Nothing brings a girl into us women, more than the thought of a new figured dress. However, at the same time, nothing can scream more "pancake-overkill" than a dress on skates. Recently, on my neck in the woods there was a lot of girlish girls. I just took my new dress for my interpretation program 2011-2012! In this article I will (and we can share) thoughts on figure skating, since it refers to adult figure skating. I do not want to start with what I say about sexist or discriminatory, but by and large this is really a girl’s problem. Skating guys are happy to be in any combination of black pants and basic shirt if they can move in it. This attitude seems to reflect the masculine approach to clothing in general, or maybe it is only those men with whom I live. Guys can also recycle figurines for more time, provided they do not grow. For example, most of them keep their pants from year to year, but if necessary, will have a new shirt.
The Commune is probably the number one subject commented on by my friends who are not involved in skating, as well as a frequent topic of skating on Internet forums. In general, dresses / dresses that I see at world and grand competitions are much more conservative than 10-15 years ago. Of course, ice dancing is always notorious for over-surplus, but again, even ice dancers seem to prefer more conservative designs - sometimes it’s a sign of economic times?
As adult skaters, I feel that we have several unique problems when it comes to finding the right clothes. The most obvious is the size and shape. We come to many of them: apples, pears, sticks and triangles, just to name a few. I found that the dresses from the rack seem to be made using proportions of younger, less seductive bodies. Often the skirts end up too short. Or, worse, poorly placed in such a way as to emphasize your wider possibilities. Sometimes styles are just wrong for those over 10 years old. Frilli and the brilliant darling at the age of 7, and not at the age of 47. If a person is well endowed from above, then straps in the style of an overlord or spaghetti represent important structural flaws.
Many times adults are associated with wearing something scarce because of the feeling of being really uncomfortable and open. This goes beyond a simple feeling of inconvenience or embarrassment about the weight that you may have used over the past few years. It is also about practicality. In many northern climates, the air temperature in this area is cold, if not cold. The temperature of the rink where I trained was 4 ° C (39 ° F) this morning. I spent there skating when it was so cold, and even the judge told us to go ahead and put on a warm sweater, as we could find. All these cute little knitting needles and sleeveless dresses were buried in layers of wool and wool that day!
When it comes to figure skating, what works (or not) for you? Send me a photo of you in your favorite outfit, and I will send it on my blog so that we can all enjoy. And a special cry to the masters: we also want to see you!
Next: My new dress (with a photo!) And more advice on what to wear when you are a lady (as the French said) "of a certain age."