First of all, decide if there is a treadmill for you. Before investing a few thousand dollars in a treadmill just to make it a clothes hanger, you need to consider a few things. When so many people buy equipment for exercise that they don’t use, the market is full of a used exercise machine in excellent condition, and some in a not-so-excellent condition. We will look at this in the following paragraphs. Where to begin? Try checking your local newspaper for individuals selling their equipment, selling yards and selling real estate. You can also find real deals through online sources such as online classifieds and eBay. Many areas also have second-hand stores that sell used fitness equipment. Why not pay them a visit and see what they have to offer? Savings can be significant.
Here are some good reasons why you can buy a treadmill:
1. The treadmill will save you time. You can set a workout schedule, and you don’t need to worry about getting to the gym early enough to find an open car, yours is always available.
2. No excuses, it's in your house, get off the butt and use it.
3. The treadmill will create opportunities for your children to be present while you exercise. Your son or daughter can work on homework or coloring books, and you don’t need to take care of a kindergarten or nanny.
4. No more fees for the gym. Investing in a treadmill at home means that you no longer need to spend between $ 25 and $ 30 a month on a gym membership to use your equipment. Or even the worst spend this money every month and do not go.
First things: the history of the treadmill 101
Believe it or not, treadmills were not always meant for human use. The first treadmills were invented in 1875. Called a treadmill of power, they came either large or small, large horses used for power throttling machines, and smaller species were used by dogs and sheep for burning oil waste. Only in 1952, cardiologist Robert Bruce, together with his colleague Wayne Quinton, developed a treadmill designed for human use. Quinton ever sold his interest to the Stairmaster, and the rest was, well, history. You may have heard of Quinton treadmills. The world has proven that the human treadmill was a great idea, its durability and popularity speak volumes. It is reported that only Sears retails for jogging a billion dollars a year. Sporting Goods Manufacturers Association claims that consumers spend more money on treadmills than on any other fitness equipment designed for home exercise. Since its first commercial production, there has never been a single year when treadmill sales have declined. If you need additional evidence, take a look at any gym. You will not find many pieces of equipment sold by personal trainers on nightly commercials. They may be surrounded by a lot of hype, but not always as glorious as they claim. And, as a rule, can not take a real exercise regime. On the other hand, treadmills invariably prove their usefulness and durable construction over the years, so they are held together in every gym. It does not matter if it is a commercial gym or a local area for a local apartment building, you will most likely find a treadmill.
According to a study by the Wisconsin Medical College and the VA Medical Center in Milwaukee, a six-minute treadmill run will burn an average of 705 to 865 calories — more than other standard equipment, such as rowing machines (at 606 to 739 calories per hour) , stationary bikes (595 - 604 calories), cross-country skiing machines (595 - 678 calories) and stair cars (637 - 746 calories). But this is only the beginning of the benefits offered by the treadmill.
The news is coming, and medical experts agree that walking is a great exercise. Whether it's a daily walk through the neighborhood or just a walk around the block, walking is a great way to lose weight and get fit. Unfortunately, however, the weather does not always cooperate when it comes to getting the exercise we need. When it is too rainy, too cold or too hot outside, it can be quite difficult to keep up with even the best of intentions. This is because a treadmill can be such a big purchase, and why treadmills are such popular pieces of exercise equipment. The quality of the treadmill has a number of important advantages compared with many other types of simulators.
They are suitable for any fitness level. If you are just starting your training period or are an old professional, you can find a speed that will give you an excellent cardiovascular challenge.
They are customizable. Perhaps you feel that you only need a light workout or two or three times a week with a treadmill, you can change your intensity accordingly.
They are universal. Technology has allowed treadmills today to offer a variety of options. You can choose programs that focus on cardio or fat burning. You can work to improve your speed. You can imitate running uphill. There are pre-installed programs, or you can combine different levels of tilt and speed. You can also program your own workout.
They are ineffective, but not subject to shock. You will not reach your cardiovascular goal if you cannot train and you cannot train if you are injured. Running (or walking) on a treadmill is a safe bet. Their surfaces absorb impact and less pressure on critical seams much better than running on concrete or asphalt. The chances of injury are significantly reduced when performing exercises with a low impact level. Most treadmills have a safety key or a safe shut-off system, just in case you have to fall, they will be turned off immediately.
They are comfortable. Is it pouring? Snowing? Wavewave? No problems. Treadmills can be used in all weather conditions, so you never have to buy a rain coat or sweater to use it. In addition, most of the treadmills available on the market today have space for storing water bottles, towels, and reading materials. On some new treadmills, you can connect an MP3 or iPod directly to the treadmill console. Some have television and internet. And, of course, training will always fit into any schedule. For example, if you return home from work, it is already dark outside and you are not comfortable walking alone, you can always jump on the treadmill. No excuses!
