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 Book of interplanetary life and war -2

Part I III

Introduction In the book “Books beyond Mafusala” I looked at the problems that worried me about human existence on earth, for example: about a person’s height, meeting with giants, nefilims and old ones. Known as Shinning (or other aliens), as well as from the Bible and others. sources, I also looked at such characters as Adam and Melchizedek, Darwin, Methuselah, God Himself and Jesus, the basis of the demonic world, Lucifer - or the Devil himself, and, in particular, the Circle of Rephaim as a place, a meeting place for the Nephilim. I returned about fifty-five million years, looking at this big picture, in nine previous books in the Book of Methuselah.

One area, in this tenth book, now added to the other nines, is “The Book of Interplanetary Life” (mostly in the Milky Way). For the author, there are two questions: “Was there life or creatures on these planets, perhaps civilizations?” Secondly, is there any life on these planets?

I want to look at science, archeology and with the perversion of theological rhetoric ...

Is there life beyond Earth?

(Short version)

The conical point of view is this: yes, yes, to both questions. Perhaps now there is life even on such planets as the Moon of Jupiter, Europe, inside the liquid water under its icy ocean. Also on Saturn-moon Enceladus discovered water. And, as the old saying goes, where there is water, there is life.

Mars, scientists say: Mars once had a life, because once there was water. In addition, many astrobiologists in their studies stated that they had once started lunar Europe Jumpers, or they could have: because of the thick ice sheet on this moon and under this ice, closer to its mantle, there may exist heat vents, give life to things like worms, living from gases released from air vents. So there are opportunities.

What about our moon? My answer to my question is why not? But which question may be more rounded? On Earth, as recently, several years ago, microbiologists discovered several microbes at a distance of two miles from the surface of the Earth, and they were turned into water; Water consists of two-hydrogen and mono-oxygen particles. So now the scientist is looking at planets like our moon, where water is not found.

Microbial and DNA-based meteorites

As far as I know, on the Moon, of course, there are no people with lunar nature or people of this status on the Moon, except those we sent to the Moon, to the Moon, in the sense of oxygen-respiratory or multicellular organizations that lived on our planets in our the solar system and, in particular, on Mars, but for a moment, what about other forms of creatures? I mean, beings, creatures with a different or different biology or chemistry, found on earth? Of course, life forms have evolved outside of our solar system on other planets (microbial), and some may even have been transported through space to reach the Earth. I have a part of a meteorite that is fifty thousand years old, which, say, was not in this meteorite when it landed in Arizona, in what is now called the crater Meteor? Most likely, he sailed around our solar system throughout the eons, and then just landed here on earth one fine day. Bacteria are a great space traveler, they can withstand almost everything.

What about Ice Pluto? Where there is friction and movement, there is heat. If there is ice, and there is ice on Pluto, and if it can melt, and the heat will cause the ice to melt, maybe life.

What about the overheated planet Mercury? Most people would probably not be too close to the sun. This would seem to be the most hostile to life (700 Kelvin, or 430 degrees Celsius). On the dark side, it is far below zero. No, or almost no atmosphere, and water, it would seem, these people. are right!

On Mars and the Moon: sometimes in the Valley of the Mayors of Mars, as long as the United States is from New York to California and as deep as the highest mountains in the world and that could become a source of drainage, or a river in its time, life could have avoided this monstrous geological miracle.

But now on Mars with the machines that we sent there, we can boast what we saw at a distance of three hundred feet from its surface (and even up to eighty-one feet), seeing massive buildings, as if it could be some kind of military base, for the most part hiding the government. When an object fell from one of Earth’s mechanical robots, a giant spacecraft emerged from hidden areas in the foreground and circled the object, 1,500 UFO cases and # 39 were reported in a twelve-zone zone or area; s, and NASA, on this explicit view, shots are taken. Along with the shots on T Shaped, Structures and Face (1998), which is most likely a kind of milestone that the government has smeared for us to look at some strange reason: these are space landing ships and hidden trees in other structures; also the triangular shapes of buildings: cover to a high degree, but why?

In another question, the Moon has a base on its dark side, with images of tall buildings similarly, and towers, large structures half a mile in size, reflective surfaces, many of the photos were blurred, again why?

It is found that astronauts have objects of witnesses during the development of a spacecraft or space station in space, which are denied, but so obvious. The only question remains in this area when NASA or our government publicly acknowledges this? Perhaps when it becomes most necessary, and when they know that the public is acceptable, and not so scary; or when they want to establish fear; some of these aliens may be friendly, others are not very friendly. Some of these alien spacecraft were measured at 7,000 miles per hour in our own atmosphere.

Who are the aliens?

(Past and present)

What do foreigners look like?

Agarians: Perhaps there is a great underworld, here on earth, thousands of years old, where aliens live. So it was stated; in some empty region within the Earth, with a high degree of civilization, an economic organization, as well as a social and cultural one. Such people are called Hagarians.

Alpha Draconis: the reptilian race for the most part; said he has plans to invite land when the time is right.



