If you are not a morning person, this is often an excuse that you will use if you are regularly late for everything that happens before noon. But, deep down, it’s all: excuse. We had alarm clocks long enough for you to know how they work and can set them. Ideally, one that won't stop just by pressing the snooze button!
But what else can you do to stop being late in the morning?
Learn the factors that affect your timings.
Sometimes it can be as simple as the realization that you cannot burn a candle at both ends and that you must go to bed earlier.
Sometimes it may be other factors, but most of them almost certainly boil down to a good night.
If so, make sure you go to bed at about the same time every night - we create habits, and this will help your mind to “know” that it is time to go to sleep.
Regardless of the factors that influence why you are always late in the morning, write them down and rate them. The exact score for each item does not matter, but it will give you an idea of what the biggest problems affect your punctuality.
Once you know them, you can go to the following element:
First work with one factor.
It is much easier to focus on one area than on many.
Do not worry too much about which factor you choose, although I suggest you leave big problems longer, because they may seem complicated, and it’s better to have a little success at a lower rate than a fatal failure on a larger one. Success will help you move forward and solve other areas that make you late.
First do a few simple things.
The alarm clock is really useful.
But the replay button often just mocks you to press it, and you ran it one or two times earlier to reduce the time it takes to leave the house.
Turning on an alarm clock in another socket or keeping your phone farther from your bed (if you use your phone as an alarm) can be important. If you need to get out of bed to stop the noise, make a conscious effort to stay away from bed and begin morning procedures, such as brushing your teeth,
Preparing things the night before can be another useful step to help you be late in the morning.
Determine the clothes you are going to wear, preparing your packed lunch, if you take it with you to work, something like that.
Something that beats some time with morning fever - as long as you do not use a drug that you made as an excuse to ruin a little.
It may be worthwhile to enlist the help of a friend - as long as you do not set up your phone in silence during the night, you can arrange for them to call you at a specified time to check your readiness for that day.