There are two types of vacuum cleaners: one is vertical ... and the other type is a cylinder type, also called a container. Both do their jobs effectively ... but both have their advantages and disadvantages. We will discuss the positive and negative sides of both types of cleaning products.
Straight cleaners are usually heavier than their cylindrical counterparts. The maneuverability of vertical cleaning products can be more difficult ... especially in small gaps ... and, of course, on the stairs ... even using special tools for stairs.
Therefore, if weight is a consideration ... you must choose a cylinder-type cleaner. There is some lightweight vertical cleaning agent, but unfortunately, they do not have attached accessories.
However ... vertical cleaners usually have more suction power ... and this is because the engine is closer to the vacuum head than the cylinder cleaner.
Cylinder type cleaning products usually require less effort to use, since engines are usually smaller. You can clean a large area with a vacuum head ... and not move the engine. Most cylinder cleaners have built-in fixtures and will come in handy when replacing clean heads.
The suction power of a vacuum cleaner may depend on a number of factors, but watt is a good indicator of potential power. More watts means more power ... and a good guide for a cylinder chiller is about 1,400 watts and about 1,300 watts for a vertical one.
The next thing to consider is whether you prefer a bag or bag cleaner. Not so long ago, all vacuum cleaners used bags. Only when one manufacturer invented the cleaner without a bag ... then every other manufacturer made its own versions ... which increase their popularity. Unlike vacuum, in which bags are used ... a cleaner without a bag does not lose its suction power, even when its needs are emptied ... thanks to centrifugal force ... which creates suction power.
Bagless cleaning products usually cost more than vacuum cleaners that use bags. Another disadvantage of cleaning products without a bag is when you empty the dust collector ... dust will fly everywhere ... while the vacuum in which the bag is used will completely contain dust ... which is more hygienic.
Of course, there are other types of vacuums that are designed to clean certain areas. For example, vacuum cleaners are lightweight and are used to clean places such as the tops of curtains. Then there are manual cleaners that are used for small cleaning jobs and charged by a wall charger.
Then there are steam cleaners that are used to scrub dirt from clothes ... carpets ... curtains among other things. Steam cleaners are quite easy to use and come in all sizes.
And for small spills ... there are wet and dry cleaning products ... and these cleaning products are highly adaptable. Wet and dry vacuum cleaners work just like regular cleaning products, but they can clean your carpet with water and shampoo.
Therefore, before choosing your next vacuum cleaner, think about what you will use the cleaner for. Do you have a ladder? Is the storage problem? Your budget? Your new vacuum cleaner will be with you for many years ... so choose wisely.