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 30 points how science has changed our lives -2

If we look at life 100 years ago and compare it with today's life, we will notice that science has drastically changed human life. With the advent of the Industrial Revolution in the 18th century, the influence of science on human life quickly changed. Today, science has a unique influence on how we live, mainly due to technology, the use of scientific knowledge for practical purposes.

Some forms of scientific research have changed our lives exclusively. For example, a refrigerator plays an important role in maintaining public health since its invention. The first car, dating from the 1880s, used many advances in physics, mathematics and technology; The first electronic computers appeared in the 1940s thanks to simultaneous advances in electronics, physics, and mathematics. Today we have superfast supercomputers with 100% accuracy.

Science has a strong influence on our lives. It provides the foundation of many modern technologies - tools, materials, technologies and energy sources that facilitate our life and work. The discoveries of scientists also help shape our ideas about ourselves and our place in the universe.

Food technology research has created new ways to preserve and flavor our food. Research in the field of industrial chemistry has created a wide range of plastics and other synthetic materials that have thousands of applications in the home and in industry. Synthetic materials are easily formed into complex shapes and can be used for the manufacture of machines, electrical and automotive parts, scientific, technical and industrial tools, decorative items, containers, packaging materials and many other items.

1: The use of science in everyday life helped us in solving problems related to maintaining health, producing and preserving food, building houses and providing communication and trans portable (transport-related) facilities. With the help of science, we controlled epidemics and many other diseases. We now know that the basic structure of DNA and genetic engineering is conducting research to find out the correct and proper gene therapy to overcome all diseases.

2: Science has changed people and their lives, lifestyle, food habits, sleeping mechanisms, teaching methods, the way people communicate and entertainment. All kinds of music systems, computer games, electronic video games, DVDs, entertainment in cinemas and communications were brought to our door with the help of science. Human life was very different from what it used to be 100 years ago. Science has given ears to the deaf, eyes to the blind and limbs to cripples. Science has an innocent, energetic and productively developed, modified, civilized, strengthened and progressive human life. Science has brought sophistication to human life.

In short, science has changed, improved, improved, modified and improved human life in all respects.

3: Today, with the help of science, we can explain what was strange and mysterious to people of the past. The science of genetics opens new doors for understanding the human gene and cell.

4: Now people have become more critical and less scary than our ancestors and the ancients.

5: Two hundred years ago, child mortality was very high. In those days, seven of the eight children died before the first birthday. Now with the help of vaccines, medications and the life expectancy of the health care system has improved. Now people live longer and safer than 200 years ago. Biochemical studies are responsible for antibiotics and vaccines that protect us from infectious diseases and for a wide range of other drugs used to correct specific health problems. As a result, most people on the planet live longer and healthier than ever before.

6: After that, and at the age of 12, a person became a victim of diseases such as smallpox, measles, whooping cough, scarlet fever and diphtheria. Now Science is overcoming these diseases.

7: At a later stage, there was again the constant threat of yellow fever, malaria, typhoid, cholera, typhoid and flu. Today we have vaccines and medical assistance to deal with these health problems. Further research is being conducted to find out the causes and treatment of these and other diseases.

8: From one person, the disease spread to other people. This is called an epidemic. Now, with the help of vaccines and meditations, we have overcome these diseases. But still, science must do more research and must fight other arenas of disease.

9: Life was uncertain. Rarely, someone saw thirty years, because due to illness, many people died earlier than thirty years. These conditions are expected quite recently.

10: In everyday life, we must communicate with different friends and relatives, with various official people and for general purposes. And many people who can be contacted can be at very far distances. However, time and distance were both conquered by Science. Whether we want to communicate or travel, both quickly, smartly and quickly.

11: Nowadays, children have very little chance of contracting diseases, because childbirth usually takes place in hospitals under the supervision of a team of medical specialists. Science has introduced vaccines for young children to protect them from future diseases of life.

12: Young people are also given medical treatment on time, and these days the man lives about seventy years.

