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 Choosing a pond filter - your garden pond deserves the best -2

Once you know the volume of water in your pond, you can begin to consider your options. Here is a warning! Keep in mind that the US gallon is 3.78854 liters, while the imperial gallon (British gallon) is 4.54609 liters. This problem may have to be taken into account when you look at the product specifications for imported products.

What are the most common types of pond filters?

* Pressure filters under pressure over the past 10 years have begun to dominate the pond storage market, especially in the small to medium pond category, which is a category that includes the vast majority of pond owners. The reason for the success is: their outstanding reliability; compact, compact design; working under pressure, which allows the filter to be filtered from the pond, out of sight and the fact that the water leaving the filter is still under pressure, which means that it can be used to supply water or a waterfall. Another important advantage is the built-in backwash system, which allows you to remove waste from the filter by simply pressing a button or turning a knob. This simplifies routine cleaning. In my opinion, the top three options are the Fishmate Powerclez pressure filter, the Hozelock Bioforce series, and the Oase Filtoclear models. All three brands have excellent warranties (5 years with Oase) and were designed to minimize operating costs. If you want to prevent water from the green pond, look at the integrated models of UV-clarifiers.

* A reverse gravity filter, also known as a gravity filter, is probably what the vast majority of us think the pond filter looks like if we are asked to describe one. These rectangular filters are still very popular all over the world, despite the fact that over the past decade they have lost some of their share in the pond filter market. The main advantages of this type of pond filtration system are low initial cost of purchase, ease of installation, availability of various models and because the design was so long, most of the fractures were smoothed out. This system with a submersible pump rests on a pond pump to supply water to the filter, where it is cleared of debris and ammonia, before it flows back into the reservoir under the action of gravity. For this reason, it should be located at the highest point of the pond. I would recommend the Fishmate gravity return filter, as it comes standard with Supra (Alfagrog in UK) bioresources. This low-cost filter media stimulates colonies of colonies that oxidize ammonia in colonies, ensuring that ammonia is removed from the pond water earlier than if plastic coils or lava rocks were used.

* Fluidized bed filters, better known as ball filters, are professional pond filtration systems designed for owners of ponds with large ponds and large fish loads, in particular Koi. The secret to the effectiveness of a biofilter board is design; The biological chamber contains more than 500,000 tiny beads that are suspended in water under high pressure. Strongly beating fresh water, oxygen, pellets and ammonia (NH3) provides the best possible scenario for the rapid and efficient destruction of ammonia. However, there are some drawbacks; they can be very expensive to purchase; after a period of time, the beads will shrink together in the so-called channeling. This reduces the efficiency of the beads in oxidizing ammonia and will require backwashing to destroy the solid mass of the beads and pond waste. Sometimes some of the tiny beads are broken and stuck in the inner sides of the filter unit. In the US, the leading ball filter is Aqua Ultima from Aqua Ultraviolet. Other popular models are the Aquadyne range from Koi Camp Aquarius, Range Aquabead and Biotek from Grand Champion Technologies (GC Tek) and Challenger filters and Econobead from Fluidart Technologies. Some of the models come with a lifetime warranty.

* A suspended pond filter should be installed near the pond and at the same level. Pond water is fed into the system through the bottom drain. This multi-chamber filter includes a pump in the final chamber, which causes the water to return to the pond under pressure, often through a venturi. As a result, the surface of the pond will always be slightly higher than that of the filter, causing water to pass through the filter through the lower drainage under the action of gravity. This type of biofilter is difficult to install and is commonly used in large Koi ponds. Koi's swirling filter is an example of such a system and is the preferred filtration system in the UK and Japan, the birthplace of Koi. The main advantage of the vortex filter is that the waste does not come into contact with nitrifying bacteria. This helps to ensure better water quality in the pond and less opportunities for heterotrophic bacteria to pollute the pond and cause fish diseases.

What factors influence the choice of filter for the pond?

The choice of filter type for a pond depends mainly on the amount of water in your pond, as well as the number and type of fish. As a rule, if you have a pond sized up to 1000 US gallons, I would recommend either a gravity spray filter or a pressure filter under pressure, since larger Koi foam filter systems would be much more expensive for your needs and also killed These larger Koi pond filters are better suited for use in large Koi ponds, where there is large amounts of water, ammonia and solid waste. When looking at a particular brand, take a look at the manufacturers website, where you can often find user guides and installation guides.

Retailers often advertise large filter models for large ponds and smaller models for small ponds. In general, this is a marketing ploy, since the size of the filter does not affect its effectiveness! This is the size of the colony of bacteria available for the destruction of ammonia, as well as the presence of oxygenated water that can be mixed with bacteria. Remember that the only best way to improve biological pond filtering in gravity discharge filters and pressure filters is to use filter material with a high surface area, as this allows you to colonize more nitrifying bacteria. This is a numbers game! The more bacteria available, the sooner ammonia will be. In addition, a higher surface area biomedium means that you will need less of it, which means that you physically need a smaller filter in which you can save it. Supra Pond Filters are a great inexpensive, porous product with a high surface area.

 Choosing a pond filter - your garden pond deserves the best -2

 Choosing a pond filter - your garden pond deserves the best -2

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