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 Avoiding Holiday Weight - Proven Strategies That Work for Me Every Year -2

The depressing holiday statistics: the average person gets 6-10 pounds between Halloween and New Year. Before you crawl under the covers, let me assure you that you can do this until January without sabotaging your waist. No magic bullet, you must have determination. Here are some weight loss tips.

Do you have a plan to avoid weight gain

We rarely overdose on purpose, we do it spontaneously. Having a plan of action, a budget, will stop these “impulse purchases” of the pecan pie. It can be difficult to make a good decision in the midst of the moment. Standing on a buffet table, balancing a cocktail, is the wrong time to try to calculate how many calories you have eaten. Alcoholic waits until he is in the bar to decide what to drink? No, this decision is made every day when he wakes up. You need to find such a solution if you avoid increasing the weight of the holiday, which is important to you.

When you encounter a lot of new cycling shorts, you don’t mind spending money if you are sure you have more in the bank, don’t you? The same with your weight. Perhaps the best plan for a plan to not gain weight during the holidays is to lose weight before the holidays. Start the rest season a few pounds lighter to give yourself a pillow for a possible increase in the weight of the rest. What I'm doing now is a strict plan for 10 days, “clean.” I leave the details, because it may not be for everyone, but if you contact me, I will share my strategy. I plan to be 5 pounds lighter for Thanksgiving. After killing a 3-week trip to the Olympic National Park in September, I returned home and ate, as there was not tomorrow in October. Yes, we all slip away. I know that I need to hold it in the kidney before the holiday season. Do you need to do the same? Creating a 10-day plan and feeling that your jeans will be a little weaker can be a great incentive to prevent weight gain during holidays.

Work it out

The moment is also a great motivator. When you move something, it is much easier to keep it moving. This is true. Today, before the holiday season is in full swing - take the exercise. Get your calendar and record your workout for the next 8 weeks. Determine which days you will run / walk, which days - days in the gym, which days - days of rest.

Find a friend to do workouts with you. Make a plan for your first workout, then do your holiday shopping together. Find 5 friends and make it your annual, what we do together to avoid the crazy holiday season schedule. Stay together

Do your best to do a workout in the morning. Studies show that morning simulators usually work more days, especially at this time of year. If you hate this idea, tell yourself that it is not forever, only until January 2. Imagine getting ready for the New Year. You have the choice of what to wear, because no clothes are too tight.

Tonight, before you go to bed, take 5 minutes to pull out the running gear. Or put the DVD in the player, put the couch, fill the bottle with water. Give your subconscious the keys you need to get you out of bed tomorrow. You will be surprised how well it works.

How will I do my workouts and healthy nutrition with all the travels that I make?

Traveling can put a dent in the plans of the most dedicated simulators. You must plan ahead. You need to plan for both healthy nutrition and development. Are you flying to your destination? These days I never get on a plane without food. I take sandwiches from home in containers with a Tupperware sandwich. (containers keep sandwiches from grinding) A bag of cane that you made yourself: walnuts, almonds, raisins, M & Ms. I have a recipe for energy bars and always bring a couple of them. On the way to your relative, stop at the grocery store. Bring your oatmeal, fruit, healthy manches.

If you drive, you're in luck. Pack a cooler so that you are not tempted by junk food. Better yet, stop at the recreation area to eat and walk for 10 minutes. Yes, you will come later, but you will be happier. You see, this is not rocket science, it is simply decisive.

Find a gym near the parental home that offers one day. Bring your running gear. Leaving for a workout or run independently, you will get the necessary space, spending time in close contact with a large number of people. (especially useful if you are with relatives). Sign up for permission of the new year. You can tell the family you are educating, have already paid the entrance fee and should remain in your training schedule.

How do I handle Edna's aunt's parties and cake?

Parties and family gatherings are often hotbeds of temptation for someone who tries not to gain weight for the holidays. The first rule? Do not starve yourself all day. People, this approach simply does not work. First, without eating all day, your body is in a “fast metabolic state.” In other words, it saves energy (your metabolism slowed down). Your body has excellent survival mechanisms and will not grow hair or nails if it thinks it will not have the energy to survive. Thus, it slows down everything during the day, until you eat. Your body balances your lower consumption, saving energy. Then you come to the party, have a drink, find the nacho, and before you know it, you ate 5000 calories from the buffet table.

A much more productive strategy is to calmly eat throughout the day. Fresh fruit, nonfat yogurt, popcorn or whole grain cereal. Use visualization before heading to a party. The first image you eat is just one plate of food. Decide that you are going to choose only some of your favorite foods to enjoy - and that you do not need to eat one of everything. Remember the law of reducing profits. The first few bites give the most satisfaction, so take small portions of your favorite dishes and stay there.

And, fortunately, is not behind the buffet.

If all else fails, tell Aunt Edna that you think you have food allergies and, on the strict order of a doctor, simply cannot eat this pecan pie or cheese. You will feel pretty stupid if someone catches you with a bite. There is a principle of physics that claims to observe something is to change it. Start a food journal today. In the morning it will be painful for you to remember every bite of this cheese magazine. This will give you an accurate picture of what you eat and drink, and how many calories you take. Knowing that you are “keeping the score” can help you restrain yourself at the buffet table.

Speaking of restraint, what about alcohol?

Another key area to increase the weight of the holiday is alcohol, which we drink at parties. Alcohol weakens your stagnation and eliminates, and you discover that you cheerfully polish a speck. Can you make yourself the designated driver? You and a friend take turns so that you do not feel completely deprived.

Grams for grams, alcohol has more calories than carbohydrates and proteins. One beer - 150 calories, one glass of wine - about 100 calories. Eggnog? You really don't want to know. In fact, drinking only one drink per day will add more than 1000 calories per week. During the holiday season only, this means at least 3 extra pounds of fat.

Alcohol metabolizes quite differently than “normal” carbohydrates. It is converted to fatty acids, which have a higher fat storage potential, rather than glucose, like regular carbohydrates. Alcohol puts effective fat burning on hold. The benefits of your early morning fat burning are lost.

Just put people to decide how much you want to come in January wearing your skinny jeans. The axiom, well known in sales, is that it is much easier to convince someone to buy medicine than to buy a preventive measure. These are preventive measures to not gain weight and not to believe, it is easier than trying to lose weight in January.

 Avoiding Holiday Weight - Proven Strategies That Work for Me Every Year -2

 Avoiding Holiday Weight - Proven Strategies That Work for Me Every Year -2

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