If you are in the treadmill market, you may be confused (and surprised!) By the different types and terms you will come across. There are residential treadmills, light commercial and commercial treadmills. Folding, motorized and non-motorized, it is enough for a beginner to want to buy a pair of crosses and get in the way. Let's break it up a bit and compare all the inputs and outputs.
Motorized and non-motorized. On the treadmill or "manual" treadmill, your legs do all the work. If you slow down or stop, the treadmill also works. Manual treadmills can be difficult to get started, and if you want to change the incline during a workout, you need to stop the machine, exit, adjust the incline and start it again. In a nutshell, there really is no advantage in buying a treadmill, and not in a motorized one. The reason most often is the cost. Manual cars are much cheaper than their motorized counterparts, but it is important to remember that they, as a rule, are also not built. If this is the cost-effectiveness you are worried about, it is easy to find easily used motorized treadmills to the extent that they are new. We will discuss this in more detail in a minute. Think of all the people who buy treadmills, and then never use them and are ready to part with them, to get them out of the way! I thought that if you were looking for a treadmill, just walk outside or inside and save time and money.
Some other considerations that you should decide before purchasing any simulator will include the number of users, the maximum weight of users, and the frequency of use. Also be aware that all treadmills are designed for maximum user weight. The user, excluding the maximum weight, can hack the deck on foot or, in the worst case, quickly remove moving parts. Low end models are typically rated for a maximum of 250 pounds. It is also recommended to purchase a treadmill with a CHP (Continuous Horsepower) engine, and not a THP (Total Horsepower) engine. On the lower end treadmills, there will be a DC-powered motor, while many commercial treadmills may have AC-powered motors.
Also check out the treadmill application, most residential treadmills are marked only for “At Home”. Warranty will be voided when used in a gym or other commercial type, for example: a condominium or apartment room. Most residential treadmills will use a regular 110 volt outlet, while most commercial treadmills can use a 220 volt outlet. If you are confused about what type of motorized treadmill to buy, it pays to do a little research and comparison. Ideally, you might want to buy a car with a 1.5 - 2.5 CHP engine.
Well, after all this, do you still want a treadmill?
1. Before you go shopping
Consider how much space you have. Obviously, if you live in a small apartment or have limited space, you will not need a large treadmill. You need to know how much space you need to store and use equipment. Fortunately, there are pieces of fitness equipment that can be folded and easy to store. If you click into place, it can be an excellent alternative to bulky equipment. You must understand that most full-size treadmills occupy a foot print (area) 3 feet wide by 6 feet long. Most ICON Fitness treadmills are reset; you will find these treadmills in your major stores, such as Sears, Costco and Wal Mart. Also in specialty stores such as Dick & Sporting Goods and Sports Authority. They are sold under many of the following brands: Nordic Track, Pro Form, Weslo, Weider, Epic, Healthrider, Gold & Fitness, Free Motion, ICON, Reebok, Body Fit, IMAGE, iFit.com, Sears, Horizon, Ironman and Smooth, just to name a few. As a note in 2007, some of the manufacturers are also beginning to create elliptical elements that add up, but this is a completely different subject.
2. Consider the cost of a suitable treadmill.
This does not sound better, the cheaper the better. But you need to think about how much the treadmill that you “need” cost new. When I say “need,” I mean “runner vs. walker,” “use against number of users.” Do not be wise, and the dollar is stupid. Not every less expensive treadmill is a good deal. The phrase “you get what you pay for” certainly refers to simulators. If you are a serious simulator or runner, you will need to spend more money to get a model that will last and offers features that most runners expect. If you want a treadmill, and you are a serious runner, then the budget for a new treadmill can be in the range of 1500 to 3 500 US dollars. This will be considered a light commercial treadmill. If you are a walker, several times a week, just 30 minutes, then your new treadmill budget can range from $ 700 to $ 1,500. This is considered a residential treadmill. So, if you are a serious simulator, the new average will be $ 2,500. On the other hand, buying a used lightweight commercial treadmill that you could spend in the range of $ 800 to $ 1,500.
If you are a walker, your new average treadmill budget will be $ 1,000. Then you should spend $ 400.00 to $ 700.00 dollars for a used treadmill. No one says that you have to have the most fantastic equipment to meet your fitness goals. Even if you have a limited budget, you have many options available. Several sets of dumbbells can be all that you need to create and tone muscles, and something simple, like a rope, can give you an excellent cardiovascular system. Don't underestimate these simple solutions! You can try to try before investing in a treadmill. After all, who wants to spend money on a tricky treadmill that can become a clothes hanger?