Anakim (also referred to in Els, short for Elder Race or simply as Giants is part of the Nephilim civilization)

Amoeba as a creature: a disease that carries creatures found above the arctic circle of NASA.

Andromedans: who have been here with other alien races on Earth for almost 6000 years; about 2,000 of them, 18,000 people? From what I’ve heard, they’ll prefer that all aliens leave Earth Planet, and let us make people understand themselves. It seems that we can not, and perhaps we can not. But it seems there are some values ​​here.

Historical data: have been in the space community for more than three million years, in the Constellation Andromeda. The distance from the earth they cross is 150 to 4000 light years; Humanoid form of life, in appearance; North Caucasus. Can it also be Asian, or Eastern? There, heights range from 5.7 feet in height to 7 feet in height. Long fingers and long fingers, women a little shorter; there the spacecraft ranges from fifty to sixty-five feet across, command ships over 2500 feet long. Some called them the gray demon Nephilim. They sinned against the birds and beasts of the world.

Dragon Gray: a reptilian type, such skulls were found in Canada, four fingers (there are many qualifications in this category or the type of aliens).

The Sumerians, from Kodesh to Ur (ancient cities of Iraq): the ancient Sumerians came to the creation of an advanced civilization in the land of Iraq. The pictographic cuneiform writings (of which I have) can confirm the reached letter, and they also believe that their ancestor was from this alien race.

Nephilim, mythological and biblical statement: I see that a split develops here, and the truth is that we are not alone here on planet Earth and have not been for a very long time, and we can find all this about what it says: the end of this century which ends in 2012, the scriptures indicated.

On another note, the Milky Way means “Serpent of Light”, in mythology, how he got this name, which I do not know, but Lucifer - the shadow of Nephilim - is a serpent. This is a snake that eats its own tail. Now let me go back when I want to find out, I mean, openly find out that he will be almost close, someone is already on the way. The old gods before Adam - the antichrist, all will appear, will be on our doorstep, the Nefil, which I mentioned in this book, and other books, are those who give secret knowledge to humanity. Some people think that on December 21, 2012 we will witness the galactic events, I am not all that calmed down on this date, only that the Nephilim army has plans to return to earth with or without friends; anyway, it is possible with Lucifer, and, of course, the Antichrist is already doing his dirty work here, preparing the way from Washington and Belgium, and perhaps every capital in the world, if they do, NASA and other countries are hiding, opening wide and finite.

Time: time and space equal to spatial time are both interconnected, they are not separated, light is transmitted as partial, and most of the work is believed to be theological. God made the cryptogram of the Universe, sometimes in the building of the Jewish Temple, the Temple of Solomon, as it is often called, and we are or can be, God, treasure hunters, if we really want to cancel the riddle. The Jewish Book of Light confirms this statement: the creation created can be confirmed by sacred Geometry, if the mystery of the Temple can be solved.

Posted: 4-21-2010

Shelter and threat

(Alien Integration of the Earth)


Threat: President Reagan was afraid of a threat from space, why? What did he know that we didn't know? And George Adamski claimed that he visited Venus. General Douglas MacArthur said that our next great war will be an interplanetary war. The scientist Herman Oberth, the father of modern rockers, said that a UFO is outer space, and contact has already been established. General George Marshall said that contact was made, and UFOs can destroy us if they wish. Admiral Roscoe Hillcoater, the first director of the CIA, admitted that the next step was before the Aliens. Others who know about UFOs and thoughtful research in the area were: Adolf Hitler, Joseph Stalin, Winston Churchill, Gerald Ford and Jimmy Carter, who said that he himself had seen.

Indoctrination: believe it or not, we slowly spill information; we program, according to television programs, books about aliens that are programmed to accept these phantom phenomena.

If these phenomena were removed as facts in the 1940s, 1950s, or 1960s, our sullen human cultures and institutions would collapse and cause chaos, but are we ready now?

Upon learning of our presence: We all know that area 51 is the area of ​​study of an American foreigner, and we all know that 3,500 pilots said they were in alien spacecraft, all documented. And regardless of the silence in this area, because foreigners want to continue their cuts without any hindrance, as they did. Therefore, they do not want this to be publicly acknowledged by fact, and the governments of the world, knowing that they have no control over it, are not saying anything, fearing that the public will demand something, and why buy a cow if you can get milk freely.

These foreigners, high and small gray, as they are known from the eleven kinds of foreigners that were known, have led to constant threats to the Russian and American governments, some of them actually help these two peoples. Valiant Four is the name of one of the aliens.

May 20, 2012, as well as June 6, 2012, and December 21, 2012 strange things will happen right above our heads, beware (sometimes at the beginning of the third world war)

During Operation High Jump, Admiral Byrd and his armada of ships and aircraft that traveled to Antarctica, between December 31, 1946 and January 1947, selected 70,000 photographs when mapping the continent; the planes spent 220 hours in the air, doing this, covering 22,700 miles. After the task was completed, the Admiral Bird was absent for three hours. He later explained that he was taken to a massive underground city and talked to aliens, who expressed their concern that the atomic bomb was used and that in the past they tried not to interfere in the affairs of earthlings, but this is now impossible. It will be WWIII in the near future, and it will destroy most of the land, and they will be available to help return the cultures of peace.

