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 If you are overweight and pregnant -2

The number of pregnancies taking place against the background of overweight has doubled in the last 10 years. Excess weight complicates it and cares for the future health of the child. Being overweight can cause hormonal metabolism defects and regulation of ovarian function, which leads to infertility, premature miscarriages. After pregnancy, overweight pregnant women threaten themselves and their children, so it is especially important for them to plan a pregnancy.

You should not think that the term "obesity" is used in special cases and does not concern you. According to medical practice, this is applicable to 2 women out of 10 people, whose body weight index is over 30, and the term “overweight” applies to even more women.

The body mass index is calculated as follows: body weight is divided by the square height in meters (for example: 1.70 m).

Index less than 18.5 - underweight,

- from 18.5 to 25 - normal weight,

- from 25 to 30 - overweight,

- more than 30 - obesity.

What risk do you perform

What danger is associated with overweight during pregnancy and childbirth? It all depends on your overall health and the reasons for being overweight. First, with increasing load on the highway and the inner part. In late pregnancy increases the risk of gestational toxicosis. Sometimes the fat layer does not allow you to hear the heart rate, but cardiotocography and echography help to solve the problem.

During pregnancy, overweight women are at a greater risk of miscarriage, preeclampsia, diabetes and hypertension. While the high blood sugar level of the baby, as a rule, turns out to be too large, which is fraught with cesarean section, since during birth a large fetus can cause additional problems for the woman: breaks, bleeding.

You should not think that it is good to give birth to a big child. You can get “empty” calories from sugar and get less important proteins, amino acids and fats. In addition, big children are often born prematurely. Doctors say that recently there is just an epidemic of birth of large children, increasing the statistics of cesarean section behind the clouds.

Hypertension and prelampyy often lead to cesarean section. High blood pressure causes poor penetration of blood vessels. A sudden increase in blood pressure during childbirth can lead to blood flow, and the baby may not get enough blood. The placenta is not sufficiently supplied with blood, the fetus does not receive enough food, moreover, you need to remember that over-weight cesarean section is associated with certain difficulties due to excess abdominal fat.

In overweight women, an increased risk of pre-swelling is toxicosis in late pregnancy. The work of the kidneys breaks down, so there is protein in the urine, edema. The delivery of nutrients through the placenta to the baby is reduced. The fruit has a prenatal lack of oxygen. In such cases, children are born with too little weight. They may suffer from diseases associated with a defect in brain nutrition: neurological diseases, convulsive syndromes.

During childbirth, the most typical complications for overweight women are: increased blood loss, urinary tract infections, and a child’s shoulder defect during vaginal delivery. Such children need help in the neonatology department much more often, as a result of nutritional problems and unstable body temperature.

Update time

If you are overweight and have a child, then a future pregnancy is the best reason to start changing your habits, leading to obesity: move more and eat right. Many women do this because the interests of children's health prevail over a weak will. Moreover, if women with overweight switch to a strict diet diet during pregnancy (but not to hunger), then after giving birth, they will lose a lot of weight. The risk of complications will be minimized if you lose weight on time.

Start with a diet: you need to deal with overweight with diets and restrictions, even if overweight is not caused by overeating or unbalanced nutrition.

Eat more vegetables, fruits, whole grains, lean meat, skimmed milk.

Avoid sugary drinks and fried foods.

Eat small portions several times a day.

Forget about food for two. You do not need additional calories in the first trimester of pregnancy and about 300 additional calories per day in the second and third trimesters (300 calories is, for example, a small jug with yogurt and a banana).

Move more: first, start walking quite often regularly. 20-30 minutes of walking per day is completely safe for pregnancy. You also need to do special physical exercises for pregnant women.

On average, the total weight during pregnancy can range from 10 to 15 kg with a normal weight, 7-12 kg with overweight and no more than 6 kg with obesity.

Being overweight is not an obstacle to happy motherhood. You should also not exaggerate the danger and overshadow your pregnancy with constant worries. But to avoid problems, you need to be tested to detect hormonal or other defects, and, if necessary, to undergo treatment. Wrong female metabolism often causes certain diseases - a defect in the endocrine organs. functions, diseases of the cardiovascular and central nervous systems. You must pass a checkup before becoming pregnant. You will have enough time to lose weight after undergoing treatment.

Unfortunately, there is a tendency among doctors to frighten young fat men with the inability to get pregnant and give birth to a healthy child. If you feel free to talk to your doctor about your overweight and control your blood pressure and sugar content in it, you can reduce your medical risk to a minimum. And the main thing is to find a good doctor who will treat your situation kindly and with understanding.

 If you are overweight and pregnant -2

 If you are overweight and pregnant -2

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