Trekking in the mountains and trekking in dense forests may seem complex and demanding activities, but in reality all that is required is a good level of fitness, some basic equipment and a good understanding of several key concepts. The key to new hiking, as with most other classes, is slow perception.
So where to start? It’s a great idea to start by finding a suitable place in your local area where you can practice; for example, a park or neighborhood near the suburbs. By maintaining the terrain in residential areas, you guarantee that the terrain will be truly tame and that you are never too far from help if something goes wrong. Walking in a group with experienced tourists is always a good idea; it enhances your own safety and the safety of other members of the group, and also allows you to ask questions if you are not sure about anything, or simply would like additional recommendations.
Assuming that weather conditions and equipment, respectively, are another important element of hiking, and, despite the fact that you only need to think about hiking in good conditions, it is still important to remember that you should pack equipment and clothing for any arrival. . Clothing is another element of paramount importance for a good traveler, and shoes are the most serious clothing for everyone. However, expensive hiking boots are by no means mandatory; Any footwear that is comfortable and durable is suitable for most hikes. However, it is very important that you test a range of products and choose something most suitable for your own preferences. You should never wear a new pair of shoes or boots right out of the box on a camping trip; instead, wear them a few days in advance to allow yourself to properly adjust to them and make sure they are broken in # 39; and will remain comfortable for the duration of the hike.
As in the case of shoes, the rest of the clothes should be chosen primarily for the sake of comfort. Ideally, you should wear clothes with pretty good clothes; they should not in any way restrict your movement, but should not lose to become an obstacle. It is also necessary to take into account the meteorological conditions on your planned trip, and clothing that will maintain a constant and comfortable body temperature should be worn out, and the main element here is stratification. When choosing clothes to start a hike, you must also ensure that you pack spare parts in case of changes in weather conditions; You also should not leave without extra pairs of socks!
Finally, there are several items of basic equipment that new tourists should familiarize themselves with. The most important and potentially vital are a good quality topographic map and a compass. The ability to find your bearing and accurately read the map is the most important skill for tourists. Other treatment equipment varies from essentials such as sunscreen lotion and sunglasses to potentially important items such as a first aid kit and water purification tablets.