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 Go green and love it! RECYCLE / Maintain Home Tools and Equipment: Attentive Lifestyle and Recycling -2

*** Green ideas, for health, our trees, employment opportunities and maintenance of household appliances help to live a happier and environmentally conscious life! Go green and love it!

Esteem Green living - Make ADJUSTMENTS; Begin to realize your day-to-day opportunities to repair, restore, improve, reduce, or recycle and maintain less stress and expense for you and your family.

There are universal solutions that can be implemented by each person, which affects humanity in a constructive, enlightening extended form; using natural resources and rethinking our daily practices and habits.

What is in your basket? Recycled packaging or products? Most of our purchases are for products such as meat, fruit, chicken, or fish. How are these animals fed?

If we feed our wildlife sources with natural grass and grain, we, as humanity, will be healthy and nurtured. WE WILL BE INCLUDED ONLY WELL, AND WE FEED OUR ANIMAL BREEDING. If we take care of its water and feed, then in kind it will eat and provide us with our actions of respect and awareness for our OWN lives, life-giving food, matters.

Buying products with green markings and practical environmental friendliness ... What does your basket contain? Is this what you want to buy, buy: or what you want to try? How about incorporating planetary purchases into these efforts? The return benefits all of us, and hires a lot of people!

If we ALL begin to evaluate what and how we buy our goods on a weekly basis; we can keep the atmosphere on our planet for posterity, since we originally inherited a cleaner planet; Our duty is to minimize or slowly eliminate our carbon footprint.

The next generation describes the same kindness and respect for and respect for the condition of the land, its natural habitat, and the ability to grow healthy, high-quality fruits and vegetables. Our cattle also deserve prosperity, as they too play an important role in the food chain for me and for you.

Our oceans and lakes have not been recognized for a long time, they feed us and many animals; serving as part of the natural and cyclical tides of our time on earth and beyond.

We are responsible for restoring or in most cases preventing further damage to the ecological balance of nature. Let them match to save the planet for our offspring. We inherited a livable planet, we must leave them the same inheritance we received.

Suggested approaches to participating in Green Living's visual arts:

  • Trees and natural wood are respected and appreciated; trees have better goals for the planet. I can also add knowledge and prudence to my life and help the planet through learning, reading, banking, paying bills and much of my research, writing, and entertainment on the world wide web.

  • Ink cartridges from home or industrial printers. They can be replenished at the local club Walgreens, Sam & amp; s and the many outlets in which we must take advantage and advantages. This is $ aves money, a refilled cartridge is cheaper than buying a new one. This saves on trash / plastic or industrial trash cans, waste, and also, let us not like it when they have to buy new printers with more expensive ink needs, so recycle your old cartridge, printer and laboratory equipment or PC. also.

  • Acquire and promote the livelihood of local farmers, support the consumption of fresh local fruits and vegetables patronized and carried in hemp or cotton bags that can be washed and recycled for reuse, or a strong basket with a handle made by local artisans. Buying fresh ingredients is also an opportunity to use local cotton producers and artisans who develop packaging made from natural and recycled material. Encourage an employment industry that processes and extends the life of local and seasonal legumes and citrus fruits or vegetables that are native to your area of ​​the country. It is a universal, healthy, economical solution and a profitable solution; Fresh fruits and vegetables are also tastier and have great health benefits.

  • Use recycling boxes that are actually provided to you by your local community for placing your recycled glass, plastics, newspapers, junk mail, or old phone books. I do not understand why the telephone directories are still printed twice a year and are placed on my porch, but I always pass it directly to the waste bin through the box, which is filled and rises Wednesday in my area.

  • It is always wise to donate your time or material benefits to people or agencies that are a guarantee for improving or compensating damage to local citizens. We, American citizens, were always in a difficult position to find a need that we often tend to take ourselves for granted as Americans in our economy and government with a developed mind, stretch our hand, the hand that you provide can return to help you in your time of need or sorrow. Helping other people helps the planet, especially if you plan it and use more ways to condense and preserve raw materials, to use less harmful or toxic products to produce more goods than you need to use.

  • When everyday problems of life arise, always be wise and wise in how, when and where you clean your household laundry. Can you dry clothes? Can you wash large loads? Can you wait until full load before using a washing machine, dryer or dishwasher? Can you wash at night or during off-peak use of electricity in your area of ​​the globe?

  • Immerse and soak the laundry in items that can be found in kitchen cabinets; as our parents did. Soaking and waiting for the loss of dirt and dirt, you actually use less liquid or powdered detergent; clean and deodorize with natural products prior to your wash cycle, that is, the baking soda will soften, whiten and help by adding a fresh smell to your clothes. You can also launder by adding products that use innovations with green inspiration or products based on consciousness. If I'm in a difficult situation, I absorb clothes in baking soda or white vinegar, the same ideas are used for bleaching and deep cleaning. Read the ingredients panel on your liquid laundry or power supplies.