Interplanetary war

(Alien Integration of the Earth)

Part III.

This is just an example (projection): January 1, 2016, press release (the world program from the United Nations and its intended general speaker had this to say five minutes ago):

"We have now come to the threshold where we must unite to fight the invading force from the interstellar space called" gray "... although the world has fought many wars among them, since then, as we know, this will be to others. The grays want to colonize our planet and integrate people with us at the level of their domination, or they said that they would destroy the earth and all its inhabitants.

They have been here for a very long time, they have a military station on the Moon, and they are again supplied with this source, they also received a military base on Mars, now their stars are on their way to our orbit ... this will be the enemy, and now I will talk to you about the stages ... and, as in all stages of the war, it is connected with the movement of troops and material resources from one place to another, we assume they are all ready on the Moon, and Mars - from its native place, which we assume somewhere then in the constellation Andromeda (it is 20% more than the mass of the Milky Way and looks like a spiral for those who does not know, either a big star or a small cloud in the night sky, the galaxy is similar to the Rafiim circle in Israel, it has five main rings and one big center).

These supplies and the people we assume are (some of them) already on the ground in their underground hidden colonies around the world, let me now quickly explain what we must accept: first of all their troops are already raised and trained, and their equipment brought from our home planet to the orbit of our planet - a double first phase, in fact we know that it already exists, therefore the transport process is in the survival stage right now, the next stage transports it on the ground we know that they have ships in underground land , and they can help unaccompanied escort mother ships with equipment, therefore, this transport position is already in place, then ground forces must be taken from orbit through a gravity well to a reasonable gathering place, this may happen at this very moment when I I inform you that this is a cascade stage of any military plan and, of course, them too. Now they will need to hold a briefing and go to the phase of hostilities; this is likely to happen in the following days, and then during this mixed phase, the actual hostilities will be silence in places selected on the world stage. Now the final stage or stage will come, and as the fighting continues, they will have to continue to drop troops, supply them, maintain them from orbit, and ultimately, if the war lasts so long, it will be re-shipped from their home planet. But something tells me that they do not expect it to be that long.

“With this promise at hand, questions arise: can we continue them and spoil their supply route? We know that we cannot fight them on an equal footing.

“We have to figure out the expected duration of their ability to carry out a long campaign, which requires an answer to the question: what do they have on the Moon and Mars that they can use. Currently, our military minds are now looking at their past strategies in interplanetary war, this is a complex and detailed campaign that they represent for us, which we have never encountered before, we are not familiar with their recovery mechanisms, but we will. When we enter the battle, they are mortal and have in their systems a kind of electrical device, such as a beam gun in the palms, which they can activate for one fight, which will be quite limited, I feel and almost thirst for you to death. The transport system with troops and cargo must be dismantled, and discharge zones must be welded and destroyed.

“Currently we can not. We know that transporting carriers carry 8,000 troops, and their cargo ships make up about 180,000 tons of equipment.

Japan: "What can we expect from the first day of war from the enemy?"

Speaker: “Exactly what we are doing, as in the Iraq wars in the 1990s, the invasion fleet will go into orbit, and then it will be bombarded by planetary targets.”

Германия: «Что они уже сделали, чтобы подготовиться к такой бомбардировке ...?»

Спикер: «... они, конечно же, выполнили свою домашнюю работу, мы должны предположить, что они здесь долгое время, и сделали свой сбор разведывательных данных, их деятельность по следованию, в знак признания, я сомневаюсь, что они чувствуют себя неуверенно в обеспечении безопасности планеты в первой массивной быстрой атаке, обеспечивающей планету из Вашингтона, которая является главой змеи, которую они захотят отрезать, и, следовательно, блокировать любые устройства, вооруженные ядерным оружием ».

Франция: «Что тогда?»

Спикер: «Мы будем делать встречную атаку, которую я предполагаю, поскольку они попытаются остановить наши головы планеты от встречи и подготовки, это позволит нам открыть окно, они будут думать, что мы будем в таких криках, мы будем готовы вести переговоры любой ценой ».

Израиль: «Мы, скорее всего, будем использовать самое разрушительное оружие, которое у нас есть, мы, люди, всегда это делаем, и это вызовет реакцию, мы можем надеяться только на то, чтобы заставить нас помочь нам, - разве это не правдоподобно?»

Спикер: «Мы боремся с той войной, о которой мы никогда не говорили раньше, я думаю, что Америка уже придумала некоторые новые стратегии и тактику для освобождения своих людей, но стоимость будет дорогой!»

Америка: «Во время этой дискуссии Соединенные Штаты уже застряли на военной базе противника противника, теперь нам придется ждать предстоящей бомбардировки, и если мы переживем это, нам придется восстановить наши культуры и правительство из подземные города, мы уже подготовились к этому с Англией. Следовательно, будет только одна бомбардировка, им нужно будет вернуться на Марс, чтобы восстановить ».

Письменное. 4-22-2010

 Book of interplanetary life and war -2

 Book of interplanetary life and war -2

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