3. Set your exercise goals
This should always be a high priority. The objectives of the exercises should be well thought out before considering the purchase of any type of fitness equipment. You do not know how many customers I ask, how often do you use a treadmill? They will tell me in detail about how the treadmill works, and then I will check the “clock” function on the treadmill, only to find out that after 5 years of ownership the treadmill has less than 100 hours of use, your goal is to improve the health of the cardiovascular system or build it and align muscles? If the cardiovascular system is your primary goal, a treadmill, climber, elliptical, vertical bike or recumbent bike can be the best option. If you want to tone up or build muscle, choose a machine that will allow you to train resistance, preferably with weights. This may be a cable system, free weights or resistance bands.
4. Features, features, features
Decide what is important to you. What is the maximum speed? Does the treadmill lean? If so, how high is the percentage? Do you need programs? Do you want to make your own programs? What about items such as fans, televisions, orthopedic running belts, large console displays, a book holder. Does the treadmill have only front rails or does it also have side guides? Heart monitors, do you need this feature for medical reasons? Do you want a model with a wireless heart rate detector? If so, is this a treadmill capable of this function, and if so, will it be an extra expense?
5. Good, Ready Set Shop
Hit used exercise equipment stores if you need to feel and touch your purchase. Some areas have Play It Again Sports stores that specialize in used equipment. Check out the yellow pages. But you can find the best discounts online. Just like buying a new car, the best time to buy a used treadmill is when new models start to appear in the Christmas shopping season. Christmas in the New Year is the "season" for retail equipment. This is due to the fact that most fitness equipment buyers consider it necessary to get in shape for holidays, parties of companies on the horizon and New Year's resolutions just around the corner. They may want to exchange with the best model, and you can get a lot of benefit from the currently used. Buying a used or repaired treadmill from a dealer can be a second purchase. The equipment dealer, as a rule, carried out all maintenance and replaced any necessary parts. They will clear the treadmill and make sure it is safe for the new owner. The dealer usually offers delivery, set-up and some types of limited parts and labor guarantees. You may have to pay a little more money to buy from a reputable dealer, but the additional costs may well be worth it. Especially if they include warranty, delivery and configuration for just one price. Can you purchase an extended warranty? I have always believed that extended warranties are well spent money, especially as treadmills can be expensive to repair.
Always be careful when buying a used treadmill from a private individual. Have you heard of Buyer Beware? Well, if this word was ever appropriate, it is here and now. Знаете ли вы, что большинство потребителей при покупке беговой дорожки, будь то новая или используемая, «проверяют» ее в среднем 30 секунд? Это право; они ходят на беговой дорожке в течение 30 секунд и принимают важное решение. Крупные производители приурочили клиентов, не зная их, и это доказанный факт, 30 секунд. Теперь, почему я упоминаю об этом, потому что беговые дорожки имеют тенденцию к избиению, и одна из самых больших технических проблем, которые может иметь беговая дорожка, заключается в том, что она отключится через 30, 40 или 60 минут. При перегреве у него может быть плохой мотор, изношенная движущаяся лента или другие электрические проблемы. Итак, ваш 30-секундный тестовый прогон скажет вам, что эта «отличная сделка» на беговой дорожке не будет такой большой, когда вы ее получите домой, и она отключится во время вашей первой тренировки? Беговые дорожки могут быть большими и тяжелыми, а не для обычного человека, который будет таскать.
Возможно, вам придется заплатить немного больше денег, чтобы купить у уважаемого дилера снаряжения, но подумайте о времени и усилиях, которые вы можете сэкономить. Вы делаете покупки на eBay, Craig или списке других веб-сайтов? Тщательно проверьте, что многие интернет-сделки предназначены для «Местной поставки только». Вам нужно забрать его и установить его обратно, как только вы получите его домой? Как вы доберетесь до дома? Знаете ли вы, как удалить сборку беговой дорожки и собрать ее, не нарушая ее? Возможно, вам придется снять сборку беговой дорожки только для того, чтобы получить ее через дверные проемы. Сколько лет это беговая дорожка? Несмотря на то, что вы, возможно, слышали, что его только однажды использовал моя бабушка, будьте осторожны, особенно если ей больше 10 лет. Лично я не стал бы покупать беговую дорожку старше 10 лет, поэтому будьте осторожны. И, конечно же, независимо от того, где вы покупаете использованную беговую дорожку от переговоров, переговоров, переговоров.
Итог, если вы решили, что беговая дорожка для вас, вы должны помнить, что не каждая менее дорогая беговая дорожка для вас, и это, возможно, совсем не обязательно. Он платит за то, чтобы быть хорошо образованным с четко определенными целями в области фитнеса, прежде чем совершать покупку дорогостоящего оборудования для фитнеса, которое вы никогда не сможете использовать. В конце концов, вы действительно хотите смотреть на эту забытую вешалку для одежды на беговой дорожке каждый раз, когда вы возвращаетесь домой? Но вы можете получить «большую» сделку с небольшим образованием и терпением.