  • Initiate exercise in your daily life. Be the initiator of your lung and muscle health and increase your walking when you are both physically fit and healthy. Always check with your doctor or health care provider before starting any rigorous or unplanned exercises with a greater or different habit or routine. Set goals, sometimes go to charity events, or even retrieve recyclable items that can change you a little, although, most importantly, your neighborhood and local people are clean and free of garbage.

  • Carpool and enjoy music or conversation with a kind, senior citizen. Many of the older people in my neighborhood depend on a neighbor to offer them transportation; accompany you to your local grocery store or bakery. This action is very good for you and for your older neighbor, since shopping is often a tedious and boring event. Next time bring a friend with you to talk and buy with you, saving gas and ozone emissions.

  • When making road trips or business trips, look for a strategy to use less gas and get more orders at the same time. If you want to go to the store or any of your weekly or monthly chores insist on starting your engine only if you have a mental or written list of all the places that will be in the immediate vicinity of your final destination, remember more places with a smaller initial traveling from home, saving time, gas and appreciating the clean air that we all want to breathe from you and me, leaving less exhaust emissions in the atmosphere!

  • Donate, trade, but do not sell your softly worn out clothes to the Women's shelters; when I moved from New Mexico to Lakeland, Florida, I wrote down, knowing which agency would receive all of my furnished furniture, clothes and household goods, and I donated nothing until I knew that the sales would not be implied and provided to people who do not have commercial profits, and who will benefit most from non-state gifts. I confirm that Americans work, and the clothing industry has its place and its value, therefore, the above reasons for donating relate only to the description itself.

  • Open windows, blinds, and doors in the early hours of the day to provide a stream of clean, fresh air; allow air circulation; daylight; and appreciate nature - the free gift of refreshing gusts of wind and the cool seasonal quality of natural air. This act is great for a quick cat. Open your window on the couch or bed, and you will appreciate the good rush of free, clean and healthy air!

  • Replace worn weather, removing windows and doors, clean, update or restore the life of windows and vents, clean your gutters, often replace air filter filters every three months and dry linen.

  • Check all electrical appliances, voltage, replace the bulbs with energy-saving voltage and monitor the consumption of electronics and electronics, turn them off when not in use. Look for places to reduce usage, while maintaining expectations for voltage, power, and power, as well as functionality and maintenance, maintenance, and maintenance are key to product performance and durability. Have you had your iron for 20 years or more? Check how much energy it uses; you can decide that it's time to buy a new one.

  • Prepare canned jars of seasonal fruits, vegetables, pickled vegetables, or olives in your home to consume again when seasonal vegetables, jellies, or home canned foods are not available for seasonal use at a later date and time. Roasted green peppers and chili peppers, freeze and keep cold until you are ready to eat, as a rule, I get the most cravings for peppers when they are not in season; as I look in the freezer to see if I have frozen peppers or cauliflower to add pasta or stews for more flavor and nutrition.

  • Your dishwasher, dryers and their engines must be treated with respect, keeping them cleaner and softer in the process. Green products can help extend the life of your washing machine, as well as improve your clothes. Cleaning the inside of the lint filter for your dryer, as well as cleaning the external filter for shedding after each load of clothes helps to save the life and efficiency of your dryer, saving $$ money. The same rules apply to your electric lawn mower, ever thought about selling it and buying a manual one? We did it, and it worked fine, and it was electric and gas and was paid for itself during the first 4 months of the purchase, it is also less bulky and takes up less space in our garage.

  • Recycling old tires, car batteries, old oil, household paint can be recycled and transferred to another person describing their cars, painting needs, or giving your hazardous materials the proper permissions to dispose of properly, minimizing environmental exposure to toxins.

  • Initiate walking versus driving for short trips. When I taught abroad, one of the schools I taught was 15 blocks both ways; Great for cardiovascular health and reduces emissions of diesel or gasoline vapor from the air. Let your own compass become your guide and increase your walking when and if you see fit.

Thank you in advance for allowing me this forum. May this written information serve you better and become a reminder to me, and you will listen to living a healthier and richer environment and a respectful life for many generations!

*** I enjoy learning from you and others, constantly offering me knowledge

 Go green and love it! RECYCLE / Maintain Home Tools and Equipment: Attentive Lifestyle and Recycling -2

 Go green and love it! RECYCLE / Maintain Home Tools and Equipment: Attentive Lifestyle and Recycling -2

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