best to understand the strengths and weaknesses of Virgo, but never try to change them overnight.

So, Harry has a double dose of analytics and does not show his feelings, since this feature is common to his numerology and astrology.

Girls generally love guys to show their feelings, is all his relationship doomed to failure?

Let's look at his expression, personality and number of souls to see if there is any information that a potential searcher could use to better understand him:

The following numbers are based on the person’s name at birth. It was quite difficult to determine which name to use, since there are different names and names used for royal. I decided to go with Prince Heinrich of Wales as his official name.

From his royal birth name, we get:

Expression number: 9

Personality: 1

Soul Room: 8

The number of the expression shows how best to act to fit your life path.

9 - The Nine are idealists and can be blinded by the realities of life. He must be aware of false ego and delusion; tolerance and trying to help others is indicated by this number, and compassion is the cornerstone 9; fate is often in the realm of humanitarian causes. He must be a seeker of deeper truths, but not allow others to take advantage of his dedication.

His Personality is how others see him:

1 - The greatest fear should be ignored. However, acting in a positive way, a person with this number may seem straightforward and direct; confident and confident, apparently not needing the support of others. They often appear as a natural leader in a group.

[Additionally, he has the line of determination which will add to his forthrightness.]

Acting negatively: they may seem selfish; they may be intolerant of weakness in others and resorting to people to go; they hardly accept orders.

[I wonder how he got on in army!]

His soul number shows how he truly feels inside his internal drivers:

8 - Soul prompts 8 values ​​something that brings beauty, meaning and profit to the world. They are eager for success and forced to take control in a variety of situations. They may feel upset and suffer from stress if their goals are not realized. Their task is to relax and temper their goals in these conditions.

Prince Harry has some conflicting properties of his numbers. For example, Virgo is shy, but he is also a life path 1, which, as a rule, demonstrates the dominant and leadership characteristics of the type. Also, his personality 1 can make him seem confident and confident, perhaps a natural leader.

Since the path of life 1 is here to learn about gaining trust, they often begin at the opposite end of the spectrum, i.e. Uncertainties of themselves. And you can see it in it. He is rather shy, but then he is also noisy and lively.

Also his identity number 1 contradicts his expression number 9. He needs to act with tolerance and compassion, but when he is stressed and acts negatively, he may seem selfish and intolerant.

And the soul of 8, which is usually about material wealth and power, contradicts the expression number 9, which is to be selfless and mainly help others.

In addition, he has different names, which he holds as royal, and all this will affect him and his personality traits, as well as how others see him. Thus, more than most people, the Royals will differ at different times, depending on what role they play at this moment, and therefore what name is used.

Therefore, if there are some contradictory characteristics in his personality, do not be surprised. I hope it is not a “mass of contradictions”, but rather “more complicated”. individual - as we all as a whole - with an interesting & combination of personal qualities.

Ideally, Prince Harry looked at this information himself to better understand himself ... but do you know anyone who knows him?

We all have different forces that pull us in different directions, and all this is done in order to make up our personality. That is why it is so important to understand yourself. It really helps to understand why you are like you. For a person it is rarely a completely harmonious, compatible number, without any contradictory. So it makes people contradictory, not crazy! It is normal to feel embarrassed and confused, until you come and love yourself the way you are!

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 Prince Harry - Numerology, Astrology Profile -2

 Prince Harry - Numerology, Astrology Profile -2

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