Being a pet owner is not as easy as most of us expect. There are several tasks involved, for example, to feed them, love them, play with them and, most importantly, clean them. This is like a second job where you can’t forget about taking care of your home and family. And if you have a house full of carpet, then a problem arises when the problems get worse.
As we all know, carpets are painted and disappear with regular movement. They begin to lose their color, showing a pattern of road lanes. Most of us try to wipe off shoes before walking on the carpet or even take them off. In this way, we prevent the contamination of our carpet and prolong its clean appearance. But how do you teach your cats or dogs how to do it? Surely it is an almost impossible task to teach them to wipe their dirty feet before entering the house from the yard.
But do not panic, it seems we have big problems. But to calm everyone down, I’m going to share some useful tips and points to make your carpet look good and fresh longer.
The first step, and perhaps the most important, is a permanent vacuum carpet. It is usually recommended to evacuate carpets at least once a week so that the soil does not penetrate deep down the fibers. But when you have a pet inside the house, you should expect that you will vacuum more often, even two or three times a week. The bigger, the better. This will help remove hair and soil for pets. In case there are wooden or tiled floors, sweep them or vacuum. If not much of the dirt moves from one floor to another, it will make cleaning it difficult.
This step is important not only to get dust, soil and household hair to a minimum, but also helps prevent the development of allergies caused by these pollutants.
But what happens when we deal not only with dry soil? Surely one of the biggest problems is when your pet thinks that the carpet is a big toilet for them.
In the event of an accident, your pet is very important to act quickly and remove as much urine as possible while it is still wet. This will give you more opportunities to extract urine and prevent unpleasant odors and blemishes. As soon as you see this, take a lot of paper towels and a newspaper and put them on top of the urine. Here you can use weight. This should make the paper absorb as much urine from the carpet as possible. Let him sit for a while. A small shop is also convenient. If you use paper, after removing it from the carpet, place a dog for training in the cat.
A good homemade recipe for odor problems is warm water and vinegar with a 3: 1 ratio. This will be a similar process. Apply directly to the urine stain and blot in a few minutes. Use dry towels and avoid cleaning stains. Just blot it, do not rub the stain, so as not to spread it. After that, twist a little baking soda on top and vacuum it at least a couple of hours later.
It may look like a lot of work and detail. Always keep your professional carpet contact information handy.