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 The variety of mechanisms of the protoctist movement -2

Generally speaking, cell motility requires the interaction of cytoskeletal and motor proteins that feed on ATP. However, there are exceptions to the rule, for example, phagotrophs use amoeboid movement for feeding. It has a flexible cell surface to expand its cytoplasmic lobules or pseudopodia to absorb food particles in its path. This is an example of organizations that use their predictions for movement and feeding.

plasmodium mucous forms use the movement of ameroids to pass through surfaces.

Flagella is widely distributed among the protoctists. They consist of protein flagellin and are whip-like projections used in various movements. They may resemble corkscrews on time. The movements are caused by motor proteins located at the cellular end of the flagella, where the proteins either attach to the plasma membrane or the outer membrane of the cell wall, depending on the type of organism. Flagella attached to the motor squirrel. ATP nourishes motor proteins. Flagella's driving ability causes organizations to stop and then start in a different direction. The flagellum has a wavelike motion that generates a force in the same direction as the flagellum axis.

Some organizations, for example, Archamoeba (type 1), have flagella, but they are redundant in terms of mobility and use the movement of amoeboid, as described above.

Dinoflagellates (fila 9), have two flagella, located in the grooves in their reinforced cellulose plates, which gives rotation to the body. They are named after the "dinoza", which is Greek for torsion.

Several eugenic algae, although they use their flagella to move through water, when they come out on a dry surface, they contract and expand their body, almost like a squirming movement, showing that they can move differently than using their flagella.

Form of cell mucus Dictyostelium discoideum starts as an amoeba aggregation using amoeboid movement for mobility. Aggregation is divided into separate "slugs", which move by reducing and expanding their bodies, like the movement of slugs. Then each of the slugs turns into a fruit body, fixed by a stem.

Cilia are smaller versions of flagella and are found in large numbers in some species. With some types of flagella or cilia are used for nutrition. For example, if the body is fixed under water, along its stem, the beating of flagella or cilia slowly flows through the body, bringing with it food, which is then digested in the cytosis.

With moving organizations, the flagellum acts like a ship's propellers, they move through the water with the help of a spiral movement, a force strike occurs, followed by a recovery stroke.

Ciliates (type 10) include organizations that move very quickly through water due to the large number of cilia. Cilia is more like oars on a ship with alternating power and recovery punches. The force created is directed in the direction perpendicular to the axes of the cilia, like the paddles of a boat extending outward and at right angles to the boat.

Each cilium creates a net driving force; therefore, while removing all cilia at the same time, there is one big movement force that gives speed and slight disturbance (due to the small size of the cilia) before eating your prey, and then helping the predator.

Ochromonas , chrysophyte (type 21), has two flagella. A small, single-flow flagellum and a large feathery flagellum. Hair, like the threads of a feathered flagellum, increases the surface area and, therefore, increases the amount of driving force it creates.

Some forms (type 7) and actinopods (type 27) use their pseudopodia, like filaments, for swimming, feeding and walking.

Paramecium uses cilia for movement and feeding.


From slow ameroid movement to one flagellum to accelerate movement to several thousand cilia, quickly and quietly feeding the body to unsuspecting prey. All play a role in different organizations. ability to navigate through different environments. Some use forecasts for movement, some use them for feeding, and some use them for both. Even with the movement, there are a number of protoctists who use a variety of movement mechanisms.

 The variety of mechanisms of the protoctist movement -2

 The variety of mechanisms of the protoctist movement -2

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