Blows and lesions in the genital area should not just be a cause for senseless care. This can mean one of several things, including a genital wart, which is a very sexually transmitted infection or an STD caused by human papilloma infection (HPV). Of the hundreds of HPV strains, few can cause genital warts or otherwise known as condylomata acuminata.
HPV infection should be a serious problem for anyone who is sexually active. While some strains of the infection can cause venereal warts, several high-risk strains are a common cause of cervical cancer, as well as other lesser known types of cancer of the vulva, anus, mouth and throat.
Genital warts are characterized by pulp or brown color, which can be tiny or large and grouped. Chests are observed on the external genitalia of women, the vaginal walls and the cervix. On the other hand, in men, it is usually observed in the tip or shaft of the penis, as well as on the scrotum. It also occurs around the anus in both men and women and may also appear in the mouth in rare cases as a result of oral sex with a carrier of the disease.
Mistaken genital warts for other conditions
There are other similar conditions that are often mistaken for genital warts.
1. Hirsuties Papillaris Genitalis
In men, the frequency of papillary papillary papillary papules (PPP), otherwise known as hirsuties papillaris genitalis, is often mistaken for venereal warts. PPPs appear as small spherical lesions, often densely colored, that neatly surround the crown of the penis and sometimes appear on the head of the penis.
A similar condition observed in women is called the vestibular papillae of the vulva. In males and females, papules may be undesirably sensitive. But these are harmless conditions of the skin, not diseases, unlike venereal warts, which are infectious.
2. Fordyce Spots
Fordyce spots are common tiny, painless spots that occur on the inner surface of the lips and face, which can also appear on the penis or labia. Like, hirsuties papillaris genitalis, this is an innocent skin condition and does not pose any threat to health as compared with genital warts.
3. Molluscum Contagiosum
Molluscum Contagiosum (MC) is another viral infection that is usually misdiagnosed for genital warts. A specific strain of the MC virus is sexually transmitted among adults. Like PPP, these are pearly lesions, often flesh-colored, that appear on the genitals, internal thighs, buttocks, and lower abdomen of adults. The virus is found in the wax core damage. This, however, is different from genital HPV.
Genital HPV Testing
Anyone who compresses any abnormality of the skin of the penis should immediately seek medical attention. A doctor can determine at first glance if these are really genital warts, unlike hirsuties papillaris genitalis, spots Fordyce or Molluscum Contagiosum.
In some cases, when the wart is not clearly visible to the naked eye, the doctor may use a solution of vinegar, called acetic acid, to isolate any flat wart. Impacts can be further analyzed using a colposcope, a general gynecological instrument with an illuminated magnifying lens.