13: Scientific and scientific methods helped find out the cause of the disease and its prevention.

14: Sanitary condition in the past was regrettable. Now we have the best sanitary systems.

15: The streets of the city were unpaved; there was no proper drainage system. Garbage and other failure were seen everywhere. Pigs are seen in the streets. People got water from dirty wells. Filtered mineral water is now available to fight disease. Solid waste management is not a problem now for several days, and city municipal committees are obliged to manage and dump it with the latest machines and equipment.

16: Now all these flaws have disappeared. There is purity all over the world. Do not throw trash on the streets. There is a proper drainage system and new and improved solid waste management practices, as mentioned earlier. There are separate departments that are concerned about the sanitary condition of cities.

17: A century ago, for household purposes, water was transported from wells in buckets. This sometimes proved unfair to human health. Moreover, this was not enough for everyday needs. But now water filters have become commonplace.

18: There is enough water in the cities now. For example, Los Angeles receives water through pipes from the Colorado River, which is 340 miles. This water is supplied to Los Angeles after a proper water filtration process.

19: With the help of science also changes occur in our food. We get varieties of food. In the past, food could not be saved. But now quick freezing methods made possible preservation possible. Thanks to modern technologies, such as dehydration and sterilization, there is no chance of food poisoning. We get all kinds of fruits, meats and vegetables. Even those fruits and vegetables that are out of season.

20: Not only did our eating habits change, but also the improvements in our homes. Vehicles have also undergone significant improvements and changes.

21: Science also changed our attitude. Superstitions were discarded because there is no scientific basis for them. Now people are not afraid of cloudy thunder.

22: Now people no longer believe that illnesses are caused by evil spirits.

23: Astrology and fortune telling lost popularity compared to 100 years ago. Now no one is afraid of black cats, broken mirrors and the number 13. Because science has proven that such fears are not scientific and illogical.

24: Science has changed the old misconceptions of people who are not supported by scientific facts.

25: Research in the field of science and technology made people open and cosmopolitan, because the scientist does not like to travel in rhythm, and he always tries to learn new things, new research, new discoveries and new developments.

26: Science also brought medical equipment that helps save human life. The kidney dialysis machine makes it easier for many people to survive kidney disease, which would have been fatal at one time, and artificial valves will allow coronary heart disease sufferers to return to active life. Since the 1980s, lasers have been used to treat painful kidney stones. Lasers are used when kidney stones do not pass through the body after a few days, it provides quick and low pains to destroy the stone and allow the stones to easily pass through the body. This method is called lithotripsy.

27: Arthroscopic surgery is a fiber optics method for probing complex joints, such as the knee, shoulder, ankle and wrist to assess trauma. This is a minimally invasive surgery to repair a damaged joint; the surgeon examines the joint with the help of "arthroscopy" when repairing through a small incision.

28: 200 years ago, no one even knows that parts of the human body can be replaced or moved. Kidney transplants are now widely used to save lives across the globe. Dr. Christian Bernard first invented the heart transplant method. These days, eye transplantation techniques are used to see this beautiful world again, for those who have lost their eyes. These are all blessings of science.

29: Ultra-high frequency (UHF) waves are coupled for various applications, including television, cell phones, public safety radio, business radio, military aviation communications, military radar, cordless phones, children's monitors, etc. So, if someone watches watching television, talking on a cell phone, police / fire truck / ambulance going to an emergency they are experiencing, or have national airspace protected by military aircraft, they all extract benefit from the science, which allowed the use of UHF waves. Even it is used to treat certain diseases.

30: For communication, we now have fixed wired telephones, mobile wireless telephones, cordless telephones, mobile telephones, cordless, video conferencing, the Internet, broadband Internet, e-mail, social networks, satellite communications and many other ways of communication. These are all blessings of science. Today we are more aware of what is happening around the world through satellite television channels. The benefits and benefits of science for human life are endless.

 30 points how science has changed our lives -2

 30 points how science has changed our lives -2

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